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Deer firewood and a man's world

After seeing the poem of a man's world, I remembered the imagination of right. As you can see, my original meditative imagination corresponds exactly to this poem from a physical perspective. According to many of the realities that I have confirmed, perhaps the realities are in this order, appearing from meditation to this poem. Could it be simultaneous birth and extinction? But now it's all just a fantasy, a dream in my head. I can only record it truthfully.

After seeing the poem of a man's world, I remembered the right imagination. As you can see, the imagination of my source meditation corresponds exactly to this poem that is understood from a physical perspective. According to many of the realities I have confirmed, perhaps the reality is this order, which comes from meditation to reach this poem. May it be the same life? But now all this is illusory to me, this is the dream in my mind. I can only record it truthfully.

text: I remind of the imagine of the deer firewood after seeing the poem of a man's world. You can see,my imagine of original meditation equel to throughly the poem of body angle.Maybe reality is just the sequence appearing from the meditation to this poem ,according to the many verified reality by me.But now these are all illusionary feeling for me. It is a dream of my mind throughly.I can only describe it as what it be.

在看到一个男人世界的诗后,我想起了对的想象。 你可以看到,我的源头冥想的想象完全对应这首从身体角度来理解的诗。根据我所已经证实的许多现实,也许现实正是这顺序,出现从冥想到这首诗。也可能是同生同灭?但现在这所有的一切对我来说都是虚幻的,这是我脑海中的梦境。我只能如实把它记录下来。

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