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Urumqi,  "beautiful pastures

Location of the Junggar Khanate: Source: Creating memories The first is Urumqi, urumqi, a lot of net texts have written "beautiful pastures", this statement has not been able to test it, it is difficult to explain in Mongolian, but has become an excuse for some people to refute. In fact, there are two or three kinds of Mongolian interpretations in Urumqi. The more reasonable explanation is that urum, that is, milk skin, and urumqi refers to people who make milk skin. It is said that there was a famous grandmother who had a milk skin in Urumqi, and the place name came from it. Personally, because of this direct translation, it may not work well. For the purpose of propaganda, Urumqi is translated into a beautiful pasture. After all, a good farm can produce good milk. Kuitun: Mongolian means "cold". Yili: bright, lightly visible Yining, Gulza: argali Bortala: Grey Grassland Altay: Gold Nalati: Where there is sun Barkol: Tiger feet Regarding the interpretation of Yili, the name Yili is said to have been recorded in the "Han Shu". The history is called Yili, Yili, Yili, etc. At that time, it should be Wusunguo, and the species of Wusun have not yet been determined. , so this is not sure what the language is. But because there is this word in Junggar Mongolian, it has been used like this, so it is also written. Hereby explain. Fruit Ditch: aiyimtai sair Ili area: Zhaosu, mongolkvrai. Mongolian temple. Nilek: young Tangbra: Seal Tacheng - Tal Bahar Taiwan tarebuta "have a drought" Named after Buxel and Buk River, Mount Sail (Sauer Mountain). "And Buick" is Mongolian, which is "sika deer"; "Saier" means horseback, mountain shaped like horseback The name of Changji's “Changji” place name began in the Yuan Dynasty. According to "Xinjiang Tuzhi" contains: "Attendant Ji Yun: "Yuandizhi Appendices" has Yangji Bali... According to: Yang Ji and Changjiyin are close...Mongolian..." From this, "Changji" is transformed from Mongolian "Yangji" Come. Tori is obviously the meaning of "mirror" 5 Amin: Named after the Minmin River. "Emin" is written in the same language as "Ye Mi Li" and "Yi Mu Le". Mongolian means saddle. Hot spring, the original Mongolian language is called arxiyan Jinghe jing (meaning of camel ringtone) Bole bor (direct translation is gray, but the meaning of the place name is old, ancient meaning. Alashankou alaguul in am Huashankou Cocoto Sea Kok toha Qinghe, the Mongolian language "Qinggri", means "beautiful and clear river", Qinghe County is named after it. Subordinate townships (Ayi Shibaobao Township) (Chagan Gule Township). Altay Subordinate townships (Khan Deqite Mongolian Township) under the Red Pier Town (Utu Prague Village) Burqin, in Mongolian, refers to the three-year-old camel as "Boolean" and "Tian" as the grazing. Kazakh called this place "Quikan" (for the confluence) Habahe County, the county is named after the Haba River. Haba, which is Mongolian, means that the riverbed has a large slope and falls more