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Writer's picture: willerwiller

The old testament is a common Christian term for the first part of the bible, written in Hebrew. The latter part is called the new testament. The old testament was originally the main jewish scripture tanah, a collection of the literary heritage of the Hebrew nation. It was written from the time Moses (Moses) led the israelites out of Egypt until about 500 years before the birth of Jesus, around 1,000 years before that; Some scholars believe it was written over a period of about 240 years from the time of babylonia's imprisonment until the first century b.c., which was later incorporated into Christianity as the first part of the bible, and much of the Koran in Islam is the same. The old testament parts of the bible are slightly different for different Christian denominations, with the Catholic version admitting 46 books; The orthodox version recognizes 50 volumes; The protestant version of Christianity recognizes 39 books. [1] The old testament is usually divided into four parts: the five books of Moses (the five books of Moses, also known as the law), the book of history, the book of poetry and wisdom, and the book of the prophets. The old testament was written and recorded before the birth of Jesus, and in Christianity it is associated with the new testament portion of the bible. Its main content line is to tell the relationship between god (god) and his people Hebrews (jews) and the story. Later, two of the world's three major religions were directly born from Judaism, Christianity and Islam. With the spread of these two religions, the old testament was translated into the world's languages 

The Old Testament is a common name for Christianity in the first part of the Bible, written in Hebrew. The latter part is called the New Testament. The Old Testament part of the Bible was originally the main Jewish book, Tanah, and a collection of Hebrew national literary heritage. When Moses (Messer) led the Israelites out of Egypt, they began writing until about 500 years before the birth of Jesus. They experienced about 1000 years before and after; some scholars believed that it was from the time of Babylon’s imprisonment until the first century BC. It was written in 240 years and was later included in the first part of the Bible by Christianity. The Qur'an of Islam has much the same content. The Old Testament parts of the Bible recognized by different Christian sects are slightly different. The Catholic version recognizes 46 volumes; the Orthodox version recognizes 50 volumes; and the Protestant version recognizes 39 volumes. [1] The Old Testament is usually classified into four parts: the Torah (the Messer, also known as the Torah), the history book, the poetry wisdom book, and the prophetic book. The Old Testament books were written and compiled into books before the birth of Jesus. In Christianity, they belonged to the New Testament part of the Bible that was born after Jesus was born. Its main content is the relationship between God (Heaven) and His people (Jews) and their stories. Later, from Judaism, two of the world’s three major religions, Christianity and Islam, were born. With the spread of these two religions, the Old Testament was translated into the texts of the world. 

旧约是基督教对《圣经》前一部分的常用称呼,是用希伯来语写成的 。后一部分称为新约。《圣经》旧约部分原是犹太教主要经籍《塔纳赫》,是希伯来民族文学遗产的总集。 从摩西(梅瑟)带领以色列人出埃及时开始撰写,直到耶稣降生前大约500年完成,前后经历1000年左右;有学者认为是由巴比伦被囚时期开始直到公元前一世纪,在此段约240年的时间写成,后来被基督宗教全盘收纳为《圣经》的前一部分,伊斯兰教的《古兰经》很多内容也相同。不同的基督教派别所承认的《圣经》旧约部分略有不同,天主教版本承认46卷;东正教版本承认50卷;基督新教版本承认39卷。[1] 《旧约圣经》通常被分类为摩西五经(梅瑟五经,又称律法书)、历史书、诗歌智慧书和先知书四部分。旧约圣经全在耶稣诞生之前已写成及被辑录成书,在基督教看来与耶稣诞生后成书的《圣经》新约部分相承。 它的内容主线是讲上帝(天主)与其子民希伯来人(犹太人)之间的相互关系及其故事。后来从犹太教直接诞生了世界三大宗教的其中两个宗教,基督教和伊斯兰教,并随这两大宗教的传播,旧约全书被翻译成世界各国文字 

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