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Architecture and creation

Architecture is the art and science of designing structures that organize and enclose space for practical and symbolic purposes.----

Two days ago, I saw the word environment explanation for any related things around you, I think I have a lot of things around, a bit like a shaft of the experience in the article. In the afternoon, I see the example above, and immediately answer in the above concept miao's magic is the problem that how to make - you should see the basic meaning of common, everything is through the idea, method and the combination of raw materials to form, no matter what things, books or language. Now, I saw the king just send pictures is about architectural space and raw materials (images are crystal house), and some idea of various kinds of industry. In the meantime, I just posted a poem about passion and creativity.

Two days ago, I saw that the word environment was interpreted as anything related to you. I imagined that there were many things around me, a bit like the feelings in the axis of the article. In the afternoon, I saw the example above, and immediately used the above concept to answer the question of how the magic of the seedlings was made - you should see the basic meaning of commonality, everything is formed by the ideas, methods and combined raw materials. No matter what it is, books or language. Now, I saw that the picture that the King just sent was about architectural space and raw materials (pictures are crystal houses) and ideas from various industries. At the same time, I just posted a poem about passion and creation.


two days before,I saw circumstance meanig indicted anything that it is surrounding with you,I image those things circling around me. there is a little like the feelings of article about axis. Afternoon, I saw the sentence sample above while I answer Miao the question how do the magic square be make , using above concept--you should see the basic sence that anything was be made through idea,method and raw material composing together,whatever it is things or book or language. Now,I saw king's picture just wrote was about the creative ideas of the architecture space and raw material and every type of industry.meanwhile,I just post the peom of the passion and creat .

两天前,我看到环境一词解释为任何你周围的相关的事物,我想象我周围有很多事物, 有点像轴的文章中的感受。下午,我看到上面的例句,且立即就用上述概念回答苗的魔法是如何制作的问题 - 你应该看到共通的基本意义,任何东西都是通过想法,方法 和组合的原材料来形成的,无论它是什么东西,书籍或语言。现在,我看到国王刚刚发的图片是关于建筑空间和原材料(图片是水晶房子)以及各种行业的创意。同时,我刚刚贴了有关激情和创造的诗。

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