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Spinoza: philosophers' philosopher

He attended the local school for Jewish boys where at a young age he had already begun arguing with his classmates and teachers, telling them that the Bible offered no reason for believing in angels or the immortality of the soul and that its authors were as ignorant about physics as they were about theology.

He started a philosophy club for the study of religious and philosophical problems and supported himself mainly by grinding and polishing lenses. Privately, he worked to develop his vast metaphysical system that subsequently came to deeply influence many philosophers.

Spinoza published his Treatise on Theology and Politics; Christian theologians banned it, calling it a work "forged in Hell by a renegade Jew and the devil".He thus has the distinction of being banned by both Christian and Jewish theologians.




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Jan 02, 2019

Therefore, in Spinoza's metaphysics there can be no plurality of substances, but only one, infinite substance. This is the centerpiece of his system of thought. Material and spiritual being form but two sides of one and the same world: particular extended beings and particular thinking beings are but the ephemeral and transitory states of the eternal, unified world-being, its modes. All multiplicity, the apparent self-substance of particular objects, free will, and evolution are but illusions.



Jan 02, 2019

Body and mind do not need to act on each other because they are not two things but one thing. What explains the apparent duality, according to Spinoza, is that when the one universal substance (reality) is viewed from the perspective of its attribute of extension, it becomes body, whereas when it is viewed from the perspective of its attribute of thought, it becomes mind. It is impossible for two real substances to affect each other because by having influence on each other, indeed, by their very duality, they would lose their independence and therefore their substantiality as such.



Jan 02, 2019

Descartes wrote: "By substance, we can conceive nothing else than a thing which exists in such a way as to stand in need of nothing beyond itself". Yet even though he is typically regarded as a substance dualist, the monistic (one substance) view of Spinoza was already anticipated when Descartes said that "And in truth, there can be conceived but one substance which is absolutely independent, and that is God," which he equated with "infinite substance". Descartes's mistake - a deep and fundamental contradiction in the Cartesian system, according to Spinoza - was to distinguish between infinite and finite substances. The body - corporeal substance - is finite, whereas the mind - incorporeal substance - is infinite. Spinoza tooke the…


Jan 02, 2019

Starting with Descartes's logical presuppositions, Spinoza built an essentially Cartesian metaphysics into a geometric method even more rigorous than Descartes's; indeed, it is the technical precision of his Ethics that led many to refer to him as "the philosophers' philosopher". According to Spinoza, absolutely everything is knowable with perfect certainty through reason. Through its pure concepts (that is, unfiltered by experience) and intuitions, the intellect can grasp the entire world. The human mind is epistemologically omnipotent.


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