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I would rather be ashes than dust!

I would rather be ashes than dust! It shows that you would rather do the right thing than the evil thing. You would rather become a lotus flower than a polluted thing. You will fight for the bright future of your own and the cause of future generations, not for the accumulation of dead money to fight without a trace of human spirit.

Face the real world and yourself, no hypocrisy, seek the true truth and benefit all people.

When the victims plunged 20 meters into the ground on the Ethiopian flight, and when the two pilots crashed into a water tower over hainan, they avoided a nearby elementary school. We must be crying at the blue sky and the green grass. They seem to live up to Jack London's creed: I'd rather be ashes than dust!

Yes, we should not waste our time in every second, we should be a shining star in the wide sky instead of a sleeping and permanent planet.


I would rather be ashes than dust! It shows that you would rather do the right thing than the evil thing; you would rather be a lotus flower than a polluted thing. You will strive for the bright future of yourselves and future generations, not for the accumulation of dead money without a trace of human spirit.

Faced with the real world and ourselves, there is no hypocrisy, seeking the true truth and benefiting all people.

When the victims quickly plunged into the ground 20 metres deep on Ethiopian flights, when two pilots crashed into the water tower over Hainan, they avoided the nearby primary school at the same time; we must be crying over the blue sky and green grass. They seem to live up to Jack London's creed: I would rather be ashes than dust!

Yes, we shouldn't waste our time every second. We should be a shining star in the vast sky, not a sleeping and permanent planet.


I would rather be ashes than to be dust!

I would rather be ashes than to be dusty! It shows that you would rather do the right thing and not do evil things; you would rather become a lotus than become a contaminated thing. You will fight for the bright future of yourself and future generations, not for the accumulation of dead money without a trace of humanity.

Facing the real world and yourself, there is no hypocrisy, seeking true truth and benefiting all.

When the victims quickly inserted 20 meters deep on the Ethiopian flight, when the two pilots slammed into the water tower over Hainan, they avoided the nearby elementary school; we must be crying against the blue sky and green grass. They seem to have practiced Jack London's credo: I would rather be ashamed than to be dusty!

Yes, we should not waste our time in every second, we should be a shining star on the vast sky, not a sleeping and permanent planet.

TEXT: I would rather be ashes than dust! It declare that you would rather do the best correct things than that of evil things; you would rather become a lotus than a Tainted something. You will fight for the cause of bright future of youself and generation, not for the Cumulative dead money without a silk of spirit of human.

It face to the authentic of the world and himself, without Hypocritical;To seek the real truth and for the benefit to everyone.

When those victim on Ethiopian's flight fleetly insert into the ground 20 meter deep, when two Pilot in Hainan sky crash onto the water tower while avoiding the Primary school nearby; we must be crying to the blue sky and green grass. They seem practice the credo of Jack London: I would rather be ashes than dust!

Yes, we should not waste our time of life on every second, we should become a lighting star on that vast sky, not than a sleepy and permanent planet.



当那些遇难者在埃塞俄比亚航班上迅速插入20米深的地面时,当两名飞行员在海南上空撞向水塔时,同时避开了附近的小学;我们一定在对着蓝天绿草哭泣。他们似乎践行了杰克•伦敦(Jack London)的信条:我宁愿成为灰烬,也不愿成为尘埃!


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