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"Yanxi Strategy" and "Crown"

The BBC said the ancient canonization of the queen, is not I just see said dong hubei princess? That ji ji crooked lines said because what forgot, and particles of what is about the death of the lecture? Yesterday, I saw the ielts word crown, said to the crow wear a crown 👑, thought of wu's. I have just written an article in English praising the dream of the red chamber as a pious god, and have further concluded and confirmed that the former 12 chai were one person.

On December 24, the BBC wrote an article to introduce the yeonghuxi strategy and compared it with the British hit drama crown. The BBC believes that the success of yeonghuxi strategy is in line with the current feminist trend in China. Unlike most female characters who are weak and obedient, the protagonist wei cancanet does not perform a Cinderella story with wisdom and determination.

It has moments of romantic love, but also plots of hatred, intrigue and poisoning of rivals, and its heroine "is not taught to be tolerant, submissive and vulnerable, as traditional Chinese women are."/

The ancient chasing queen of the BBC said, isn’t Dong E妃 that I just saw? Because the words of the embarrassing are said to have been forgotten, is it related to the death of the particle? I saw the IELTS word crown yesterday, and said to the crow wearing a crown, thinking of Uja. I just wrote articles in English Dream of Red Mansions is a devout praise god, and for the previous 12 hairpin is a person and has further concluded OK.

On December 24th, the BBC wrote an article about "The Raiders" and compared the British "Dragon Crown". The BBC believes that the success of the "Leading Raiders" is in line with China's current feminist trend of thought. The protagonist Wei Wei is not like most women who are weak and obedient. The role, with wisdom and determination to interpret a "Cinderella" story.

It has a fragment of romantic love, but at the same time it has hatred, conspiracy, and poisoning the plot of the opponent. The heroine in the play "is not taught to be tolerant, obedient and show weakness like Chinese traditional women."/

The BBC said that the Queen was the Queen of the Ancient Seal. Isn't that what I just saw about Dong E-fei? What did that jabbering line say because it was forgotten? Was it related to the death of the particle lecture? Yesterday I saw the word crown in IELTS. I said crown to crow and thought of Uyashi. I have just written an English article praising the Dream of Red Mansions as god's devotion, and I have further judgement and confirmation of the former 12 hairpins as a person.

On December 24, the BBC wrote an introduction to "Yanxi Strategy" and compared it with the British hit drama "Crown". The BBC believed that the success of "Yanxi Strategy" was in line with the current feminist trend of thought in China. The protagonist Wei Zhanger, unlike most of the weak and submissive female characters, deduced a story of "Cinderella" with wisdom and determination.

It has fragments of romantic love, but at the same time there are plots of hatred, conspiracy and poisoning of opponents. The heroine in the play "is not taught to be tolerant, submissive and vulnerable like traditional Chinese women".

BBC说的古代追封皇后,不就是我刚看到的说的董鄂妃吗?那个叽叽歪歪的台词说的因为什么忘记了,和粒子什么的正讲课去世的有关么?我昨天看到雅思单词crown,说给乌鸦戴皇冠👑 ,想到乌雅氏。我刚写过英文文章夸赞红楼梦是虔诚god的,且对以前的12钗是一人有了进一步的断定与确定。



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Dec 30, 2018

The British broadcasting corporation (BBC) has launched a whirlwind series of ancient palace dramas titled "the most googled show in the world", according to Taiwanese media. According to the report, the 70-episode series is about "an imaginary power struggle in the emperor qianlong's harem in the 18th century," while the protagonist, wei canuo, is a "smart girl of humble origins" who "manages to rise in the harem and win the emperor's love and respect." According to the BBC, wei has used his wisdom, determination and appropriate ferocity to be crowned the emperor's concubine.

According to the report, 'the yeonghuy strategy' coincides with the rise of feminist drama, in which the protagonist, wei canuo, 'unlike most traditional Chinese female characters, is…

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