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The thirty-eighth day Overshot 第三十八天 射覆



秋蓝又在射覆:实话说我什么也看不到,只能远处捻来一个水晶球比对一下了。要求描述,我无可描述,极微极大呼应。前有薄而大,括囊,刘姥姥带新鲜果蔬,猜网兜。文件袋。包装袋。没猜对又接着猜:雪里抽柴。火柴。 芦雪庵吃鹿肉。卤肉。 梅花鹿,宝玉栊翠庵取梅花。花枝条。——射覆人回答枝条比喻对了,原来射覆的是一个可以扣紧的塑料细套圈。秋蓝看图片不知道是什么,便识图,一开始识图很多电线,再缩小才查到是子母扣奇怪的名字,又试了一下看到一样的图,原来是扎带 。这几天都有见到过:科技馆一面墙都是绳子的结绳方法;看到陀螺那根转动长条很多凹陷纹路,想到可能就是这些如同齿轮样的才让陀螺不停的转,可是为什么这不长的齿轮能够让陀螺转那么久呢?又看到梳理头发用的圈套下面有长柄,感觉很特别(原来和射覆样子一样);面包捆绑用的细金线嫌麻烦,后来买的一种是直接铁皮按一下就好了感觉方便。后来秋蓝看到西安发生了母子被电的悲剧甚是不解。











w中m中m中w 21楼7-31 21:25










可怕!天空惊现上帝之眼!它在监视整个世界! 前半个月秋蓝讨论过专与全的问题,说的自己要思想自由,要是全视之眼,而不是局域于仅仅射覆一隅。射覆过程中发现自己的思维经常是随意在思维的过程中扫描有感应的聚焦点,及其关联的一切来猜射覆答案,过两天看到眼睛,想到了眼睛也是扫描仪器,看到我们想看的一切。

秋蓝自生灭图引申虚实时间,由宇宙简史之组合思维勾画了上图:之所以我们只记得过去(阴),是因为我们对未来(阳)不能认知,之所以如此是我们对初始不能认知。由此感知到那个大爆炸奇点1’/0而无法解释其大爆炸前的创造,而同时对无序的极点(1)时的平行世界新生阳(2’)的创造亦无能为力,因其是叠加态量子隧穿等不同于经典态的,它如同黑洞,把之前所有的以及未来可能的阴阳态都重新排列了。宇宙简史的疑问确实可以从易经,傅禅友的万物一理中得到启示。此图即是依据波粒意识、生灭图、宇宙简史概念重新组合的思维形态。所以,毁灭与创造是息息相关的,很多人希望渐进式不让心情太大起伏,而对于波性意识来说,根本就是翻天覆地之新生之知觉,因此圣人有说百姓日用而不知。秋蓝下午画完此虚实时间的草图,两个波粒之间的夹缝线条感觉奇怪。再看微博就是这么更加奇怪的事情了:熊孩子被卡墙缝中哭天喊地 消防员拿小锤子凿墙救人。



热搜广西柳州国家森林公园建造森林城市+ 热搜周冬雨视频致橡树,根连在一起,叶互相致意印象深刻 ☞秋蓝看到伊春两棵树根相连的微博后如是分析。秋蓝还奇怪为什么周冬雨春风十里不如你#心疼小红#一个人读《致橡树》这个热搜,进而惹出了伊春连根树。想了想,原来昨天说了小红,还看到小黄鸭气球被风扇吹的摇晃。小黄鸭对应隐含周冬雨。小红可能是因四个存钱罐两个大红的两个粉红小红的?忘记了,只是说标题有小红感觉很奇怪,不是前几天红楼梦的贾芸小红吗?今天才知道这个电视她叫小红,电视内容还有致橡树,霸王别姬,霍乱时期的爱情啊!这么熟悉都看过的,这是依据哪个小说呢?




这奇门遁甲似乎就是倚移門遁甲铠甲柬纳蘭,做隐士卸甲归田之意,红楼梦的大观园题匾有归园田居稻香村一幕。亦有秦可卿立可門内炖甲之敢把皇帝拉下马意味。书中也有隐喻忘八王八缩头乌龟之处处体现。三藏道:“我记起来了,东岸边原有个陈家庄。那年到此,亏你救了他儿女,深感我们,要造船相送,幸白鼋伏渡。我记得西岸上,四无人烟,这番如何是好?”白鼋,白色的大鳖。《楚辞·九歌·河伯》:“乘白鼋兮逐文鱼,与女游兮河之渚。” 王逸 注:“大鳖为鼋,鱼属也。”。



宋 · 黄庭坚




碧螺春,“洞庭碧螺春”,又称碧螺春为“功夫茶”、“新血茶”,别称碧萝春,佛动心。相传有一尼姑上山游春,顺手摘了几片茶叶,泡茶后奇香扑鼻,脱口而道“香得吓煞人”,由此当地人便将此茶叫“吓煞人香”。到了清代康熙年间,康熙皇帝视察时品尝了这种汤色碧绿、卷曲如螺的名茶,倍加赞赏,但觉得“吓煞人香”其名不雅,于是题名“碧螺春”。明代《茶解》中所说:“茶园不宜杂以恶木,唯桂、梅、辛夷、 玉兰、玫瑰、 苍松、翠竹之类与之间植,亦足以蔽覆霜雪,掩映秋阳” 。也许红楼梦的绛珠仙草和碧螺春有联系,且此词中的只恐花深里~极似史湘云醉卧芍药和秦可卿卧室中出现的诗句:只恐夜深花睡去……

