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Positive and negative powers of 1 and the fetus and human history

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Yang mi's weibo fans have broken 100 million! It has been nine years since she posted her first microblog on September 2, 2009. This is also after xie na and he jiong, the third micro blog break billion stars!

I see 300 to 400visitors today. Didn't understand. Su dongpo's broken kiln, thought why use broken, stone skin. Yang mi, today I read the book of changes and said that the book of changes is mathematical, thinking of the Nobel Prize for mathematics does not set up, perhaps that is just for the reality of the present world utilitarian scholarship! Mathematics to see results to entrepreneurs can be applied, do not know ahead of hundreds of years! Well, I can only go on being poor.

The new birth certificate will be issued on January 1, 2019, according to the national health and health commission

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Today, I think when the baby was born, you could not see it. It was all doctors. There was no proof that the baby was born to you. Just as that date of birth and departure of a person's birth in meditation, the link of key information words, your child's face can be seen. Now think about it, if the key words are the same as the physiological genes, corresponding to the mother giving birth to children (see physiological genes similar) key words, meditation wifi, as long as a look at the corresponding key words, oh, it is.

So where does the real meditation of a child's birth come from? The genetic representation only proves the reality that the key words correspond to, and only the shining points in his or her life are the real places that correspond to the zen meditation key words. Your existence is your journey. Nothing shines so on in the hopf link ring, copy, or a reproduction ^ n.

Power (mi), refers to the result of the multiplication operation. Nm means to multiply n by m times itself (for cases where m is a positive integer). Think of nm as a power of n to the m, or n to the m. Where n is called the base and m is called the exponent.

In fact, the 0 that be pregnant to 12 weeks, it is fetal the busiest, need accurate job period, small zygote, must undertake division during this paragraph of time, produce the cell of all sorts of different function, develop the main organ such as heart, cerebrum then.

Zygote is not a cell division. But has a strong ability to divide --

Divided into 10 ^ 14 (see a number) will no longer be divided? The zygote divides into mulberries, and then the organs differentiate into seahorses. Right? I just had a flash of light and thought of 1, exponential growth and replication in the future, so exponential negative is splitting, is this not to return to the universe before the womb? That's when you split and you shrink by 1 until you can't get any smaller. If the energy of zen meditation and love is faster than the speed of light, then the fertilized egg is faster than the speed of light, so it keeps splitting back to the past, back to the sperm egg earlier time and space become more subtle, just as the network faster than the earthquake waves can receive earthquake information in advance. It seems that time travel is no problem! If the speed of light of zen meditation exceeds the reality, is this also the case? Time travel breaks down the chain of replication, so as to modify the genes of real people, things, heaven and earth, and finally complete the reference of real keywords?

Faster than light (FTL or superluminality), that is, faster than light traveling in vacuum (299792458m/s). Derived from the relativistic corollary that local objects cannot exceed the speed of light c in vacuum, the speed of light (approximately 300 million m/s in vacuum) becomes the upper limit of speed in many cases. Prior to this, Newtonian mechanics did not limit the speed of superlight. It's impossible to get there unless there are particles that spin more than 5. (because the speed of light exceeds the speed of light)

That is, the speed of consciousness superluminal editing baby genes, sperm speed distribution peak of 36 microns/second, this early run ahead of him like a police speeding car waiting to catch thieves, this speed difference can completely supertemporal layer surrounding the sperm and egg bonding period. What makes the movement of a fertilized egg such a sophisticated human being? It's not going to be our future selves, is it? They're emitting superluminal light, creating people, one after another, easily creating you and me, and then moving out of the billions of years of space-time history. It doesn't really matter to them. Just like an expert painter will make an duct work of everything, so much so that there will be something PRUDUCT like something unexpected. Why should we conform to the trend and follow the push-back plan? Because the future we are waiting for us to meet! We are an era in their eyes like a fertilized egg, after they edit and create us, we constantly split, reach the peak and then continue to grow into the present real world. Our life and death are all in their hearts, and our destiny is to advance towards their purpose, or he will snap you off, because they exceed the speed of light! They control time and space, and we are the children to be conceived, and we have to follow the script.


Yang Mi Weibo fans broke 100 million! She released the first Weibo from September 2, 2009, and it has been 9 years! This is also the star of Xie Na and He Wei, the third Weibo billion!

Today I saw 300-400visitors. I don't know if uv is not. Did not understand. Su Dongpo's broken kiln, I thought why it was broken, stone skin. Yang Mi, today I see that the Yijing is a mathematics. I think that Nobel does not have a mathematics award. Maybe it is only for the utilitarian scholarship that is now realized! Mathematics must see the results to the entrepreneurs can apply, do not know how many hundred years ahead! Oh, I can only continue to be poor.

National Health and Health Commission: The new birth certificate will be activated from January 1, 2019.

