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Lei jun: the story of xiaomi's innovation

When I founded xiaomi, I wanted to change the whole Chinese manufacturing industry and change the impression of the whole China on domestic products. How to use China's strong manufacturing capacity to make the world's top products and benefit everyone in the world was the dream of xiaomi.

Founded in April 2010, xiaomi is an innovative technology company focusing on the construction of high-end smart phones, Internet TV and smart home ecological chain.

Xiaomi was founded seven years ago. In 2010, it was founded for the simple purpose of how to use Internet thinking and Internet methodology to help China's manufacturing industry transform and upgrade. So we started from scratch seven years ago, with seven or eight guns for a dozen people and 30 million yuan.

Looking back on the past seven years, I think we have achieved a lot today. For example, the mobile phone industry is the most competitive industry in the world. There are apple, samsung, huawei and lenovo. Today, there are only two major mobile phone companies in the world, namely apple and samsung.

After we entered the market, a miracle happened. A very small company beat all the peers at home and abroad in two and a half years, and became the no.1 company in China and the no.3 company in the world. What does that mean? This shows that xiaomi has shocked the world with a series of innovations and has strong penetration.

What are xiaomi's main innovations? In the early stage, many people may be shocked by xiaomi's business model innovation and neglect its core technology innovation as a product company. What has xiaomi innovated? Or how? This past week, for example, the term "full screen" became very popular. In fact, in October last year, xiaomi released the first full-screen concept phone of the mi MIX, which shocked the world after its release.

Last month, the mi MIX won the gold award for the IDEA design. IDEA is one of the world's top three design awards, and only 12 phones have won the gold medal for innovation in its 37-year history. Even for a company like Apple, only the first iPhone has that distinction. This also shows that the global design community has given high recognition to the design of mi MIX. On September 1, the national design museum of Finland announced the collection of the mi MIX. I was shocked by the reason why they collected the mi MIX. The museum says it's because the mi MIX points the way to the future of mobile design, which is the full screen.

The idea came from a discussion among a group of engineers in early 2014. They thought that the mobile phone industry would become more and more boring, and then everyone's mobile phones would become more and more the same. Why is it the same? Because the iPhone was defined in this way ten years ago, the iPhone has dominated the design direction of mobile phones for the whole decade. We're a group of engineers who don't want to do exactly what everybody else does. Start to think about the future of mobile phones will be what direction? Of course, there are many directions for mobile phones in the future. When we discussed, we said that maybe it should be like the mobile phone in science fiction movies, which should be a transparent glass, that is, the front of the mobile phone should be all screens.

At the time of discussion, many people thought it was impossible, because there were too many technical problems to be solved, so at the beginning of 2014, I decided to make a concept phone. There was no timetable and no budget, so we just wanted to have a try. The phone's launch last October sent shockwaves through the world's tech media. This year, we can see that the mi MIX not only indicates the direction of future mobile phones, but actually from this moment on, it is found that almost all companies have issued phones with full screen. Undoubtedly, xiaomi stands at the top of the world mobile phone design and leads the direction of future mobile phone design.

Also, we've worked hard on communications computing. This time, MIX2 has the world's largest band, supporting 226 countries, the largest number of mobile phones in the world, and our engineers have been to nearly 100 countries to do field tests, and they've done extremely well.

Some say xiaomi is China's Apple. In fact, we are definitely not Chinese Apple. I think xiaomi is a mobile phone company, a mobile Internet company and a new retail company.

Xiaomi is a hardware company, making mobile phones and televisions. When I founded xiaomi, I wanted to change the entire Chinese manufacturing industry and change the impression of China on domestic products. How to use China's strong manufacturing capacity to make the world's top products to benefit everyone in the world is my dream of running xiaomi.

Everybody, let's break it down one by one. Do the world's coolest products, the world's best quality products, the world's most beautiful design products, is not a premise, to spend a lot of money, high cost. Our dream is to do the price of honest products, to do the world's top quality, but also sell less than half the price.

Guys, is it possible that you can sell it for half the price at such a high cost? Commercially impossible. How do we make the impossible possible? I think the core problem of Chinese business is that business is inefficient. It means that everything has to go through many layers to sell to consumers, and the price is very high. There may be many Yale alumni here, and the things you buy in the United States may also be made in China. The quality and price are much better than those in China.

In fact, it also makes me wonder that our products made in China have been shipped across the sea to the United States at half or even a third or even a tenth of the price of those made in China. I was thinking, how can you change business efficiency? My question is that only by improving business efficiency can we have the opportunity to improve product quality. I don't think the Chinese lack the spirit of craftsmanship, I don't think we lack the spirit of innovation, and I don't think we can't do things well. After I found this problem, I decided to compress all the process to the maximum extent. After the compression, I spent all the cost on product development and product itself.

When I made xiaomi in the early stage, I mentioned zero advertising budget, almost zero channel budget, cost pricing, and the amount of money for production materials, which is why I have to do hardware research and development and retail. Because of this high efficiency, we quickly crowded out all the copycat phones in China, and in turn forced the domestic phone manufacturers to make progress. If they could not improve the quality, efficiency and design, all the companies would be eliminated.

We started from e-commerce and then went offline to innovate various retail business models. We spend so much money on making products, we spend so much money on controlling and improving the efficiency of selling products, and then a new problem comes out, which is that the company will not make money or even lose money after it is finished. We strictly limit our gross margin, and we want it to be as low as possible. This is different from what the business school said. We hope the lower the gross profit rate, the better. The culture of the whole company is to control greed. I believe people are the same all over the world, as long as you really do well, people will be willing to pay tips. So I don't think it's sustainable for a company not to make money commercially, so we do a whole bunch of Internet services to pay for it.

In addition to the high quality of Chinese products, we believe that design is short version. When I founded the company, two of the eight partners were professional designers, so we attached great importance to design in the early stage. So far, xiaomi has won all three design awards in the world this year. At the beginning of this year, it won the IF gold award in Germany, and later the red dot gold award and the IDEA gold award in Germany. Chinese companies are the only ones to have won three gold MEDALS in a year. In addition to the three golden design awards, we have also won about 150 or 60 industrial design awards.

Xiaomi stresses high cost performance. We believe that e-commerce technology can achieve this effect by doing offline retail and selling the same products offline at the same price. But how? If we can turn the original planned sales volume, say, 100,000 units into 10 million units, and increase it by two orders of magnitude, the research and development cost will become 1% of the original, which is almost negligible. Because the selling price is low, the marketing cost is also very low, the channel sales cost is also very low, and then after large-scale raw material and manufacturing cost is reduced, a positive cycle will be generated. That's what I just told you. Of course, for many elites, it must be a Low price, but it's only because you don't understand that the world is changing fast.

Is this the kind of product that only Chinese people like? In just two or three years, we have ranked among the top five in 12 markets and entered the market of 46 countries. I think people all over the world like it.






















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