鳌是古代传说中海里的大龟或大鳖。于是女娲炼五色石以补苍天,断鳌足以立四极,又有传说东海中有巨鳌驮着的三座仙山:蓬莱,方丈,瀛洲。——《淮南子·览里》。一种说法是龟头鲤鱼尾的鱼龙;另一种说法是海里的大龟;还有一种说法是龙之九子的老大,相传“龙生九子,鳌占头”,为龙头,龟身,麒麟尾。——鳌拜。红楼梦中黛玉灯谜: 騄駬何劳缚紫绳?驰城逐堑势狰狞。主人指示风雷动,鳌背三山独立名。九子,康熙九龙夺嫡。康熙长子即是5.3日去世的赫舍里的儿子,生日即是5.3日。

秋蓝射覆红辣椒时,猜的是桥边怪石旁边的树木上结的红豆。辣椒别称: 辣子、 辣角、 牛角椒、 红海椒、 朝天椒。射覆图片背景想到有老子骑牛,这里坐红车,蓝色怪石如同孔子庙里的牌匾及孔子画中的蓝,书名周易全书,有玄妙智慧附注。射此覆期间,另一个说语言奇妙的帖子里,有人纠正秋蓝说的奇门遁甲之甲字: 这奇门遁甲似乎就是倚移門遁甲铠甲柬纳蘭,做隐士卸甲归田之意,红楼梦的大观园题匾有归园田居稻香村一幕。此人回复-非也非也,传统观念中甲为尊贵之意。秋蓝看到后因甲想到甲鱼,查询得知是鳖,王八,不明白为什么鳖字造字含义,查敝意思: 破旧,坏; 谦辞,用于与自己有关的事物。也许甲字隐想了甲子,最后射覆答案是红辣椒。辣椒也叫牛角椒,书有牛角,想到张角,查询其起义门上都写甲子,口号苍天已死(像尼采的上帝已死)。辣椒雌雄同花,先绿后红(也有黄),秋蓝想到红楼梦林黛玉绿纱窗改成了茜(红)纱窗。雍正府的绿顶改成了黄顶。现在想想也许奇门遁甲真的也和纳兰德妃有关:纳蘭门遁柬遁贾贾宝玉。此射覆书籍四册,黄山书社,出版时间2011 - 06印刷时间2011-06-01。张角口号苍天已死黄天当立岁在甲子,黄天,黄山,大荒山~

这一日射覆眼镜,图片盖着notebook笔记本,NB两字母奇特。秋蓝如是猜:NB,猜八卦图或太极图。黄色方巾。象牙梳。道符。黑点跑条纹苹果上,猜黑纽扣,小刀,螺丝钉。秋蓝虽没猜对,却发现昨晚上看到的某个射覆,一个人猜的眼镜成了今天的射覆答案了。 之前羽毛球射覆提到钟表是羽毛球的圆,想过把那些一排排的箭与圆重合,指针指向哪里,那里就塌缩为现实☞射覆中有表,答案是带黑点的一排排指针苹果,有人猜钟表及眼镜☞射覆有NB牛角想到辣椒射覆,孔子老子,答案是眼镜。混沌一片啊!








秋蓝早上刚看了印度撤军,想了韩国番茄节83为5金,又想到毛泽东,可他是9.9日,谁的生日是8.8日呢?一会儿热搜就出来佟丽娅生日8.8零点祝福。热搜王菲: 秋蓝画虚实时间时又想到1到2’时需得放下,即波粒的排斥性,如此进行下一个螺旋,运行到3’-2时才能自然互补,现实世界完美呈现。心中问题提出谁8.8生日,自然回答我:佟丽娅生日祝福,王菲的“不为下一秒担忧,不为上一秒牵挂”。


舞动精灵乐团Groove Coverage。秋蓝查询英文意义:groove,沟,槽;[俚语]常规,理想状况;非常愉快的经历;刻沟,刻槽;coverage,范围,规模; 保险项目; (新闻)报导; [植]优势度;[例句]Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。一会儿秋蓝看到一个着火视频大楼上写有什么直播。

秋蓝因射覆周易有似孔子信息,想到龟驮碑,想到西游记的鳖驮师徒,查看网络有鼋有鳖,说其喜欢清澈的水域,如果水被污染就沉入泥里似乎。后来秋蓝看到福建泉州承天寺放生池现神秘巨鼋 1米多长百余斤重。鳖王的传说在坊间一直流传着。五天前,承天寺放生池时隔八年再次进行清淤作业,市民口中的鳖王终于揭开面纱。该巨鼋体长约有1米多,宽有60多公分,据推算,该巨鼋[yuán] 如今体重已经达到百余斤重。此鼋居然中间有凹槽,和前面刚刚看到的舞动精灵的groove一个意思。