=== Today I think when a child is born you can not see, all doctors, and there was no proof that your child is born, the doctor made a mistake how to do? However, as the date of the birth of the character created by Zenith and its existence period, the link of key information words, your child's appearance can still be seen. Now think about it, if the keyword is like a physiological gene, the (physiological) keyword corresponding to the mother's childbearing (see the physiological gene similarity), Zen thinking wifi, as long as the keyword is matched, Austria is it.

So where does the real meditation of the child's birth come from? The genetic representation is only to prove the reality of the keyword correspondence. Only the shining point in her life is the place that really corresponds to the meditation keyword. Your existence is your life history. There is no flash point, and so on in the hopf link ring, replica, or copy ^n.

Power (Chinese Pinyin: mì, phonetic: ㄇㄧˋ, sound with "觅"), refers to the result of the power operation. Nm means that n is multiplied by m times (in the case where m is a positive integer). The result of considering nm as a power is called "n power of n" or "m power of n". Where n is called the "base" and m is called the "index" (written as a superscript).

In fact, 0 to 12 weeks of pregnancy is the most busy period of the fetus, and it requires a precise operation. Small fertilized eggs must be split during this period to produce cells with different functions, and then develop the heart and brain. Main organ.

Fertilized eggs are not cell division, but have strong ability to divide --

Splitting to 10^14 (a number you see) is no longer split? The fertilized egg splits into a mulberry, and then the organ becomes a hippocampus. Just a flash of light comes to mind, and then it is an exponential growth copy. Then the index is negative and it is split. This is not the uterus that returns to the universe before birth. Is it inside? At that time, when the split corresponds to the negative index, it is continuously reduced by 1, until it can no longer be small. If meditation loves energy and exceeds the speed of light, then the fertilized egg is the speed of superluminal speed, so it will continue to split back into the past, and the time and space back to the spermatozoa will become more subtle, just like the speed of the network is faster than the earthquake wave. Receive the same earthquake information in advance. It seems that time and space travel is no problem! If the meditation super-light speed exceeds reality, then is the time and space through the breakdown of the replication link, and then modify the real human things heaven and earth human genes, and finally complete the actual keyword care?

Fast-than-light (FTL or superluminality) is greater than the speed at which light travels in a vacuum (299792458 m/s). It is derived from the inference that the local object cannot exceed the speed of light c in vacuum in the relativity, and the speed of light (about 300 million meters per second in vacuum) becomes the upper limit of the rate in many cases. Prior to this, Newtonian mechanics did not limit the speed of superluminal speed. Unless there are particles with spins above 5 in the world, it is impossible to achieve. (because the speed of light exceeds the speed of light)

--- That is the consciousness of the speed of light to edit the baby gene, the peak speed of sperm distribution is 36 microns / sec, this early run ahead of the police like a police speeding car waiting for the thief, this speed difference can be completely overtime layered surrounded by fine Egg binding period. What makes the fertilized egg movement into such a sophisticated person, not the future person ourselves? They are emitting light of super-light speed, creating people, one after another, making it easy for you and me to create the history of time and space for hundreds of millions of years. This is actually for them. Just like a painting expert painting anything, it's awesome, and there are even more PRODUCT than expected. Why do we have to follow the trend and follow the push chart? Because in the future we are waiting for us to meet! One of our times is like a fertilized egg in their eyes. After they edit and create us, we continue to split and reach the current real world after reaching the peak. Our life and death are all in their hearts. Our destiny is to advance toward their intentions, otherwise he will smash you because they are super-light speed! They control the time and space. We are the children to be bred, and we can only follow the script.







那么孩子出生的真正禅思来源于哪里的?基因表象只是证明关键词对应的现实,只有他她一生中的闪光点才是真正对应禅思关键词的地方。你的存在就是你的人生历程。什么也没有闪光点的依次类推在hopf link环中,复制品,还是复制品^n。





超光速(faster-than-light, FTL或称superluminality),即大于光在真空中传播的速度(299792458m/s)。源自于相对论中于局域物体不可超过真空中光速c的推论限制,光速(真空中大约为3亿米/秒)成为许多场合下速率的上限值。在此之前的牛顿力学并未对超光速的速度作出限制。除非世上存在自旋超过5的粒子,不然是不可能达到的。(因为超光速超越了光速)


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Dec 10, 2018

Shandong yan, 3, jiangsu, bush, cancer thought three mouth mountain is cancer. ROOT, sperm egg, hatching, book of changes fu 5 need. Morning view zygote divides time, see fetal gradually after forming, some did not divide early, some end touch enzymatic what still can divide continuously, stimulative cell grows.

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Shandong 妍 3 years old, Jiangsu, Bush, cancer thinks that three mountains are cancer. ROOT…


Dec 10, 2018

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