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Reasons for the Separation of Power within the Government

Locke's assertion of "separation of powers within government" is based on the idea that society can be constructed in such a way that its functions can be an absolute arbiter, not only of justice but also of truth and knowledge. A just political system must be established to reflect and expand the natural state of the world.

Therefore, according to Locke's three-level knowledge and the fact that government consists of many functional departments, if the government as a whole has the most certain intuitive knowledge, then it will be regarded as a perfect whole, as if there is no need for separation of powers. But power does not belong to intuitive knowledge, but more to the role of energy transfer. This is the reason for the division of power within a perfect government, not to mention imperfect ones.

Once a government relegates itself to the level of argumentative or even perceptual knowledge, this is the fundamental problem of the whole nation. If a government can't solve all the complicated aspects, and a lot of subsequent problems follow, from Locke's point of view, maybe it's time to use the rights of the people to change the government, or even overthrow the unjust government. It may seem like a question of parenting, how you choose or have the ability to nurture "your own future." Otherwise, the natural state of reflecting and magnifying the world would not exist in this nation, which is also harmful to the world.

To sum up, it is a process for human beings to improve their spiritual and material levels, which are inevitably unbalanced in the world. Don't say it is difficult to do, only let your heart and tao harmony, and then immediately step by step to do.


Locke’s claim that “the separation of power within the government” is based on the idea that society can be constructed in such a way that the function of society can become an absolute arbitrator, not just an arbiter of justice, but also a truth. And the arbitrator of knowledge. A just political system must be established to reflect and expand the natural state of the world.

Therefore, according to Locke's three-level knowledge and government consists of many functional departments, if the government as a whole and has the most certain intuitive knowledge, then it will be regarded as a perfect whole, and there seems to be no need for separation of powers. But power is not attributed to intuitive knowledge, but more to the role of energy transmission. This is the reason for the perfect separation of power within the government, not to mention the imperfect governments.

Once a government downgrades itself to the level of argumentative knowledge and even perceptual knowledge, this is the fundamental problem of this entire nation. If a government can't solve complex aspects, many follow-up questions come one after another. From Locke's point of view, perhaps it is time to use the rights of the people to change the government and even overthrow the unjust government. This seems to be a bit like raising a child, how do you choose or have the ability to develop "your own future." Otherwise, the natural state of reflecting and amplifying the world will not exist in this nation, which is also harmful to the world.

In short, this is a process in which human beings improve their spiritual and material levels, and these levels are necessarily unbalanced in the world. Don't say that it's hard to do, just let your heart and the road be in harmony, and then do it step by step.


Locke's idea of "separation of powers within government" is based on the idea that society can be constructed in such a way that the function of society can become an absolute arbitrator, not only a just arbitrator, but also an arbitrator of truth and knowledge. A just political system must be established to reflect and expand the natural state of the world.

Therefore, according to Locke's three-level knowledge and the government composed of many functional departments, if the government as a whole, and has the most positive intuitive knowledge, then it will be regarded as a perfect whole, it seems that there is no need for separation of powers. However, power does not belong to intuitive knowledge, but acts more on the transmission of energy. This is the reason for the perfect separation of powers within the government, not to mention those imperfect governments.

Once a government reduces its rank to the level of argumentative knowledge or even perceptual knowledge, this is the fundamental problem of all countries; if a government can not solve complex aspects, many follow-up problems often arise, perhaps it is time to use people's rights to change the government, or even overthrow the unjust government, from Locke's point of view. It seems to be about raising children, how do you choose or have the ability to nurture your own future? Otherwise, the natural state reflecting and enlarging the world will not exist in the nation, which is harmful to the world.

In short, it is a process of human beings to improve their spiritual and material level, which is inevitably unbalanced in the world. Don't say it's hard to do, just make your heart and Tao harmonious, and then do it step by step.

TEXT: The proposal of "the separation of powers within a government" put forward by Locke is based on the ideas that society can be constructed in such a way that its functioning can become an absolute arbiter, not just of justice but of truth and knowledge. A just political system must be constructed so that it reflects and amplifies the natural state of the world.

So, according to Locke's three level of knowledge and government consist by many sect of function, If government as a whole of the world and owning the intuition knowledge of most certain clear, then it would be seen as a perfect whole seems no neccesiary of seperation of power. But the power is not attribute to the intuition knowledge and more than the role of energy transimition. it is the reason to seperate the power within a perfect government, not mention to those imperfect government.

Once a government grade itself down to the level of the argumentative knowledge or even perceptual knowledge, that is radicle question about all over the nations; if a government cannot solve complex aspect, many subsequent question emerged frequently, perhaps it's time to using the right of a people to change governments or even to overthrow unjust governments, from Locke's opinion. That seems like sort of question about nurturing children, how do you chose or capable of cultiving "your future of yourself". Otherwise, to reflect and amplifie the natural state of the world would not be exist in the nation, and that is harm to the world too.

At a word, that is a process of human improving their spirtual and meterial which level is certain to be unbalanced in the world. Not to say hard to do and only set yourself heart in harmony with the Tao then to do off hand step by step.





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