water; One said that "鳑鲏" (that is, five black) fish, refers to a small fish, so the river produces this fish, hence the name. Kazakh can also be interpreted as dense forests. "Western Maps" says: "Oirat - Haba is a small fish name, and the name of the fish is out of the river." Also known as Akzi, it is Kazakh, meaning white sedge; in the past it was 芨芨草滩, hence the name. Wuerhe District is the meaning of the Mongolian language "cover". According to the investigation, there were many wild animals in the past, and the local Mongolian herders used the cover to hunt wild animals, so this area was called "Ulhe". Before 1958, it belonged to a township in the Mongolian Autonomous County of Buxail. In 1958, it was placed in Karamay City and has an office in Urho. The Urhe District was established in February 1982. Subordinate township (Baikouquan, he was translated from the Mongolian "Aodong Brak (Star Spring)", and later evolved into Baikouquan) The “Iwu County” in the Hami area, the current county name is named after the ancient country. One is the ancient Chinese language. The name of the Uyghur Uyghur is “Aga Tuluk”, which means “Tugulik in the middle” or “Tucurbit in the middle”, which is a place name mixed with Uyghur and Mongolian; The area around the seat of Yiwu County is also known as “Tucchini”, which is the change of “Tugulik” (Mongolian, the meaning of the material). Urumqi County Subordinate townships. (Qinggeda Lake Township) (Tori Township) The famous Yamarik Mountain in Urumqi In the Kangkang City of Changji Prefecture, the Yuan belongs to the Eight Miles. It is known as the Waglu Nomadic Land. It is called Dunhuang City or Turner, and because of the Bogda Peak in the territory, it is called Tennag. Qing Emperor Qianlong set up the county forty-one years. Established in 1992. Wusu is Mongolian water. The former full name of Wusu is called "Kurahazhwusu", and the Mongolian language means "black water in the frozen land". Responding to the Kuitun "cold city" next door. In 1942, Brentohai County was changed to Fuhai County. The county is named after the Brento Sea (lake). Ulungu Lake, commonly known as the sea son; also known as the Brento Sea (Mongolian), meaning messy bushes, the lakeside vegetation grows flourishing, hence the name. Bayin Guoyu (rich river) Hejing County: In the twenty-fourth year of Guangxu (AD 1898), it was under the jurisdiction of the government, and it was named “Hetong Sumu” (Mongolian, meaning urban tribe). In April 1939, Hetong County was established, and in September of the same year, it was changed to Jing County. Heshuo County: The name of the Mongolian and Shuo Te tribe, also known as Tewurik (Mongolian, meaning rabbits, more shrubs, hence the name) Bohu County: One name is (Baqi Seleser) and one is called (Baolang Sumu). In 1970, the county was named after the Bosten Lake. "Bosten" Mongolian means standing. Yuli County: In the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, it was called "Robour" (Mongolian, meaning a lake that merged into many waters). In the