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Luo Yufeng marriage advertisement

I'm looking for a Husband now, I am the hottest star from China. my name is luoyufeng(罗玉凤), chinese call me fengjie(凤姐), born 1985. I want my Husband very Interested in political and Economic, he would like to Dominate the world。

I want my Husband like this:

1. he must Between 25 to 31 years old。

2. he will Between 5.74 feet to 6.11 feet height。

3. he must never get married, no children。

4. he will graduated from a prestigious world, like Harvard, Yale, MIT, west point, Standford, Oxon and so so。

5. He must has a master's degree。

6. he can't been an Asian。

7. he would better have a house and a car。

I'm born in a poor family in chongqing. when 16, I come to a Inexpensive Normal school which I never liked. I read a lot of books Between 9 to 20. I'm Expert in Poetry and prose. in 2006 when I'm 21, I became a Language teacher. in 2008 when I'm 23, I resigned and come to shanghai for a better future. but I can't get a good job there. there was no way to get more income except publicize myself. so I became the hottest star in china in 2010 when I'm 25. I came to the USA in the same year. Since there is over 300,000 chinese man asked marry me, but none of them suitable。 Notice: 1. I'm only 4.82 feet height, but I used to wear a High-heeled shoes. so I always looked like 5.08 feet。 2. I'm from china which country control Family planning as their basal policy. I will Follow it, so I only want 2 children if get married。 E-mail: Mobile phone: 646-220-8171 MSN: Facebook:

我現在正在尋找一位丈夫,我是中國最炙手可熱的明星。我的名字叫羅玉鳳,中國叫我鳳姐,1985年出生。我希望我的丈夫對政治和經濟非常感興趣,他想統治世界。 我希望我的丈夫這樣: 1.他必須在25至31歲之間。 他將在5.74英尺到6.11英尺之間。 他絕不能結婚,也不能結婚。 他將畢業於一個著名的世界,如哈佛,耶魯,麻省理工學院,西點,斯坦福,奧克森等等。 他必須擁有碩士學位。 他不可能是亞洲人。 他最好有一所房子和一輛汽車。 我出生在重慶一個貧窮的家庭。 16歲的時候,我來到一所我從未喜歡過的廉價師範學校。我在9到20之間讀了很多書。我是詩歌和散文專家。在我21歲的時候,我成了一名語言老師。在我23歲的時候,我辭職並來到上海,共創美好未來。但我在那裡找不到好工作。除了宣傳自己之外,沒有辦法獲得更多的收入。所以當我25歲的時候,我成為2010年中國最炙手可熱的明星。同年我來到了美國。因為有超過30萬中國男人問我嫁給我,但他們都不適合。 注意: 我身高只有4.82英尺,但我以前穿的是高跟鞋。所以我總是看起來像5.08英尺。 我來自中國哪個國家控制計劃生育作為他們的基本政策。我會跟著它,所以如果結婚,我只想要2個孩子。 電子郵件 手機:646-220-8171

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