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Democritus: Atomistic materialism

Not only does Democritus's name not appear anywhere in Plato's work, Plato makes no mention of the atomic theory. This is especially odd since Plato's star pupil and philosophical successor, Aristotle, wrote knowingly about him. What we do know with some confidence is that Democritus was as prolific a writer as Plato. He had more than fifty books to his credit.

Democritus devoted his entire, century-long life to the formidable task of understanding ourselves and the world. His solution was a synthesis of all that had come before him,inspired on the one hand by the atomic physical theory of Leucippus and, on the other, by Protagoras's representational theory of the mind and the indirect nature of perception. Leucippus had already begun the project of philosophical synthesis by, in effect, giving the Parmenidean properties of being not the whole of existence but only its ultimate, indivisible, eternal units, which he called atoms. The concept of nothing, or nonbeing, became at his school the concept of space. Whereas Parmenides had claimed that reality consists of a single, undifferentiated and indivisible One, which was completely full, Democritus claimed that there were an infinite number of separate, individual,thing-atoms-each one completely full, containing no void (no empty space), and indivisible. So reality consists not of one thing but of two very different things-one which is a thing proper, the atom, and the other which is a nonthing, space. Space, a vacuum, has only the property of extension, so the atoms can freely move about. Their motions give rise to the various constellations of physical objects as well as to the visual objects of our perceptions.



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It was just that the objective world contained both material reality(the physical world) and ideal reality (the ideal world). Thus, the first multiperspectival philosophy was born.

Thus, too, was born a view of the world that has persisted to this day, one in which there is an objective, external, physical reality consisting of atoms in motion through empty space, and the subjective, internal world of perceptions, ideas, and thoughts. According to Democritus, the mental world is to be explained in terms of the mind-independent reality of the physical world. In that regard, he was the first thorough-going materialist: the mind and all its phenomena are ultimately of derivative reality, to be explained the same way that the physical phenomena of…


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Democritus's philosophy thus had a new, multidimensional aspect to it; there is an absolute reality (beyond the perceptions), and this reality is partly responsible for the relative reality that we perceive. He also thought that with a fully developed atomistic theory of matter and the void, he could answer Zeno's objections to the possibility of motion and provide a solution raised by the Parmenidean problem of how to reconcile appearances with ultimate reality so that we could have true knowledge of the world.

德谟克利特的哲学因此有了一个新的多维的方面;有一个绝对的实相(超越知觉),而这个实相对我们知觉的相对实相负有部分责任。他也认为,通过一个完全开发的物质和空间的原子论的理论,他可以回答芝诺对运动可能性的反对,并提出一个解决方案,提出了如何使外表与最终现实相协调的Parmenidean问题,以便我们可以拥有世界的真正的知识 。


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