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The violence of rights and wealth

Writer's picture: willerwiller

前两天我学到前缀semi-,查字典看到闪米特人,疑惑这是什么人种?闪很熟悉。英语要勇敢的说,brave打出来后有bra,我不喜欢就换了daring,还像darling。我又看到帖子说山姆大叔是美国人意义,想了姆山,女性也如同山一样伟岸,喜马拉雅山就如此。那个希腊神话欧罗巴细节简直就是在描述牛的另类意义,且和香菱斗花一样。 炸药包,权利与财富的暴力,关在笼子里,案犯长相似德国总理,想到了希特勒屠杀犹太人对应之。刚刚我学习乔布斯演讲,有drop;水滴石穿名言;屋里漏水drop浸坏屋木,水滴镜头-钱就是债,上海水滴诺贝尔会议,nobel,no叛乱-和平。 

The other day I learned the prefix semi- look it up in the dictionary and see the semites and wonder what kind of people this is? Flash is familiar. English should be brave to say, brave after brave dozen out of bra, I did not like to change daring, also like darling. I also saw the post saying uncle Sam is American meaning, thought mu shan, the female also is as big as the mountain, the Himalayas is so. The Greek mythological Europa detail describes the alternative meaning of the cow, as well as the turmeric. Drug shots, power and wealth violence, caged, perpetrators similar to the German chancellor, thought of Hitler's murder of jews in response. I just learned jobs' speech, and I have drop. A little water wears no stone. Water in the house soak wood, water drop lens - money is debt, Shanghai water drop Nobel conference, Nobel, no rebellion - peace.#y

  • The first two days I learned the prefix semi-, look at the dictionary to see the Semites, wondering what kind of race? Flash is very familiar. English should be brave, brave has a bra after playing, I don't like to change daring, but also like darling. I saw the post again saying that Uncle Sam is American. I thought about Mt., and women are as great as mountains. The Himalayas are like this. The details of the Greek mythology Europa are simply describing the alternative meaning of the cow, and it is the same as the fragrant flower. The explosives package, the violence of rights and wealth, was kept in a cage. The case was similar to that of the German Chancellor, and he thought of Hitler’s slaughter of Jews. I just learned Steve Jobs speech, there are drops; water drops stone to wear a famous saying; leaking water in the house drenched the house wood, water droplets lens - money is debt, Shanghai water drop Nobel meeting, nobel, no rebellion - peace.#g

  • [cp]【美国匹兹堡枪击事件已致11人死亡,特朗普发推表达关注】当地时间27日上午,美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡一处犹太教堂发生枪击案。截止到当地时间27日20时,已造成至少11人死亡,6人受伤。枪手与警察交火,2名警察中枪,目前枪手已被抓获。据KDKA报道,被捕嫌犯是一名白人男性。警方发表声明称,事件造成多人死亡,另有三名警员被击中,正在确认教堂内是否仍存在威胁。美国总统特朗普也在第一时间发推表达对事件的关注,推文中特朗普称这是一起“邪恶的反犹太袭击”。(《环球时报》三缺二视频组)@这视频[/cp]

  • [cp] [after the Pittsburgh shooting that killed 11 people in the United States, trump tweeted his concern] a shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday morning. At least 11 people have been killed and six injured as of 20 am local time. Two police officers were shot and the gunman has been captured. The arrested suspect was a white male, according to KDKA. A police statement said multiple people were killed and three other officers were shot, and it was being confirmed whether there was still a threat inside the church. President trump was also quick to express concern about the incident in a tweet in which he described it as an "evil anti-semitic attack." (global times three missing two video group) this video[/cp]

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