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A man's breadth of mind

我曾经推测是否男人的胸怀广大,博爱,智慧,不聚焦私利,就会生男孩呢?就如同女子胸怀>男的,弥散范围大,所以就会生女孩嘛! 词汇课上提到英国文明起源的三角城市,第一个是曼彻斯特,想了男人的胸怀。 

  • I once speculated whether a man's breadth of mind, love, wisdom, and not focusing on private interests, will give birth to a boy? As the woman's bosom > male, diffuse scope is big, so can give birth to a girl! The English civilization originated from the triangle city, the first is Manchester, thinking of the man's heart.

  • I once speculated that if a man has a broad mind, fraternity, wisdom, and no focus on self-interest, will he have a boy? Just like a woman's chest> a man, the range of dispersion is large, so a girl will be born! The vocabulary class mentions the triangle city of British civilization origin, the first one is Manchester, thinking of the man's mind.

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