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Anaximander:infinite being

Updated: Dec 18, 2018

Anaximander (/æˌnæksɪˈmændər/; Greek: Ἀναξίμανδρος Anaximandros; c. 610 – c. 546 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus,a astronoment. “Our experience consists of appearances.If the appearances are deceiving, if there is an underlying reality beyond appearances that is radically different from things as they appear to us through our senses, then to what degree can we use language---which evolved to describe the appearances--to get at what is beyond mere appearance? That is what Anaximander wondered.”

阿那克西曼德(/æˌnæksɪˈmændər /;希腊:ἈναξίμανδροςAnaximandros;c。610 - c。(公元前546年)是前苏格拉底时代的希腊哲学家,住在米利都,是个天文学家。


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