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Rousseau: People and society

Writer's picture: willerwiller

Instead of a formal education his father gave him a variety of novels along with the works of Plutarch, whose Parallel Lives, an extensive biography of great Greek and Roman figures, tries to elucidate the universal ideas of human greatness through formal comparisons of different individuals paired by similarities of deeds and strengths of character.

They sent him off to boarding school where "we were to learn all the insighnificant trash that has obtained the name of education," as he wrote in his Confessions. He objected so vehemently that they apprenticed him to an engraver, which he despised even more than boarding school, and so he ran away to France where he met an older noblewoman, who virtually adopted him and eventually became his lover.

Warens tried to have young Rousseau formally educated at various institutions. He converted from orthodox Calvinism to Catholicism.




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