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Yin-yang ring three-level intersection and WeChat ransom virus

[full documentary of "WeChat extortion virus" : excuse me, I'm just Yang chaoyue of the virus world]

This encryption algorithm, run once is the effect of encryption. If you run it twice, that is, on top of encrypting it again, the code will be exactly the same as before... Like a coin, flip once to see the back, flip twice or face up... (note that the implementation of inversion, the virus program code to do fine-tuning, white don't try, the consequences at your own risk.)

==== this three-time downloader is like the layer overlay intersection of secondary opposites of hopf link's red, blue and red analysis I wrote in the book of changes. Easy language, the first time I heard, before always wanted to have no Chinese programming. In 170947-1996. Payment code payment, think about how to carry out this collection process? Micro end made a chat room to pull you in, and then someone asked you to scan the code to pay 118 yuan, this is too much trouble, I don't want to waste time chatting.

The whole key words: want to earn money for food with a simple collection code -- purpose content: I ching content teaches people at the age of 30 who are still like children -- procedure method: push-back drawing the three-level superposition of Yin and Yang rings at the intersection of red, blue and red -- corresponding to 1996

["WeChat ransomware" full documentary: I am bothered, I am just a virus surpassing Yang]

 This encryption algorithm, once run, is an encryption effect. If you run it twice, that is, on the basis of encryption, the code will become exactly the same as before encryption..... Just like a coin, flip it over to see the back, turn it twice or face up... ... (Note that if the reverse is implemented, the code of the virus program should be fine-tuned, do not try it, and bear the consequences.)

==== This three-time downloader crosses the layer of the secondary opposite of the red and blue red of the hopf link I wrote. Easy language, the first time I heard that I have always wanted to have no Chinese programming. 170947--1996. Paying the code to pay, think about how to carry out this collection process? Micro-end has made a chat room to pull you in, and then someone asked you to pay the code to pay 118 yuan, this is too much trouble, I don't want to waste time chatting.

The whole keyword: want to make a meal with a simple collection code - purpose content: Yijing content teaches 30 years old and still like children - program method: push the back of the yin and yang ring of the three levels of superimposed red, blue and red ∩ intersection - Corresponding person said 1996



====这个三次下载器像我写的易经分析hopf link的红蓝红那样的次级对立面的层层覆盖交叉。易语言,头一次听说,以前一直想没有汉语编程的。170947--1996年。支付码支付,想了如何进行这个收款过程呢?微端搞了个聊天室拉你进去,然后有人让你扫码付了118元,这个太麻烦,我可不想多浪费时间聊天。


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