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Baikal - 70 degrees frozen 250,000 people

1917 the October revolution broke out in Russia during the first world war. The red army led by the bolsheviks fought fiercely against the white army formed by the opposition and foreign intervention forces. Finally, the red army led by a strong organization won the final victory. After the defeat, the white army and its supporters began to flee. Among the 1.25 million people who fled, the white army numbered about 500,000, while the remaining 750,000 were Russian aristocrats and monks, including women and children.

They took 500 tons of gold and silver left by the romanov dynasty, the last capital of the restoration czar, and fled to Lake Baikal in a wagon with grain. It was an 8,000-kilometer-long migration, with Siberia freezing in the winter, with temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius rapidly reducing the 1.25 million people who fled to 250,000 before reaching irkutsk, the frozen Lake Baikal.

Lake Baikal is 80 kilometers wide and the ice is nearly 5 meters thick. But what the fleeing people did not expect was that Lake Baikal was able to condense ice nearly 5 meters thick, indicating that the temperature had dropped dramatically. But they have no way back, stagnate or fall back, they face death, and they can only move on.

Finally, the remaining 250,000 people went on the road to death, and later in history, this beautiful and rich Lake Baikal added a dangerous symbol!

Back is also dead, only the front is hope. But on the frigid plains of Siberia, they suffered the worst temperatures on record. When a line of people to the middle, and the temperature quickly plunge to minus 70 °, the moment, people fleeing with everything around, all set.

In the air, there was nothing but the howling of the storm, and not a trace of the wailing of the fugitives. It all happened quickly, and 250,000 people were frozen to death on the lake! Ice sculpture!

A few months later, the spring returned to the earth, and after the ice and snow melted, the beautiful Lake Baikal came back to life.

After the October revolution, Lenin approved the Soviet ambassador to China, Alexander callahan, to declare that all the land looted by the czar from China would be returned to China. However, this empty talk sank into the depths of Lake Baikal forever with Stalin's purges. 

In 1917, during the First World War, the October Revolution broke out in Russia. The Red Army led by the Bolsheviks fought fiercely with the White Army formed by the opposition and foreign interference forces. Eventually, the Red Army, with its strong organizational leadership, won the final victory. After the defeat, the White Army and its supporters began to flee. Among the 1.25 million escape teams, the White Army has about 500,000 people, while the remaining 750,000 are nobles and monks of the Russian era, including women and children. Wait.

They took the 500-ton gold and silver treasure left by the Romanov dynasty with the last capital of the restoration of the tsar, pulling the food in a carriage and fleeing towards Lake Baikal. This is a long-distance migration of 8,000 kilometers. Siberia is very cold in winter. The temperature of minus 20 degrees has rapidly reduced the number of 1.25 million people to 250,000. In the end, 250,000 people arrived in Irkutsk. It was in front of the already frozen Lake Baikal.

The Baikal Lake has a width of 80 kilometers and the ice layer has reached a thickness of nearly 5 meters. If people walk up, there is no problem at all. But the fugitive people at the time did not think that Lake Baikal could condense ice layers of nearly 5 meters thick, indicating that the temperature has dropped drastically. But they have no back road, stagnation or retreat, and they are also facing death. In this regard, they can only continue to move forward.

Finally, the remaining 250,000 people set foot on the road to death, and in the later history, added a dangerous symbol to this beautiful and rich Lake Baikal!

Retreating is also a death, only the front is hope. However, on the extremely cold Siberian plains, they encountered the lowest temperature in history; when a pedestrian walked halfway, the temperature quickly dropped to minus 70°, and in a flash, the fleeing people followed everything around them. Solidified.

In the air, only the blizzard is raging, there is no mourning for the people who fled. It was all very fast, and 250,000 people were frozen to death on the lake! Turn into ice sculpture!

A few months later, after returning to the earth in spring, after the ice and snow melted, the beautiful Lake Baikal recovered its vitality. However, the 250,000 bodies were swallowed by the lake and permanently sunk into the bottom of the lake at 1637 meters deep!

After the October Revolution, Lenin had approved the Soviet ambassador to China, Galahan, to announce that all the land plundered by the Tsar from China would be returned to China. However, this empty talk has been sinking into the deepest part of Lake Baikal with the great cleaning movement of Stalin after he took office.

1917年,一战时期,俄国爆发十月革命,布尔什维克领导的红军与反对派和外国干涉势力组成的白军进行了激烈的战斗,最终,有着坚强组织领导的红军获得了最后的胜利。落败后的白军与支持者们开始逃亡,多达125万人的逃亡队伍中,白军约有50万人,而其余75万人则是包括妇女儿童在内的沙俄时代的贵族、僧侣等。 他们带着复辟沙皇的最后资金罗曼诺夫王朝留下的500吨金银财宝,用马车拉着粮食,向着贝加尔湖逃窜。这是一次长达8000公里的长途迁徙,冬季里的西伯利亚严寒逼人,零下20度的气温使得125万逃亡人数迅速缩减至25万人,最终这25万人到达了伊尔库茨克,也就是来到了已经冰封的贝加尔湖面前。 贝加尔湖湖面宽达到了80公里,冰层也达到了近5米的厚度,人若行走上去,完全没有任何问题。可当时的逃亡人民并未想到,贝加尔湖能够凝结近5米厚度的冰层,说明气温已经极具下降。但是他们没有后路,停滞或者后退,面对的也是死亡,对此,也只能继续前行。 终于,这剩余的25万人踏上了死亡之路,也在后来的历史中,给这片美丽而富饶的贝加尔湖增添了一笔危险的符号! 退后也是死,只有前方才是希望。然而,在极寒的西伯利亚平原之上,他们的遇上了史上最低气温的噩耗;当一行人行至半途,气温迅速骤降至零下70°,一瞬间,逃亡的人们随着周围的一切,都凝固了。 在空气中,只有暴风雪在肆虐的呼啸声,没有逃亡人们一丝的哀嚎。这一切都很快,25万人就这样被活活的冻死在湖面上!化为冰雕! 几个月后,春回大地,冰雪消融之后,美丽的贝加尔湖恢复了往日生机,但是,这25万具尸体被湖水吞噬,永久的沉入了1637米深的湖底! 十月革命后,列宁曾经批准苏联驻华大使加拉罕宣布,要将沙皇从中国掠夺的土地全部归还中国。然而,这一句空谈随着斯大林的上台后的大清洗运动,永远沉入了贝加尔湖的最深处。 

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