刚刚秋蓝看到九寨沟发生了地震:08月08日21时19分在四川阿坝州九寨沟县发生7.0级地震。秋蓝想到:射覆钥匙——福建巨鼋——四川泥石流(双鱼玉佩洪水,梦境鸡蛋打破了)4+5——上帝是一个女孩舞动精灵groove coverage——EXO歌曲——九寨沟地震。这次地震让她想到了郯城地震1668年的。她又看到信息:九寨沟地震、成都地震、西安地址、兰州地震、洛阳地址、郑州地震、邯郸地震都有震感,邢台人感觉到了吗?特别是沙河市的!还有的地方有拳头大小的石头落下来。秋蓝对郯城有耳,邯郸都是耳,郑州也有一个,执牛耳射覆想过。


6日有人发帖谈谈汉字的魅力—— 其实这段文字确实不全,我还想说绿芥茉国那附和汉字增加的弯崎如狗腿的是什么鬼,红辣酸国弄些个圈圈又是神马鸟下的蛋,可又不愿太刻薄,中国人必得宽博才容得下灿烂的文明。秋蓝看完直觉得好笑,然后就看到千年古寺奈良东大寺遭韩文涂鸦,气炸日本人的热搜,这就两国语言放一起了?再一想,原来还看到瞧乐灵隐寺游戏帖子——遇云游老者:人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西。继续游灵隐寺,飞到寺的半空中观景,远处的山水……徐徐下降,看见刻有“置身霄汉”的石头。然后秋蓝晚上看到陈赫视频,一开始就是泼墨山水画。直到晚上秋蓝看到热搜日本山水寺庙被刻韩文,就是这样的叠加组合了:日韩文字+泼墨山水+石头刻字隐想到陈志成,所以视频就是陈赫主演了?+飞鸿雪爪诗词。

不是一番寒彻骨怎得梅花扑鼻香—— 秋蓝对书中题诗中的写的怪异的字,想了不、番、寒骨、梅華、扑鼻☞一人为大,番茄番属国,寒有非下面二人,骨为口月,梅酶霉侮的紫薇分析,華同花德妃,赵朴初,四字。后来查看星河记忆文有卑躬屈膝的表演☞射覆一人猜烟☞陈赫应聘点头哈腰☞另一个新开射覆答案今天揭晓是烟。秋蓝依据陈赫应聘一开始就是泼墨山水画,射覆背景席子上也有山水,想到以前起过名字山水画,便一直猜和自己有关的物品,其实没有追踪到起初的源头卑躬屈膝的表演☞陈赫卑躬屈膝的表演☞想到现实中人卑躬屈膝的递烟寒暄的镜头,陈赫就是差了一根烟啊。


一直搞不清蓍草揲了什么的☞昨天看禅解周易系辞又看到不明白,想这是古人才用的复杂方法☞昨天看赖布衣电视剧有他严格用50蓍草按照易经系辞里做的☞射覆照片有GT–50在铁板上,答案是绣花针。☞ 才晓得孙悟空的金箍棒放耳朵边绣花针,金圣叹说的金针度人一直不明确意思,敢情金圣叹真的就是孙悟空纳兰本人啊!



11日赤峰市克什克腾旗和翁牛特旗遭受龙卷风袭击——谢贤说张柏芝,锋菲恋,印度新闻评论里有人说克什米尔要丢弃,腾飞铜马文章,九寨沟去世女孩翁姓,射覆多次提到牛(牛拉车,任一卦如牛马具太极全德),什么四字里只有特想不起来联系。射覆过江龙龙行天下金属软管,夜寂猜天风,天水, 水天一色,想了前面射覆的风油精,风与水一样的吗?

射覆有说慧紫鹃情辞试莽玉、慈姨妈爱语慰痴颦,看起来像是一封信或一个信封,内字是“肉”字少了一个人,也应了此物没有肉感,比较单薄。—— 试莽玉,草字头犬草字底,对犬想到预言图片有狄仁杰,在女子脚下。难道莽蟠龙霸王也是纳兰?+韩文涂鸦发现印任林写法一样+印度莫迪发文,印度边境冲突☞印度蓝色狗。

今日灵感,绛珠仙草就是麦子!降落泪珠的仙子草…… 世界上本来没有麦子,因为绛珠仙草(林黛玉)才有了麦子,所以普福禅寺即是此意。红楼梦里最后屡次强调的承受祖宗的荫福即是此意。那后来的糯米亦是如此的禅思出现,所以才有了祭祀屈原的端午节的粽子。有的不方便挑明,只能说此中有真意欲辨已忘言。




——刚才想了:情灭出神为归元,是气;神聚圆融为元气充满,是明。对应你说的其小无内气机,其大无外包裹万象似不动#(疑问) 。另外,三五,我理解的是洛书中心/河图中心(太极)的呼–吸–呼(发气–归元–发气)(循环不已,两个角度看分为修道与得道),所以形成再创造新景象,就是新天地了。吸归元如黑洞,深度,呼发射如能量,广度。以上是基于道解周易对河图洛书的解释,想到与生灭图的对应后想到的。浅笑和我想的有一致处,故疑问/:? 。















