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Drops in the sea

往往我的眼泪与急切的分析理智并行,且以保证理智不缺失,怕回想分析起的忘记,就止泪而先记录之。眼泪就让它留在眼睛边吧…… 今天我一直在听乔布斯,第2集,很多个drop out,退学的意思。退学后他的所学书法,与他以后的现实发生连接,让他悟到 自己的生命历程最终可以如此点滴成串。这个公共汽车像有志者事竟成图片那样drop out到海中了,也有点似美国那次火车出轨drop下去,那时看的是韩国书:我也要说一口流利的英语。 今天我一直听到drop out 、 drop in这两个词 ;对tuition、intuition这两个词也有了深刻认识。这个司机也是因为这四个单词吗?汽车转向正对着那个似乎牵狗的人吧?他驾龄24年没出差错,怎么可能因为爆胎而踩错油门什么的而掉入江中?那个红车女子什么职业?那个司机什么孩子情况? 莫非最近坠海的都是一类性质?包括14年的马航?我在哭泣中不明白为什么,如此人类的悲伤浩荡海洋。海上寻溪路,我分析过每一个人如水滴,汇聚一堂,每一个人都是通达广阔的灵魂才对,才能与宇宙合一。从失联马航,到普吉岛沉船,到走飞机歌手坠海,公交车沉江,还有以前的韩国沉船事故,这些都和溺水,教育有关联吗? 注: 我又看到翻译的英文“the sadness of the human ocean”,想到以前确实分析过林黛玉的还泪是和海洋可能来源于眼泪有关联的,但眼泪的现实造物怎么会是如此无边无际的海洋呢?想不通没有再想下去。刚才我为人类的苦难哭的一塌糊涂,才恍然大悟,原来海洋就是自灵魂诞生以来所产生的谬误痴迷等贪嗔痴形成的苦难的总和啊!那么地球海洋这么广阔是眼泪所化就能理解了。也许地球就是炼心的场所,是继续堆积苦难,还是以泪洗心,这是个人类共同的问题…… 

Often my tears go hand in hand with the eager analysis of reason, and to ensure that the reason is not missing, afraid to recall the analysis of the forgetting, and to record it first. Tears let it stay in the eyes... 

I've been listening to Steve jobs today, episode 2, a lot of drop out. After dropping out of school, he learned calligraphy, which connected with his later reality, making him realize Their life course can eventually be like this bit by bit into a string. This bus dropped out of the sea like the picture in where there is a will there is a way. It is also a bit like the train derailment in America. At that time, I read a Korean book: I also want to speak fluent English. 

I've been hearing the words drop out and drop in today. I also have a deep understanding of the two words of instruction and rational. Is this driver also because of these four words? The car turned to the man who seemed to be holding a dog? He has been driving for 24 years without a mistake. How could he fall into the river with a flat tire and the wrong accelerator? What's that woman in the red car? What about the driver's children? 

Are all of the recent drops in the sea of a kind? Including 14 years of Malaysia airlines? I cry in the tears do not understand why, so human grief swells the ocean. Looking for the river road at sea, I have analyzed each person like a drop of water, gathering together, each person is to have access to the vast soul is right, can be united with the universe. From missing Malaysia airlines, to the sinking of phuket island, to the crash of a walking plane singer in the sea, the sinking of a bus, and the sinking of a south Korean ferry, these are related to drowning, education?  

Note: When I saw the translated English "the sadness of the human ocean", I thought about the fact that Lin daiyu's tears were related to the fact that the ocean might be from tears, but how could the actual creation of tears be such a boundless ocean? I couldn't think of it any more. Just now I cried for the suffering of human beings, only suddenly realized that the sea is the sum of the suffering caused by the false obsession and hatred since the birth of the soul. Then the vastness of the earth's oceans could be understood by tears. Perhaps the earth is the place where the heart is tempered, whether to continue piling up suffering, or to wash the heart with tears, which is a common human problem... 

  • Often my tears are in parallel with the eager analytical sensibility, and in order to ensure that the reason is not missing, and I am afraid to recall the forgotten analysis, I will record the tears first. Tears leave it to the eyes... Today I have been listening to Steve Jobs, Episode 2, a lot of drop out, drop out of school. After he dropped out of school, his calligraphy was connected with his future reality, let him realize Your life course can end up in a string. The bus was dropped out into the sea like a picture of a man who had a will, and it was a bit like the American train derailed. It was a Korean book: I also want to speak fluent English. Today I have heard the words drop out and drop in; I have a deep understanding of the words tuition and intuition. Is this driver also because of these four words? The car is turning right at the person who seems to be holding the dog? He hasn’t made a mistake in driving for 24 years. How could he fall into the river because of the puncture and the wrong throttle? What kind of occupation does the red car woman have? What kind of child is the driver? Is it a kind of nature that has recently fallen into the sea? Including 14 years of Malaysia Airlines? I don't understand why in crying, so the sadness of the human ocean. Looking for the river at sea, I analyzed every person, such as water droplets, gathered together, and everyone is able to reach the vast soul and be able to unite with the universe. From Lost Malaysia Airlines, to the shipwreck in Phuket, to the plane singer crashing into the sea, the bus Shenjiang, and the previous South Korean shipwreck accident, are these related to drowning and education? Note: I also saw the translation of the English "the sadness of the human ocean". I thought that the tears of Lin Daiyu were analyzed before, and the tears in the ocean may be related to tears. But how can the real creation of tears be such a boundless ocean? I can't figure it out without thinking about it. Just now, when I was crying for the suffering of mankind, I realized that the ocean is the sum of the greed and suffering formed since the birth of the soul! Then the earth and the ocean are so vast that it can be understood by tears. Maybe the earth is the place to refine the heart, whether to continue to accumulate suffering, or to wash your heart with tears. This is a common problem for mankind...

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