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Dunhuang desert snow

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

Dunhuang desert snow sand snow blend as picturesque |

Like a mountain in pictures. Author jia cuo poetry refers to the jinzan xue baochai wallpaper

On November 14th, Dunhuang floated snowflake, and after the snow, the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area, “Su Yan” greeted guests. The crisp camel bells reverberate in the desert, and visitors are surrounded by the millennium silk road. Sand and snow blend, picturesque.

敦煌大漠降雪 沙雪交融如诗如画 | O网页链接

似山有月图片。仓央嘉措诗词壁纸提到薛宝钗 ​​​​


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