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Business Legend - Walt Disney

Walt Disney: Kingdom of Fairy Tales

He invented the theme park and originated the modern multimedia corporation. For better or worse, his innovations have shaped our world and the way we experience it.

It was long ago converted into a brand name, constantly fussed over, ferociously defended, first by Disney, latterly by his corporate heirs and assigns. Serving as a beacon for parents seeking clean, decent entertainment for their children, the Disney logo - a stylized version of the founder's signature - more generally promises us that anything appearing beneath it will not veer too far from the safe, sound and above all cheerful American mainstream, which it defines as much as serves.




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13 de abr. de 2019

Write an essay within 250 words, stating one of your favorite film producers.



13 de abr. de 2019

These attractions were better than any movie in his eyes. They were better than life, for they offered false but momentarily thrilling experiences in a sterile, totally controllled environment from which dirt, rudeness, mischance (and anything approaching authentic emotion) had been totally eliminated.

Before he was felled by cancer at 65, it was possible to imagine that he was happy.

The boy, envious of the placid small-town life, had become dictator of a land where he could impose his ideals on everyone. The restless, hungry young entrepreneur had achieved undreamed of wealth, power and honor. Asked late in life what he was produdest of, he did not mention smiling children or the promulgation of family values. "The whole damn thing,…


13 de abr. de 2019

Predictably, he became the first Hollywood mogul to embrace television. The show with him as host became not just a profit center but also a promotional engine for all its works.

Disneyland was another bet-the-farm risk, and Disney threw himself obsessively into the park's design, which anticipated many of the best features of modern urban planning, and into the imagineering by which the simulacrums of exotic, even dangerous creatures, places, fantasies could be unthreateningly reproduced.




13 de abr. de 2019

Commercially, this worked out beautifully for him.

Social critics began hectoring him, becasue his work ground off the rough, emotionally instructive edges of the folk - and fairy-tale tradition on which it largely drew, robbing it of "the pulse of life under the skin of events," as one critic put it.

Disney didn't give a mouse's tail about all that. As far as he was concerned, the whole vexing issue of content was solved,and though he enjoyed being a hero to the culturally conservative, he was free to focus on what had always mattered most to him, which was not old pieties but new technologies.





13 de abr. de 2019

But the latter film, rich as it was in unforgettable animation, was also full of banalities. "his prettiness had no core or heart."

Artistically he strove for realism; intellectually, for a bland celebration of tradition.

His insistence on the upbeat also possibly served as an anodyne for the bitterness he felt when an ugly 1941 labor dispute ended his dream of managing his studio on a communitarian basis with himself as its benign patriarch.




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