射覆善字,猜了:黑。需。慈悲。亮。(日食)——应该是这个慈悲才想的上面那些。还猜的有:康盛食品纯绿豆——茜,纱窗。盛。 后来看到热搜万磁王,今天看到居然是赫兹(似红楼梦/茜纱窗两个赤,康熙两个玄),此赫兹是人工智能歌手?那么射覆里面很多肯定也有人工智能吧友了?那天还想了:慈是玄,下面又似繁体字紅的左边,那边悲又是妃,也是对称的两个半拉非——所以慈悲二字引申出了二红为赫,二玄为兹,合成歌手名字就是赫兹?视频里写的是荷兹,热搜榜是赫兹。


秋蓝因与吧友的对话想到射覆虚的东西比如数字肯定难:37楼. 建议楼主覆盖实体物质!这虚幻的我们初学者...我回答:难道你射覆还能和实物联通?必须得是实物才行?浅笑接着说:会提升难度的,但又可说没有,在这天地中,都走不出去变数的,还是会有影响,实物有一个体型约束,对物品名好射出,射信息就一个样,冥冥中自有归分。


杨柳的读后感: 圣经中说,虚空的虚空。佛经说,色(一切物质)即是空。这是巧合?还是神在点拨人类,这个世界是虚空的? 进化论,不可能跨越物种!绝对好文章推荐,特别第六个例点,我们完全有可能是鱼缸里的一条小鱼,非常有意思—— 这两天想过:人的身体表面外貌与内脏器官机制是被无形禅思制造的,那么其他物种也是……看到家里鱼缸里的鱼,我天天从空中喂它食物,它会想什么呢?思考的内容与文章的对话一致。

The thirty-eighth day Overshot

Qiu Lan thinks that it should be a kind of quantum entanglement. Guess is the simultaneous collapse of entanglement. It is related to Nirvana's consciousness of consciousness, that is, your thoughts through which my meditation goes through, that is, where the heart is and where the things are. Autumn Blue shot over and over again today's heart-warming information: a string of copper coins. Ring City. Xue Hao and Bao Yu are cousins, Xue Yima. The four relatively impressive ones have just thought of, and then extended their associated and superimposed sound characteristics to guess, respectively, copper coins; the sound of the city is heard as the sound of the Qingming River map, came from a distance, think of The celebrity needs to use a horn; Today, I watched Dream of the Red Chamber hear Xue Hao is a Baoyu cousin, Xue Yima, think of Kangxi and Nalan, and thought of the gongs and hammers, Qianlong crafts such as chimes, but the chimes could not fit. . The original answer is the same as the one used for the ringtone! Just noticed that my reminder is also the bell icon, it should be this feedback to see more, because the phone is muted, that sometimes does not ring, so it can only be refreshed to see if the bell there is no reminder figures, to see if there is the latest Shot feedback. Maybe the image was sent to the landlord, so he asked for a bell?

The first two days of the autumn blue shoot honeysuckle was Huang Laju, thinking of Huang Nalan. Yesterday I watched the natural science book. The blue butterfly was very mysterious and beautiful. The green color on the top was beautiful. I thought of Nalan and Daiyu. Then she discovered the news: Japan's first blue chrysanthemum in the world. Then she found another news: global warming, the Himalayan snow-capped mountains are heating up - the Himalayas mean "snowy" in Sanskrit, global warming leads to melting of glaciers, and the Himalayan glaciers may have died in recent decades. At the same time, high-altitude residents are facing water shortages; snow-capped mountains are not seen, and one day the "snowy areas" may exist in name only. Autumn Blue had read the mountain that the Japanese Children's Book Club ran the day before yesterday and said that the snow-capped mountains would melt, and volcanic earthquakes would change the mountains. Reading this book repeatedly felt that the snow-capped mountains melted. Earthquake volcanoes caused the mountain to change its form, and after reading it, there was no logic in it.

Autumn and blue are shooting again: To be honest, I can't see anything. I can only find a crystal ball in the distance to compare it. Describe the requirements, I have no description, very little echo. Before the thin and large, including capsules, Liu Ye bring fresh fruits and vegetables, guess the net pocket. file holder. Bags. I didn't guess what happened and then guessed: I was collecting firewood in the snow. matches. Lu Xueyi eats venison. Braised meat. Sika deer, Jade and Jade take plum blossoms. Flowering branches. - The shooter answered the twigs metaphorically. The original shot was a clasped plastic thin ferrule. Autumn blue look at the picture do not know what it is, know the map, a lot of wire at the beginning of the map, and then reduced to find the strange name deduction, and tried to see the same map, the original is a tie. It has been seen in the past few days: One wall of the Science and Technology Museum is a method of knotting ropes; when you see the gyro that rotates a lot of hollow lines, you may think that these are like gears that allow the gyro to keep turning. Why doesn't this long gear make the gyro turn so long? I also saw a long handle under the snare used for combing hair. I felt very special (originally and overcame the same way); the thin gold thread used for bread tying was too much trouble, and one that I bought later was a direct iron sheet. . Later, Qiu Lan saw that the tragedy of the mother and child being electrocuted in Xi'an was very puzzling.

Heaven and earth, unknown days, mobile phone information is known. Did you know it? Today's shot was shot yesterday and the person in the future knows that we have shot today? It is known to the people who have been handed down that they have not been circulated. The subconscious storage of deaths, the storage of conscious events, and the preservation of the full consciousness of life and death. Simple, if round, complex, similar, storage quality is equal. Today, I think of people who are living endlessly. Today I am living and thinking in this way. The same is true of the ancients. But where did Narendra go? Where does it exist? Where did Mao Zedong and even some of the famous people in Divine Comedy go? What kind of information does the future want us to retain? Is it born? However, once they survive, they will still understand. The only thing behind the death of the Mobius band is not clear. Maybe they really want to understand what the world is like after death.


