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Marcus Aurelius: Philosopher king

Writer's picture: willerwiller

According to Plato, "philosophers must become kings or kings must become philosophers before the world will have peace." Marcus Aurelius was probably the closest thing to a philosopher king the world has ever known.

He became known as a champion of the poor and of children-especially orphans and brought about many reforms with the idea of improving the condition of slaves. By all accounts he resisted what he saw as the corrupting trappings of power, remaining a sincere and simple human being capable of great kindness but a powerful and resolute leader. As the commander-in-chief of the Roman legions, he also successfully defended Rome against more invasions than any other emperor. He regarded Christians as the most subversive and dangerous elements within the Roman Empire and violently persecuted them. He warned that if Christianity were allowed to corrupt the intellects and souls of the citizens, the entire Roman Empire would fall and be destroyed in the end, not by physical assault from external enemies, but from within, ruined by the mental deterioration of its own people.



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