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Telepathize to a better world

Telepathize to a better world

I grasp the information from the infinite universe, careful analysis, reasonable deduction, come to a warm and bright conclusion. I record it in the imprint of the invisible world.

A person with a very difficult and complex problem has to decide everything. In the emergency, he got a message from the spirit and made an accurate decision. If you need, you need answers that are universal. Otherwise you will be biased towards your limiting thinking.

As my meditation continues subconsciously, this path looks brighter and clearer to the truth. Then comes true enlightenment! It was wonderful, at the same time the sun appeared from the unknown place, the sun lit up everything for me!

You can be illuminated by this light at the same time. Your feet are stronger, your heart is more confident. Turn the world, change the stars.

I will do good to every one until the true heaven is done in every one's heart.


Telepathy to a Better World

I grasp information from the infinite universe, carefully analyze it, reasonably deduce it, and draw a warm and bright conclusion. I record it in the imprint of the invisible world.

A person with a very difficult and complex problem must decide everything. In an emergency, he got a mental message and made an accurate decision. If you need it, you need a pan-dimensional answer. Otherwise you will be biased towards your limited thinking.

As my meditation continued in the subconscious, the path seemed brighter and clearer to the truth. Then the true enlightenment comes! This is wonderful, and the sun from the unknown place, the sun lit up my everything!

You can be illuminated by this light at the same time. Your feet are stronger and your heart is more confident. Rotate the world and change the stars.

I will sincerely do infinite good deeds to everyone until the real heaven is completed in everyone's heart.


Telepathy goes to the beautiful world

I grasp the information from the infinite universe, carefully analyze it, reasonably interpret it, and draw a warm and bright conclusion. I recorded it in the imprint of the invisible world.

A person with a very difficult and complicated problem must decide everything. In an emergency, he got a message from the mind and mind and made an accurate decision. If you need to, you need to answer the Pan dimension. Otherwise you will be biased towards your limited thinking.

As my meditation continues in the subconscious, this road looks brighter and clearer to the truth. Then the real enlightenment is coming! This is wonderful, and the sun appears from an unknown place, and the sun illuminates everything about me!

You can be illuminated by this light at the same time. Your feet are more stable and your heart is more confident. Rotate the world and change the starry sky.

I want to do infinitely good things for everyone, until the true paradise is done in everyone's heart.

TEXT:Telepathize to a better world

I grasp the information from the infinite universe and analyse them carefully, deduct reasonably, get a passionate and lighting conclusion. I record it in the impression of intangible world.

A man who has a very hard and complex question must decide to all. In the emergency spot he acceived a information from his spirit mind and achieved a exact decision. If you need, you would need the answer of pan-dimension. Otherwise you will partial to your limit mind.

When my meditation continue its process subconscious, the path seem more lighting and clear to the truth. Then the real enlightment fall! It's wonderful, meanwhile the sun emerge from the unknown location and sunshine illuminate me all!

You can be illuminate simultaneously by the light. Your foot more steady and Your heart confidence. To spin the world and change the star sky.

I want do infinite something good to everyone sincerely till the real heaven complete in everyone heart.




当我的冥想在潜意识中继续进行时,这条路看起来更明亮,对真理更清晰。那么真正的启迪就降临了! 这是美妙的,同时太阳从未知的地方出现,阳光照亮了我的一切!



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