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16 dead egrets in the waters of Poyang Lake

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

There have been waves of gulls in the past. Egrets fly in front of cisse mountain. Yesterday I ate hawthorn anti - acid, very hungry feeling.

Now I take a BREAK and look at that poem. It's BREAK,BREAK! Check along while, is for the sudden death of a promising young male students write. His famous poems in memoriam introduce: love is the final law of creation? Nature, red fangs and claws. - doesn't that correspond to the supposed meaning of gulls? Man, egret red teeth. Acid?

Volunteers from the China wildlife protection association found 16 dead spoonbills in poyang lake on December 24. The dead spoonbill, which had a blackened mouth and red mucus in its throat, was suspected to have been poisoned.

There used to be a gull heron. Egret flies in front of Xisai Mountain. Yesterday I ate Hawthorn sour and hungry.

Now I take a leisure look at that poem, it is BREAK, BREAK! After a long time of searching, it was written for the sudden death of a young and promising male classmate. His famous collection of poems, in memoriam, introduces that love is the ultimate law of creation? Nature, red teeth and claws - does not this correspond to the imagined connotation of gull egrets? Man, egret red teeth. Murphic acid?

On December 24, volunteers from the China Wildlife Conservation Association found 16 dead egrets in the waters of Poyang Lake. The dead spoonbill had a black mouth and red mucus in its throat. It was suspected to have been poisoned to death.


现在我休闲看看翻到那首诗,正是BREAK,BREAK!查了半天,是为一个年轻有为的男同学的突然死亡写的。他的著名诗集in memoriam介绍有:爱是创造的最终法则?大自然,红牙利爪,-这不是和想象过的鸥鹭寓意对应吗?男子,白鹭红牙。莫非酸?


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