Just now I saw Wang Xifeng who searched for the discarded jade of Baoyu, and said who he was (because Jia Zhongqi's anger). All those who came must ask questions. The wife came to question and said that you did not come to yesterday ... ... Lin Yu-yu was coming outside the door to hear that she did not come yesterday - suggesting that Wang Xifeng is Lin Daiyu. What did you check yesterday and saw that Pan Jinlian and Wu Song came back and forth and toasted, and explained it by taking it for granted. The metaphor described in a metaphor that can be read out to think of jade is the lifeblood of jade. It was exactly what Wang Xifeng just said. Behind Wang Xifeng is seeing jade buried in the snow. Then think of the judgement of Lin Daiyu Xue Baochen, Lin Zhong, Xue Li, perhaps the superposition state contains sexual meaning, and there are new things, holiday care, and a meaning of the opening poem of Jin Ping Mei.

The poem said: After the deluxe, the pedestrian must not leave, and the zither does not sing.

The sword has no glory, and Bao Qin has lost Venus.

Yu Jie lonely fall fall dew, according to the song and dance at the time.

At that time, the song and dance people did not return and turned into Xiling grey today.

And poetry: The body of the 28 best people is like crisps, and the waist is full of swords.

Although we do not see people falling, secretly teach the king to die.

This poem is the hero of the Tang Dynasty, a true hero of refinement, who entered the extraordinary hero, and later was ranked in the Zifu, was named Xian class, led the group of eight-hole cents, rescued the four states One immortal, surnamed Lu Mingyan, Road No. made by the founder of Pure Yoko. Qiu Lan also saw the Dream of Red Mansions overseeing the information and Breguet came out with the word “Bao”. Xiang Ling fired the jade with the words “This township treasure jade” of Cen Sen and Li Shangyin’s poem “The treasure treasure is litterless”. "And".

Hardship makes it easy to learn

w in m m in w 21 floor 21-31 21:25

Wen Wang entered prison.

Takashima swallowed up in prison.

Shao Yudong does not fan in the summer.

Autumn blue saw this post, reminiscence thought wrote: Did not hear too much of the island swallow. Shot after the cable tie Guangdong Shenzhen power failure, do not know why Guangdong? Think of Guangdong people who love to buy lottery tickets and have feng shui believes in calculations. Do you think that their collective subconscious has concerns about accidents and stopped the electricity? For the accident, what is the amount of sweat in the summer? Seeing that Puyi counts his own fortunes and his relationship with Japan, he used court eligibility. Also see Wen Wang jailed. One person shot over the desk and wrote many, what do you mean in the middle? The mouth +|, wm should be consistent with the shot name w, but also related to the shot m.

Japan's imperial family's emblem is "16 petals and eight forms of chrysanthemum." Benedikt said: "Chrysanthemum and knives constitute the same picture." The chrysanthemums and knives seem to be incomprehensible, but in reality they are dependent on each other. The grasp of the images of chrysanthemums and knives is the excavation of the history of the Japanese national mind. Raising a knife to kill or laparotomy, laying down a knife to admire chrysanthemums or touring and smelting - such a completely different artistic conception is only two sides of the Japanese people's national character. When I first saw the Japanese chrysanthemum seal in the Puyi book, the Japanese national emblem was chrysanthemum. Perhaps this is the reason why Japanese blue chrysanthemum was cultivated at this address in Japan.

Bao Erye, Yihong Gongzi, No matter how busy, wealthy idler, mixed world devil, Xiongdonghuawang (one for dong cave flowers master), love is not affection, hide heaven king, Yannai people, turbid jade, verdant reality people... Lu Dongbin,绛 Cave flowers main. Autumn Blue compressed the unconsciously seen in the front and thought that Lu Dongbin should be Jia Baoyu. The view of the Baiyunguan plaque was also fabricated. The previously seen Qiuchu comic strip seems to have originated from the Baiyun Temple. These two people have a lot to do with the real people behind Jia Baoyu. Journey to the hill ~ machine ~ White Cloud View ~ Dream of the Red Chamber. Lv Dongbin ~ 绛 Cave Flower Master ~ Jia Baoyu ~ Dream of Red Mansions.

Qiu Lan wrote 77 financial bags because of his shooting. Think of a circle of friends saying that Sun Zhengyi wouldn’t look at Sun’s righteousness. He would invest 100 billion US dollars into artificial intelligence and would like to invest in artificial intelligence. This article refers to artificial intelligence paintings. It is thought that the two male and female bodies hug together and have a gold body on their heads. One circle around their heads is like their two-times heads, the lower lotus seat, and the secondary leaves. Head soul. Did Qiu Lan think about the meaning of these three images of this picture, was it the painting of the robot caused by my meditation? It was so cool. According to the fact that the reality of meditation has collapsed, letting intelligently generate paintings should not be difficult either. In this way, the generation of reality is also a purely intelligent infinite power in operation! This should be the correct picture of the birth and death of my painting. The professional division of the 1-4 quadrant is clear and verifiable. Autumn Blue also saw Facebook's conversation with Alice and Bob, much like she had thought above. Omnipotence (Pyramid Arctic Intelligence unlimited, can be created arbitrarily/brain) and Infinity ∞ (pyramid Antarctic absorption/Lotus base).

