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Berkeley :Modern idealists

Writer's picture: willerwiller

Berkeley saw the scientific revolution of his day as the starting symptoms of the decline of the philosophical mind, on its way toward being seduced away from real philosophical inquiry, blinded by its own knowledge to the awe and mystery of existence. According to Berkeley, science and mathematics were both ultimately on par with religion, none of which could dispel the mystery. In his criticism of the calculus of Newton and Leibniz, he wrote, " He who can digest a second or third fluxion ...need not, methinks, be squeamish about any point in divinity".

He was less a Skeptic than, by his own reckoning, a true philosopher who pointed to the hidden holes in the conceptual framework, not for the purpose of destroying knowledge but rather for improving and revising it.



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Jan 04, 2019

What Locke called the "primary qualities" of sensible objects thus have no existence beyond the conscious mind. Each and every property of a sensible object exists only as a sensation within the perception of a conscious being. In Berkeley's view, once we realize the truth about the nature of perception and the inner working of the mind, we will see that "all the choir of heaven and furniture of the earth, in a word, all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world,have not any subsistence without a mind - that their being is to be perceived or know, that, consequently so long as they are not actually perceived by me or do not exist in my mind…


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Berleley's views developed in part as a reaction to Locke. Whereas Locke showed that secondary qualities exist only in the mind, Berkeley pushes the empiricist analysis of ideas to the extreme by arguing that even primary qualities exist only in the mind. Locke's mistake, according to Berkeley, is that he derived the objective existence of extension, hardness, weight, motion, and the other primary qualities of sensible objects through the principle of abstraction. Also according to Berkeley, Locke mistakenly thinks he has an abstract idea of substance and extension-matter - as a something "I know not what" to which the mind adheres the secondary qualities of color, texture, and so on. A closer scrutiny of such notions and careful inspection of…


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Arthur Schopenhauer credited Berleley as being the first to put forth the view that the world is but an idea in the mind. Ernst Mach, inflential physicist and philosopher, claims to have been guided in his criticisms of absolute space, time, and motion by the work of Berkeley, which led him toward laying the foundations for the revolutionary idea in physics that the conscious observer plays a fundamental role in structuring reality. Indeed, Einsteinian relativity as well as conteporary quantum mechanics can be viewed as the ultimate vindication of Berkeley's ideas.

阿瑟·叔本华认为伯利利是第一个提出世界不过是一种思想的人。恩斯特·马赫(Ernst Mach)是一位有影响力的物理学家和哲学家,他声称自己对绝对空间、时间和运动的批评受到了伯克利大学(Berkeley)工作的指导。伯克利大学的工作让他为物理学中的革命性观点奠定了基础,即有意识的观察者在构建现实中扮演着基本角色。事实上,爱因斯坦的相对论和当代的量子力学可以被看作是伯克利思想的最终证明。


Jan 04, 2019

His books having, in his eyes, failed, Berkeley journeyed to the American colonies with the idea of founding a new university in the style of Plato's Academy, where he could be an "educator," not a "re-educator," as he saw himself in England. "The savage Americans," he wrote, "if they are in a state purely natural and unimproved by education, they are also unencumbered with all that rubbish of superstition and prejudice, which is the effect of a wrong one."

Subsequent philosophers, however, have held Berkeley in great esteem. David Hume called his pioneering work on the nature of the mind, particularly his analysis of the complex, bundled nature of our ideas, and the elaborate argument against the existence of abstract…

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