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Huge banyan

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

Huge banyan tree has many adventitious roots, as long as banyan adventitious roots in the land, before long, into the land of the adventitious roots can form new trunk, this unique banyan tree growth mechanism, also contributed to the wonders of banyan, though only a tree, but far looked like a forest that flourished in thick. Nature is full of wonders and one of banyan, is a miracle of nature created.

Banyan trees are like this? Long face, eight mouth, eight trigrams, Kowloon to seize the child, grain, grain fengdeng. Video hainan banyan tree as eating inside climbing outside, corresponding to a man's world English poetry artistic conception.


(an Indian fig tree whose branches produce aerial roots that later become accessory trunks. A mature tree may cover several acres in this manner. banyan n. 菩提树;[林] 印度榕树)


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