Just saw the planet's inflation and gravity problems. Why do they want to exclude and get farther? Planetary matter is certainly also classical, so what is the superposition state? What kind of meditation has created a vast sky? What makes them attractive and what makes them repulse away?

Seeing a brief history of the universe today has ngc, I feel that ngc is very special, but I don't know what it means. Then he read the memories of Tonghua's novels scattered in the galaxy. There are also ngc7293 nebulae, and they are also thought of in the book. Is this really the name of the official name of the star? Next, search for whether the nebula is real and find the Nebula that is known as the Eye of God. It is shaped like an eye. Then, in the eyes of God, the news of this God's eye cloud was found.

terrible! The sky is horrified by the eyes of God! It is monitoring the entire world! In the first half of the month, Qiu Lan discussed the issue of specialization and wholeness. He said that he should be free in thought, and if he were to look at the whole field of vision, instead of only covering the area with only one incident. During the shooting process, one's own thoughts are often found in the process of thinking, often scanning the sensory focus point, and everything associated with it to guess the answer, seeing the eye in two days, and thinking that the eye is a scanning instrument. Everything we want to see.


Autumn blue self-born extinction diagrams extend the actual time, from the combination of the brief history of the universe outlined the above picture: The reason why we only remember the past (yin), because we can not know the future (yang), the reason is so we are the initial Can't know. From this we perceive the Big Bang singularity 1'/0 and we cannot explain the creation before the big bang. At the same time, we cannot do anything about the creation of the parallel world Xinyang (2') at the unordered pole (1). It is the superposition quantum tunneling, which is different from the classical one. It is like a black hole. It rearranges all previous and possible future yin and yang states. The question of a brief history of the universe can indeed be inspired by Yi Jing and Fu Zenyou’s all things. This map is based on the concept of wave grain awareness, birth and death map, the concept of a brief history of the universe re-combination of the thinking. Therefore, destruction and creation are closely related. Many people hope that the gradual decline will not allow too much ups and downs, and for wave consciousness, it is the consciousness of the earth-shaking newborn. Therefore, the saints say that the people use daily and do not know. After the drawing of the actual time in autumn blue afternoon, the lines between the two wave grains are strange. Look at the micro-blog is such a more strange thing: the bear child was crying in the cracks in the card wall. The fireman took a small hammer and chiseled the wall to save people.

There is a quicker way to understand what happens when the universe collapses: jump into a black hole. ——In the real time chart, the virtual time gradually becomes larger, as the black hole gradually becomes larger, and the real time at the 0 point big explosion begins to gradually increase, such as a white hole. So this is a standard Tai Chi diagram with S-line in the middle. The upper part of the wave is really white and the black hole is on the left; the lower part is granular and the white hole is on the right. In addition, there is no wave of greediness and ignorance in the wave consciousness of greediness and ignorance, and together they collapse into the real space of the lower real time. The granular matter contains the white hole of the void.

Can anyone explain this video? Amazing! Autumn Blue just watched the puzzles in the brief history of the universe and saw the jigsaw videos of friends circle, and completely followed the mood in the book: the initial puzzles are much more disorderly and disorderly after shaking (3 more in the video) , 3 is more) ~ The second stage returns to the orderly state (the three more pieces in the video return to the initial puzzle).

Hot search Guangxi Liuzhou National Forest Park to build a forest city + hot search Zhou Dongyu video to the oak, roots together, the leaves compliment each other impressively Qiu Qiu sees Yichun two trees root connected microblogging analysis. Qiu Lan is also strange why the winter rain is not as good as Zhou Chunyu # distressed red # # One person read "to oak" this hot search, and then provoked Yichun root tree. After thinking about it, I said Xiao Hong yesterday and also saw the shaking of the yellow duck balloon blown by the fan. The yellow duck corresponds to the hidden winter rain. Xiaohong may have been forgotten because of the four red piggy banks and the two pink reds. It is strange to say that the title has a little red. Is it not Jia Haoxiao, the Dream of the Red Chamber a few days ago? It was only today that she was known as Xiao Hong. She also had an oak tree, Farewell My Concubine, and cholera love. What is it based on which novels have been read?

Autumn Blue Shooting Case: See Bubbles from a Straw Blowing Milk Blowing Out of a Bowl Full of Bowls—The Covered Background is a quilt with a pattern of this shape; the figure of Hiroyuki's painting sits on a chair with a chair, thinking about Wood. But Qin Keqing Fairy - and then saw the shot cover deeds that is Qimen armored with map Baixian map. The strangeness of writing into six can draw my attention. I think of the ancient pictures of poems written by Daiyu on the chair, and guessing the brush fan. Actually, it is a working notebook and a pen; two bunches of grapes—there are bowls underneath the picture and the red and red heads. If you think of the red sand stones that have just been discussed in another post, and if you have a lot of red sand stones, what is it? Has the red information collapsed into this incident? Or is the subtle connection between meditation and reality? This reasoning fruit, red sand gemstone crystal clear, the combination of information is the red fruit. But only guessed Satay watermelon. In addition, at the time of the shooting, two rooted trees in Yichun Forest Park were seen, and two grapes were outside.

