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Business Legend - Stephen Bechtel

Stephen Bechtel : Global Builder

German U-boats were sending Allied merchant ships to the bottom twice as fast as shipyards could build them. The U.S. Maritime Commission, desperately seeking an outfit to build 60 cargo ships for its allies. Stephen Bechtel insisted on getting the order for all 60. "Size can work to your advantage if you think big, you just recognize it and move the decimal point over."

Thinking big was Steve Bechtel's forte. He learned to appreciate scale as the primary manager in the building of Hoover Dam, then the largest public works project in the U.S. history.


德国u型潜艇以造船厂建造速度的两倍将盟军商船击沉海底。美国海事委员会(U.S. Maritime Commission)迫切希望为其盟国建造60艘货船。斯蒂芬·柏克德坚持要得到全部60台的订单。“如果你想得大,你只要认识到它,把小数点移过去,大小就会对你有利。”


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None of that has prevented the company. The company, still family controlled, had 1997 revenues of $11.3 billion; its projects ranging from a transit system in Athens to a semiconductor plant in China. These and others were fruits of Bechtel's forward thinking - decades before the term global economy became a cliche.



Apr 07, 2019

The company Bechtel built was not universally loved. McCone came early in a long line of men who filled high offices alternately in Bechtel and the Federal Government. That led to charges of undue influence - by whom on whom was never quite clear. The company's penchant for secrecy didn't help its reputation either. The Justice Department charged that Bechtel had gone too far to please Arab clients by blacklisting potential subcontractors who dealt with Israel. Bechtel signed a consent decree promising not to join any Arab boycott of Israel.



Apr 07, 2019

After Hoover, Bechtel was convinced he and his outfit had no limits, and he set out to prove it. He ,in addition to its shipyards, built bases and ran plants that modified bombers and rebuilt jeeps. He built a top-secret pipeline through the Canadian wilderness to Alaska, under primitive conditions. The pace left him so fatigued that he briefly retired. But he would not be on the shelf long.



Apr 07, 2019

His father died in 1989, six months short of his 89th birthday. In his prime, he was trim, well tailored and relatively soft voiced, with the ingratiating manner of a salesman.

Bechtel got on the map in a place that was almost off it: Black Canyon, Nev. With the Depression raging in 1931, his father helped organize a consortium called Six Companies to tackle the massive engineering job that became known as Hoover Dam. The consortium bid $49 million and made a profit.

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