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Aquinas: Divinity

Writer's picture: willerwiller

In 1244, to his family's horror, he joined the Dominican Order of mendicant (begging) friars who espoused complete poverty and traveled the country spreading the Gospel as living examples of Jesus' teaching. His affluent family, which had expected him to join the Benedictines (a powerful, prestigious order - with great corporate wealth) was appalled; when he wouldn't take their advice, his father locked him up in the castle where he had been born. According to legend, his family offered him all sorts of bribes, including a beautiful prostitute, whose services Aquinas supposedly refused, much to his father's dismay.

In Paris, the Dominicans had fallen under the suspicion of the conservative university authorities because of their "heretical sympathy" with Averroist doctrine that, contrary to Christian doctrine, it is not the human personality as exemplified by the individual soul that is immortal but only the active intellect, which is numerically identical in all sentient beings.

Aquinas helped defend the Dominicans with his Averroist arguments that there were two different sorts of truths, one based on reason and the other based on revelation and that only through revelation could one know the "real" truth. Since Christian dogma was foundationally embedded in views antithetical to Averroes's monopsychism, its truths must supersede the cosmic unity of all mankind as , its truths must supersede the cosmic unity of all mankind as espoused by the internal Aristotelian philosophers of the Averroes school.


在巴黎,多米尼加人被保守的大学当局猜忌,因为他们“异端的认同”阿威罗伊主义教义 ,与基督教教义相反, 永恒的不是由个人灵魂所展示的人的个性,而是在所有有知觉的人身上数量上相同的理性。


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Dec 30, 2018

In this way, Aquinas either advertently or inadvertently managed to appease the conservative critics of philosophy and revive Greek philosophy within the Christian domain. Like his antithesis Averroes, his early work consisted mostly of commentaries on Aristotle. Among his best original writings are De Ente et Essentia, which explores the nature of being and essence, the De Principiis Naturae on the principles and causes of change in nature, and De Unitate Interllectus in which he explicitly argues against the Averroist position that all human beings share one and the same, numerically identical, intellect. His two most important works are the encyclopedic Summa contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica. The latter contains his famous "five proofs" for the existence of God.



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Similarly, instead of simply declaring Averroist monopsychism to be a false heresy, he argued that whether the individual human soul was mortal or immortal could not be settled by reason; one needs revelation to know the truth. Aristotelian arguments against the immortality of the soul according to Aquinas only help make the point that without divine revelation there can be no knowledge. This line of thought pleased church leaders and at the same time, ironically, made the arguments of the philosophers part of the church's "proof" of the need for nonphilosophical ways of knowing truth - not by reason but directly from God, through revelation.



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