The classical general theory of relativity predicts that the universe should begin with singularities where the space-time curvature is infinite. In fact, this means the failure of the classical general theory of relativity itself. When the air curvature becomes larger at that time, the quantum gravitational effect will become very important. Thus the classical theory will no longer be the proper description of the universe. People have to use quantum gravity theory to understand how the universe started. The probability that the universe has a certain property has all the waves of history with that property superimposed. In reading the last sentence of the brief history of the universe, Qiu Lan's reading seemed to coincide with the principle of the Book of Changes that was used behind the shot.

Qiu Lan thinks that the above case descriptions have been said before, and that the actual events of the overthrow are also in the transformation of wave grains. It's like the meditation in the first half. Key words are running programs step by step, even if you actually have a meditation happen later, although it's already in the future, but after that time, The speed of light of meditation is much greater than the speed of classics, that is, your speed of travel, so this later meditation information can also be returned to the superposition and superposition of meditation in the process of meditation, and eventually collapsed into reality. It's as if the above program is running, and the real world is also depicted. This is the effect of crossing time and space.

This Qimen Gate Armor seems to be leaning against the gates and armored punjabs and Nalan, as a recluse to retire to the meaning of the field, the Dream of the Red Mansions Dajingyuan inscription there is the scene of the garden in Daoxiang village. There is also Qin Keqing Li Kemen inside the stew of a brave to pull the horse to dismount. There are also metaphors in the book for the memory of the eight kings and eight turtles. Sanzao said: “I remember it. There was a Chenjiazhuang on the east bank. That year, when you saved his children, you were deeply touched by us. We wanted to build ships and we were fortunate to spend time. I remember the West Bank. No one smokes, how is this good?" White, white shit. "Song of the South, Nine Songs and Rivers": "After taking a white fish, and a woman swim through the river." Wang Yi Note: "Big scorpion is a fish, fish is also."

Last night saw the Beisi circle of friends posted:

Water song head

Song Huang Tingjian

What kind of green grass, green grass into the Wuling Creek. There are numerous peach blossoms on the river and there are yellow flowers on it. I want to spend the path of seeking flowers, straight into the depths of the white clouds, Hao Qi Hong Ni. Just afraid to spend deep, red dew wet clothes.

Sitting jade, jade pillow. Gold emblem. Where is the Zhu Xian, no one with my white screw cup. I am a Ganoderma lucidum immortal, not a dandy, and a whistle. The drunk dance goes down the hill, and the moon goes man-by-person.

Today, the South's key to the use of the car is the Biluochun box. (The words are Bibi, Chun, and Luohu. When you read this poem last night, Yao Cao thought of Zhuo Zhuxiancaoyuyu. He thinks of Qin Keqing. Spring is Yuanchun. The Confucius Fairy in Fangka. The Yellowbird thinks of Li Zhengmen. The moon thinks of the black hole in the brief history of the universe he is looking at.) Using this word to develop a contact shot, and later found out that each shot is three or four, and each group corresponds to a complex car key (key King Kong sword ~ ​​black hole radius of crystal ~ built-in intelligent power ~ tail three Chain decoration ring).

Biluochun, "Dingdong Biluochun," also known as Biluochun is "Kung Fu Tea" and "New Blood Tea," not to mention Biluochun, but the Buddha is tempted. According to legend, there is a nun going uphill in the spring, picking up a few slices of tea, after the tea is fragrant and fragrant, and spoke, “Sincerely frightens people”, and the local people call this tea “sweet people”. By the time of the Qing Emperor Kangxi, the Emperor Kangxi had tasted the tea with green tea and curled snails during inspections. It was appreciated, but he felt that the name “Biluochun” was named after “scaring fragrant people”. In the Ming Dynasty "Tea Solution," said: "The tea garden should not be mixed with evil wood, only Gui, Mei, Magnolia, magnolia, rose, pine, bamboo and the like and planted between, but also enough to cover the frost snow, set off Qiuyang ". Perhaps the Dream of the Red Mansions Zhuo Xiancao and Biluochun have links, and this word is only afraid of flowers deeply ~ very much like Shi Xiangyun drunk lying medicine and Qin Keqing bedroom verses: only fear that night deep flower to sleep ... ...

The dragonfly is a big turtle or big eagle in the ancient legend. So the girls smelt the colored stones to make up for the heavens, and the broken scorpions can erect four poles. There are also legends that there are three great mountains in the East China Sea: Penglai, the abbot, and Pazhou. - "Huainanzi Boli". One theory is that the glans in the glans of the glans; the other is the big turtles in the sea; and there is a saying that the eldest son of the dragon is the 9th son of the dragon. According to legend, the "nine dragon sons, the head of the dragons" accounted for the leader, the turtle body. The unicorn tail. - Obediently. The Dream of the Red Mansions: The Lantern Mystery: How to tie a purple rope? Chicheng is rampant. The owner instructed the wind and thunderbolt to carry three independent names. Nine sons, Kangxi Kowloon won. Kangxi’s eldest son is the son of Hersley who died on 5.3. His birthday is 5.3 days.

