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Today's advertising features

Current advertisements have many incredible features. One of the most impressive is that when you focus on your work or study, it suddenly appears in front of you. For example, it immediately reminds me of the unexpected news of the 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan in such a way. Since then, advertisements like this have often appeared in my world, but they are not the material world that I am interested in.

Other features of advertising today are that there is no centrality in content information or decentralization in form. As our world has entered a higher level of material existence, TV and traditional style advertising have faded out from many people's lives, and advertising has spread in many new media models. This may be because our environment has changed a lot, so advertising has changed his style.

Anyway, I believe that advertising in the future will be more transformative than other traditional industries, because we will usher in a consciousness revolution.


Today advertising features have many incredible features. One of the most impressive is that when you focus on work or study, it suddenly appears in front of you. For example, it immediately reminded me of the breaking news of the magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan in such a way. Since then, ads like this have often appeared in my world, but they are the material world I am not interested in.

Other features of advertising now are that there is no central of content information or formal fragmentation. As our world has entered a higher level of material existence, television and traditional-style advertising have faded from many people undefineds lives, and advertising has spread in many new media models. This may be due to a major change in our environment, so advertising has also changed his style.

In any case, I believe that advertising in the future will be more transformative than other traditional industries, because we will usher in a revolution in consciousness.


Today's advertising features

There are many incredible features of current advertising, and the most impressive one is that when you focus on work or study, it suddenly appears in front of you. For example, it immediately reminds me of the breaking news of the Wenchuan M8.0 earthquake in Sichuan in this way. Since then, advertisements like this have often appeared in my world, but they are not the material world I am interested in.

Other features of advertising today are that there is no centrality in the content information, or the form is decentralized. Since our world has entered a higher level in material existence, television and traditional style advertising has faded from the lives of many people, and advertising has spread in many new media models. This reason may be due to a big change in our environment, so advertising has changed his style.

In any case, I believe that future advertising will be more transformative than other traditional industries, because we will usher in a revolution of consciousness.

TEXT: The current ad has many unbelievable charactertics, the most impressed one is eruptly jumpping out before your eyes when you are concentrating on work or study. For example, by such way, It immediately reminded me a breaking news that 8.0 big earthquake in wenchuan sichuan. From then on, ads like this way are often emerged in my world, however they are not my interesting something of substance world.

Other charactertics about advertising now, is, without center in content information aspect, or Dispersibility of form. Because our world had changed into a higher level in material exist, TV and traditional style ads had faded out from life of many people, so the ads Spread all over in lots of new model of media. This reason maybe derived from our environment bigger changing , so ads also thus transform his style.

Whatever, I believed that the future ads would transform more than other traditional industry, because we will welcome to the consciousness revolution.





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