late Ming Dynasty, it was called "Kunqi" (Uighur, meaning "cobbler", apparently named after the Peacock River passing through the area). Bortala place name: Sailimu Mongolian spelling sarim sar is the meaning of the mountain beam, im is plural, so sarim is a lot of mountain beams. The translation of Sailimu Lake is the meaning of the lake between the mountains and the beams. Etuxel Mountain - Mongolian spelling otugsar otug is the meaning of hometown sar is the mountain beam meaning the mountain beam of the hometown. There is a hot spring called otugsar in arxan. Arshati - Mongolian spelling arxat (arxant) means hot springs Jimsar, Mongolian means “gravel beach river”. Shawan County-Boltong Ancient Township There is a superb ranch antler bay. Former Mongolian people. To the west of him is the Bayingou Ranch in Wusu. 

准噶尔汗国的地理位置: 来源:创造回忆 首先是乌鲁木齐,urumqi,很多网文都写得“优美的牧场”,这种说法从何而来已经无法考证,用蒙古语难以解释,反而成为一些人反驳的借口。 实际上,乌鲁木齐的蒙古语解释有两三种,比较合理的解释是,urum,即奶皮,而urumqi是指做奶皮的人。据说曾经在乌鲁木齐有一位做奶皮的老奶奶很有名,地名便由此而来。 个人猜想,由于直接这么翻译,可能效果不好,为了宣传的需要,将乌鲁木齐译为优美的牧场,毕竟好的牧场才能产好奶。 奎屯:蒙古语意为“冷” 。 伊犁:明亮、光明显达 伊宁,即固尔扎:盘羊 博尔塔拉:灰色的草原 阿勒泰:金子 那拉提:有太阳的地方 巴里坤:老虎脚 关于伊犁的解释,伊犁这个称呼据说在《汉书》中就已记载,史称伊列、伊丽、伊里等名,当时在那里的应该是乌孙国,乌孙的种属还未有定论,所以这是什么语也不能确定。 但是因为准噶尔蒙古语中就有这个词,一直也在这样用,所以也写上了。特此说明。 果子沟:aiyimtai sair 伊犁地区的:昭苏,mongolkvrai .蒙古寺庙。 尼勒克:幼小 唐布拉:印章 塔城——塔尔巴哈台 tarebuta “有旱獭”的意思 和布克塞尔 因和布克河、赛尔山(萨吾尔山)而得名。 “和布克”系蒙语,其为“梅花鹿”; “赛尔”系马背的意思,山形似马背 昌吉 “昌吉”地名的称呼始于元代。据《新疆图志》载: “侍行纪云:《元地志附录》有仰吉八里……按:仰吉与昌吉音近……蒙语……” 以此可知,“昌吉”是由蒙古语“仰吉”转化而来的。 托里 很显然是“镜子”的意思 5 额敏:因额敏河得名。“额敏”为“叶密里”、“也木勒”同音译写,蒙古语意为马鞍 温泉 原蒙古语叫arxiyan 精河 jing (驼铃声的意思) 博乐 bor ( 直接翻译就是灰色的意思,但是地名上的意思旧的, 远古的意思吧。 阿拉山口 alaguul in am 花山口 可可托海 Kok toha 青河,蒙古语“青格里”,意为“美丽清澈的河流”,青河县由此而得名。 下属乡镇 (阿尕什敖包乡) (查干郭勒乡)。 阿勒泰 下属乡镇 (汗德尕特蒙古族乡) 红墩镇下的(乌图布拉格村 ) 布尔津,在蒙古语中,把三岁公骆驼称为“布尔”,“津”则为放牧者之意。 哈萨克称此地为“奎干”(为汇合处之意) 哈巴河县,县因哈巴河而得名。哈巴,系蒙古语,意为河床坡度大,多跌水; 一说意为“鳑鮍”(即五道黑)鱼,指一种小鱼,因此河产此鱼,故名。哈萨克语亦可解释为森林茂密。 《西域图文志》称: “卫拉特语——哈巴为小鱼名,河出此小鱼故名。” 又名阿克齐,是哈萨克语,意为白芨芨草;过去该地是芨芨草滩,故名。 乌尔禾区 是蒙古语“套子”之意。据考查,这里从前草木丛生,有许多野生动物,当地蒙古牧民用下套子的办法来猎取野生动物,所以把这一带叫做“乌尔禾”。1958年前属和布克赛尔蒙古自治县的一个乡,1958年划归克拉玛依市,设有乌尔禾办事处。1982年2月设立乌尔禾区。 下属乡镇(百口泉,他是由蒙古语“傲东布拉克(星星泉)”意译而来,后演变为百口泉 ) 哈密地区“伊吾县”,现在的县名以古国而得名。一说为古代月氏语。 伊吾的维吾尔名称为“阿热吐鲁克”,即“中间的图古力克”或“中间的吐葫芦”,是维吾尔和蒙古语混合的地名; 伊吾县城所在地周围又称“吐葫芦”,即“图古力克”(蒙古语,物之圆者之意)的音变。 乌鲁木齐县 下属乡镇。(青格达湖乡)(托里乡) 著名的乌鲁木齐市雅玛里克山 昌吉州阜康市,元属别失八里,明为瓦剌游牧地,称敦剌城或特纳格尔、 因境内有博格达峰所以叫“特纳格尔”就是腾格日 。清乾隆四十一年置县。1992年设市。 乌苏,为蒙古语水。乌苏以前的全称叫“库拉哈日乌苏”,蒙古语“冰冻之地的黑水”之意。与隔壁的奎屯“冷城”遥相呼应。 1942年改布伦托海县为福海县。县因布伦托海(湖)而得名。 乌伦古湖,俗称大海子;又称布伦托海(蒙古语),意为杂乱的灌木丛,湖边草木生长茂盛杂乱,故名。 巴音郭楞 (富饶的河流) 和静县: 光绪二十四年(公元1898年)归焉耆府管辖,取名“和通苏木”(蒙语,意为城市部落)。 1939年4月设和通县,同年9月改为和靖县。 和硕县: 蒙古和硕特部落名,又名特吾里克(蒙古语,意为兔尔条,地多此灌木,故名) 博湖县: 一个名字叫(巴启色勒启勒图) 还一个称为是(宝浪苏木)。1970年置县,因临博斯腾湖而得名。“博斯腾”蒙古语为站立的意思。 尉犁县:元明时期称“罗布淖尔”(蒙语,意为汇入多水的湖)。明末称“昆其”(维吾尔语,意为“皮匠”,显然因孔雀河流经该地而得名)。 博尔塔拉地名:赛里木 蒙古语拼写sarim sar 是山梁的意思,im 是 复数 所以sarim是好多山梁的意思。 赛里木湖翻译就是山梁之间的湖的意思。 鄂托克赛尔山—— 蒙古语拼写otugsar otug 是故乡的意思 sar是山梁 意思是故乡的山梁。那里有个温泉叫otugsar in arxan。 阿尔夏提—— 蒙古语拼写arxat (arxant) 意思是有温泉的地方 吉木萨尔,蒙古语意为“沙砾滩河”。 沙湾县的—博尔通古乡 那里有个特好的牧场鹿角湾。以前蒙古人特多。他的西边就是乌苏的巴音沟牧场。 

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