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Red sun dash forward show

Today read the book said Kepler, and then think of nine planets, whether the earth is the fourth or the third, and then went to see a picture, the red sun is particularly red in the left, the right is the eight planets, feel red is particularly large, especially red, suddenly revealed the feeling. This evening, I went out, and after crossing the road, I suddenly saw the red sun, especially red, and then suddenly came out feeling, and look at the picture of the same feeling. The photo turned white...

Today I read about Kepler, and then I thought about nine planets, whether the earth is the fourth or the third. Then I went to see a picture. The red sun is very red on the left, and the eight planets on the right. I felt that the red is very big, especially red, and suddenly appeared. I went out this evening, and after crossing the street, I suddenly saw the red sun, especially red, and then suddenly felt the same as when I looked at the pictures. The picture turned white.

今天看到书说开普勒,然后想到九大行星,究竟地球是老四还是老三,然后去查看到了一张图片,红日特别红在左侧,右边是八大行星,感觉有红色特别大,特别红,突然显露出来的感觉。今天傍晚出去,过了马路之后,突然看到了红日,特别红,然后突然露出来的感觉,和看图片时的感觉一模一样。拍出来照片变成白色了 ​​​​...

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