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Locke: Looking for the Eye of Thought

Writer's picture: willerwiller

Although he became a medical doctor, he turned his full attention to philosophy after reading Descartes's Meditations and seeing how a method that could accommodate the progress being made in the newly emerging sciences might be worked out. Locke fully agreed with Descartes, however, that the mind and our ideas are better and more directly known than physical objects, which are known only indirectly through our ideas.

In many ways, Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a critical response to, and further development of , the views of Descartes, but taken in the opposite direction from that of Leibniz. Locke attacks the idea of innate knowledge, arguing that all ideas in the mind can be accounted for through experience - either via sensation (mental events derived from the outer senses) or reflection (mental events evoked through introspection). He further differentiates simple ideas like red, cold, and salty from complex compound ideas, put together by the mind, which do not correspond to the real world (like fictional objects). He tries to explain the origin of all our ideas by an analysis of complex ideas into simpler ones. In the first book he paves the way for his account of the nature and origin of the mind and our ideas. The second book begins with a criticism of the commonsense distinction between our perceptions and our ideas.



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Jan 03, 2019

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Jan 03, 2019

In this way, Locke constructs one of the most influential political philosophies of all time, in which exactly those propositions usually taken to be most subjective and least certain become the most incontrovertible and best known. What is brewing in such a new and revolutionary philosophy, in part , is the idea that society can be constructed in such a way that its functioning can become an absolute arbiter, not just of justice but of truth and knowledge. A just political system must be constructed so that it reflects and amplifies the natural state of the world. Majority rule, the separation of church and state, the right of a people to change governments, the natural right of a people to…


Jan 03, 2019

For instance, the conection constituted by our understanding between the ideas crime and punishment, such as is expressed by the proposition, "Crime deserves punishment," would be valid even if it were the case that no crimes had ever been committed and none ever punished. In other words, existence is not at all involved in universal propositions: "general knowledge lies only in our own thoughts, and consists barely in the contemplation of our own abstract ideas" and their relations.Therefore the truths of ethics, like the truths of mathematics, are both universal and certain, whereas in the natural sciences single observations and experiments are most certain, but not general, and general propositions are only more or less probable. Both the particular experiments…


Jan 03, 2019

For Locke, the true inner constitution of objects in terms of their primary qualities is completely unknown to us, and we can deduce nothing from them. Moral ideas, however, like mathematical ideas and their relations, are entirely accessible becasue they are the products of our own voluntary operations.They are not copied from things in themselves but are archetypal for reality and need to confirmation whatsoever from experience.



Jan 03, 2019

Both mathematics and ethics, however, belong in the sphere of the demonstrative knowledge of relations. Thus, according to Locke, the principles of ethics are as capable of exact demonstration as those of arithmetic and geometry, although their underlying ideas are more complex, more involved, and hence more exposed to misunderstanding. Furthermore, though lacking the visible symbols of mathematics, these principles should be made explicit through careful and strictly consistent definitions. Moral principles such as "where there is no property there is no injustice," and "no government allows absolute liberty," are as certain as any propositions in Euclid.


注:洛克把知识分为三个等级:直觉的知识、论证的知识、感觉的知识。(这完全与昨天我写的 The conditions under which I think most clearly划分的三个类别(无我直觉、推理判断、联系感知)一样啊!)

直觉的知识,指人的理智不借助别的观念为媒介,单凭直觉的方式而获得的知识。如“没有财产就没有不公义”和“没有政府允许绝对自由”等就属于这种知识。论证的知识是人们借助别的观念为媒介而发现的知识,如 “ crime and punishment ” 关系的例子。感觉的知识是一种对外界特殊事物的知识。它不能超过我们感官当下所感到的事物的存在。


Note: Locke classifies knowledge into…

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