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Ancient Egyptian creation myths

Ancient Egyptian creation myths are the ancient Egyptian accounts of the creation of the world. The Pyramid Texts, tomb wall decorations and writings, dating back to the Old Kingdom (2780 – 2250 B.C.E) have given us most of our information regarding early Egyptian creation myths. These myths also form the earliest religious compilations in the world.The ancient Egyptians had many creator gods and associated legends. Thus the world or more specifically Egypt was created in diverse ways according to different parts of the country.

In all of these myths, the world was said to have emerged from an infinite, lifeless sea when the sun rose for the first time, in a distant period known as zp tpj (sometimes transcribed as Zep Tepi), "the first occasion".Different myths attributed the creation to different gods: the set of eight primordial deities called the Ogdoad, the self-engendered god Atum and his offspring, the contemplative deity Ptah, and the mysterious, transcendent god Amun. While these differing cosmogonies competed to some extent, in other ways they were complementary, as different aspects of the Egyptian understanding of creation.

The sun rises over the circular mound of creation as goddesses pour out the primeval waters around it


古埃及创世神话是古埃及人对世界创世的记述。古埃及时期(公元前2780 - 2250年)的金字塔文献、墓室壁画和文字为我们提供了关于早期埃及创世神话的大部分信息。这些神话也是世界上最早的宗教汇编。古埃及人有许多创造者、神和相关传说。因此,世界或更具体地说,埃及是根据国家的不同地区以不同的方式创建的。

在所有这些神话中,当太阳第一次升起的时候,世界被认为是从一个无垠的、没有生命的海洋中出现的,那个遥远的时期被称为zp tpj(有时被转录为Zep Tepi),“第一次”。不同的神话把创造归因于不同的神:八种原始神的集合称为Ogdoad,自我产生的神Atum和他的后代,沉思的神Ptah,和神秘的,超然的神Amun。虽然这些不同的宇宙在某种程度上相互竞争,但在其他方面它们是互补的,作为埃及人对创世理解的不同方面。

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Common elements

The different creation myths have some elements in common. They all held that the world had arisen out of the lifeless waters of chaos, called Nu. They also included a pyramid-shaped mound, called the benben, which was the first thing to emerge from the waters. These elements were likely inspired by the flooding of the Nile River each year; the receding floodwaters left fertile soil in their wake, and the Egyptians may have equated this with the emergence of life from the primeval chaos. The imagery of the pyramidal mound derived from the highest mounds of earth emerging as the river receded.

The sun was also closely associated with creation, and it was said to have first risen…

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