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The builders of the Forbidden City

The builders of the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum is famous at home and abroad

Such a large building

Even now it's hard

It is so delicate and delicate

So, such a huge project

Who is in charge of the design and construction?

Read on

In Chinese history, there used to be many famous palaces.

Qin Epang Palace, for example, stopped work before it was fixed.

The weiyang palace, for example, was reduced to ruins.

Another example is the palace of chang 'an in tang dynasty, bianliang in song dynasty and dadu in yuan dynasty.

Only the Ming and qing dynasties of the Forbidden City palace, is still intact, towering stand, scenery infinite! The scale and construction of the Forbidden City is truly a rare miracle in the history of architecture.

As the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, the Palace Museum has been extremely dignified and mysterious for hundreds of years. The imperial palace sits on the central axis of Beijing, where 24 emperors from the Ming and qing dynasties lived, and where many military and national policies were issued over hundreds of years, changing the fate of generations of Chinese people.

There are abundant documents and material objects about the Forbidden City. At that time, the social status of craftsmen was not high. Although there were millions of people in the construction army when it was first built, only a few people left their names. As for the designer, it became a mystery in history. Who is in charge of designing the Forbidden City?

The Forbidden City in Ming dynasty

What a great building!

600 years ago, as a typical wooden structure, the wood was not rotten for hundreds of years.

How did the huge stones weighing over 200 tons get to the capital?

Who do these incredible powers come from?

Although there are abundant documents and materials about the Forbidden City, it is a pity that there is only a lack of information about the architect. At that time, the social status of craftsmen was not high, but only a few names were left. As for who the designer was, it became a historical mystery.

The material was prepared for 11 years

In 1402, zhu di, the king of yan who had been guarding the north, tried his best to seize his nephew emperor jianwen and became the third emperor of the Ming dynasty.

< / p > < p > zhu di soon after his accession to the throne, a wish to revenge for the emperor jianwen doctor king qing dynasty in the court of intent to stab, almost to the life of zhu di. After that, he had nightmares and was not used to the hot and humid weather in nanjing. Hence, a huge project then pulled open prelusive.

Chu sent people across the country to mine valuable wood and stone and then shipped it to Beijing. Preparation alone took 11 years.

Precious nanmu grow in the mountains, people venture into the mountains to pick wood, a lot of people lost their lives. Later generations left "into the mountain a thousand, out of five hundred" to describe the price of life paid by the wood.

It was equally difficult to mine the stone for the palace. Now baohe's biggest piece, danbi stone, weighs more than 200 tons and is mined in fangshan, southwest of Beijing. How did it get to the Forbidden City?

The history books describe the scene when it was transported:

Tens of thousands of laborers dig a well every mile or so on either side of the road, and when the winter months are cold enough, they pour water from the well into an ice channel. It took 28 days to get it to the palace. In addition, but also in suzhou firing for the royal building use of the square brick - brics. Most of these materials were shipped via the grand canal, hence the saying, "first the grand canal, then the city of Beijing".

Yongle 15 years, zhu di began from the south to mobilize a large number of skilled craftsmen, construction, the construction of the palace. The imperial palace was designed and planned in strict accordance with the feudal patriarchal system. The back of the palace group is the neiting, is the emperor family life. "Zuo zu (taimiao) you she (sheji altar)" and the traditional theory of Yin Yang and five elements are also used in the palace building. So who is in charge of designing this magnificent complex?

Quai xiang

According to the most widely circulated theory, the designer of the Forbidden City is a brilliant Ming dynasty craftsman whose surname is quine (" ku xian I "). He was born in hongwu 31 years, died in chenghua 17 years, suzhou wuxian xiangshan people. At that time, there was a xiangshan gang among the craftsmen who came to Beijing. They are often good at carpentry, and there are also outstanding masons, painters, masons, ash masons, sculptors and painters. Kuai xiang is the leader of xiangshan craftsmen.


The emperor calls him quine lu ban.

Kuai xiang is very clever. He can draw a design drawing only by a little calculation while building a palace. Kuai xiang's attainments in architecture are highly appraised. The emperor quine lu ban called it every time. Built in 1420, the Forbidden City was destroyed by lightning only nine months later, and it was not until the reign of emperor zhengyi that the imperial court restored it. It is said that kuai xiang is the figure painted under chengtianmen (equivalent to today's tian 'anmen) in a Ming dynasty palace city map now in the collection of the museum of Chinese history.

Kuai xiang later took over at the ministry of works. In his later years, although he resigned from the government, he was always eager to give advice when people asked him about construction projects. There used to be a kuai assistant minister hutong in Beijing, where he is thought to have lived. Kuai xiang's descendants mostly inherited his skill. Until the late qing dynasty, there was a saying that "all skillful carpenters from jiangnan go out to fragrant hills".

The 2nd kind of view: CAI xin

History is a sea of secrets. There are also some doubts about kuai xiang, the designer of the imperial palace. Yu huoyun, a former senior engineer at the Palace Museum's department of ancient architecture, believes that when the young kuai xiang came to Beijing, the construction of the palace was already in full bloom, making it impossible for the design to begin until then. The real designer is the little-known CAI xin.

Li xiaping, a researcher at the ancient construction department of the Palace Museum, also doubts that kuai xiang was less than 20 years old when the Palace Museum was first built in 1417. Kuai xiang's contribution should be mainly reflected in the orthodox reconstruction work. < / p > < p > yu huoyun mentioned CAI xin, is the south of the zhili wujin, the birth date is now unable to verify, but the folk spread of his participation in the Palace Museum design story.

It is said that at that time, zhu di gave the task of building the palace to the ministry of song dynasty shang li. Build a palace to have a drawing first, song li found CAI xin, let him design. Mr Tsai quickly turned in his answer sheet. Song li looked at the design drawing, very satisfied! The new imperial city moved southward slightly compared with the yuan dynasty. The palace, according to the central axis, zuo zuo right, very neat; Also excavated the south China sea, piled up jingshan. The whole design is square, stable, a symbol of the Ming dynasty.

The third way: Yang qing

Another expert suggested that the Palace Museum's designer should be Yang qing. But he left less information, only know that is a bricklayer, it is said that even the name of Yang qing is given by chu.

Other claims: court officials kept watch over decision-making

Still have a person synthesise above a few kinds of view, think when the imperial palace is built at the beginning, CAI xin, Yang qing had very big effect. Since kuai xiang was young and strong, he participated in the design and construction of nanjing palace and was good at calculation and painting. Therefore, the main design and construction work was completed by him, and his status and role were highlighted.

According to researcher li xiaping, the construction of the palace is still under the control of officials of the imperial court.

The imperial palace is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese palace art, and one of the most magnificent palace complexes in the world. A great number of craftsmen and people made great efforts and even sacrificed countless lives. For us today, the Forbidden City is more like a "collective report performance" of architects hundreds of years ago, which is the embodiment of the collective wisdom of the Chinese nation.

So guys, do you believe in miracles?

Pure handcrafted skilled craftsmen, with their hands to create the miracle of art.

A great number of craftsmen and people made great efforts and even sacrificed countless lives. Perhaps you can hear the words of the poet nishikawa: history records only the great deeds of a few people/the speech of others converses into silence.

We believe in miracles all the time, but we don't believe we are the creator of that miracle.

When we encounter something that feels impossible, we tend to magnify the difficulty in our imagination. So some things, not to act, we have given up to admit defeat. Only those who expect miracles will never happen. Only those who create miracles with their own hands can be truly blessed by god.

Like the builders of the Forbidden City 600 years ago.





















































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