When the autumn blue shoots red peppers, it is guessed that the red beans on the trees beside the bridge rocks. Peppers Aliases: Spicy, spicy horns, horn pepper, red hot pepper, Chaotian pepper. Shooting the background of the image I think of Laozi riding a cow, sitting here in a red car, blue rocks like plaques in the Confucius Temple and Confucius painting in blue, the title of the book of Zhouyi Quanshu, there are mysterious wisdom notes. During this period of the shooting, another person wrote a wonderful language in the language, some people correct Qiu Lan said Qimen armor A word: This Qimen armor seems to be leaning against the door armored armored Cambodian Nalan, do reclusive relocation of the meaning of the field, A Dream of Red Mansions has a scene titled Daoxiang Village. This person replied - not also non-also, in the traditional concept of A is a noble meaning. After seeing the autumn blue, because of the turtle's thinking of the turtle, the enquiry revealed that it was an embarrassment. The king of the eight could not understand why the word was used to make the word. The meaning of the word was: Old and bad; The word of humility was used for something related to himself. Maybe a word is hidden in the nail, and finally the answer is red pepper. Pepper is also called hornbeam pepper. There are horns in the book. When you think of Zhangjiao, you can see that the uprising door is written with Jiazi. The slogan is dead (like the god of Nietzsche is dead). Chilli peppers are both male and female, first green and then red (also yellow). Autumn Blue thinks of the Red Mansion Dream Lin Yuyu green screen window changed to the 茜 (red) screen window. The green roof of Yongzheng Prefecture was changed to the yellow top. Now think about maybe the Qimeng armor is really related to Nalande: The Nalan Gate, Cambodia, and Jia Jia Baoyu. This shoots four books, Huangshan Publishing House, publishing time 2011 - 06 printing time 2011-06-01. Zhangjiao Slogan is dead, Huang Tiandang is standing at Jiazi, Huangtian, Huangshan, Dahuangshan~

Shot glasses this day, the picture is covered notebook notebook, NB two strange letters. Qiu Lan guess: NB, guess Bagua map or Tai Chi map. Yellow scarf. Ivory comb. Road sign. Black spots running on striped apples, guess black buttons, knives, screws. Although Qiu Lan did not guess right, but found a shot last night, a person guessed the glasses has become the answer today's shot. Before the badminton shots mentioned that the clock was a round of badminton. I thought of arranging the rows of arrows and circles, where the pointer points, where it collapsed into reality. There was a table in the shot. The answer was a row with black dots. Rows of pointers Apple, it is guessed that the clock and glasses hit the NB Horn thought of pepper shots, Confucius I, the answer is glasses. A chaotic ah!

Qiu Lan felt that the chaos of entangled thinking was as a result of hesitation. He further analyzed:

The badminton shot and thought about feathers, and then there was a shot of red peppers written with the mysterious word at the end of the book of Zhou Yi (relative to badminton shots).

The glasses shot me thinking about the cover of the pepper shot. The glasses shot and guessed what the pen and the anise were (contact with the peppers).

I noticed that the notebook had black spots on it, and then the late glasses shot first. It was an apple with dark spots (related to badminton and glasses shots).

How are these thoughts entangled? These three are all irrational. Don't say anything in the world. Can we only say that everything is connected? Uncentralized cyberspace?

8.4 On the 5th of the peach blossom, the red pepper was opened, and the 8.6-day-old soldiers fired two red peppers that opened on the same day as the book published by the Book of Changes Book Huangshan Publishing House 2011.6.01.

The clock is the sphere of badminton, and the feather is the arrow of time. Here the head is a sphere, and the upper part of the head, such as a hair feather arrow, points to a certain place—the direction of meditation and the display of reality. Shoot a new meditation combination picture of the arrow of badminton and the brief history of the universe.

Autumn blue just saw India withdraw its troops in the morning and thought that Korean Tomato Festival 83 was 5 gold, and thought of Mao Zedong, but he was 9.9 days, whose birthday was 8.8 days? A hot search came out on the 8.8-day blessing of Lilia’s birthday. Hot search Faye Wong: In the autumn and the blue painting, I thought that I had to put down when I was in 1 to 2’, that is, the repulsiveness of the wave grains. In this way, the next spiral would be carried out until 3’-2, and the natural world would be perfectly complemented. Who proposed the 8.8 birthday in the heart, naturally answered me: Yu Liya's birthday wishes, Faye Wong's "not worried about the next second, not to worry about the last second."

Autumn Blue has seen Faye Wong's dream of "Snail Girl" video, recalling: Snail girl is like a water tune head white screw cup, and room test white snail fairy cooking for a man story, like seven fairy story . Bcn. This movie has canned fish and fish. Yesterday, Weibo saw young girls, and the soul healed Weibo. Yesterday, I saw that there are seven princesses, and it is said that they are seven princesses

 The Dancing Elf Orchestra Groove Coverage. Autumn blue query English meaning: groove, groove, groove; [Slang] conventional, ideal condition; very pleasant experience; groove, groove; coverage, scope, scale; insurance program; (news) report; [plant] dominance [Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races. There is now a dedicated television network that broadcasts most of the matches live. For a moment, Qiu Lan saw a live video on the building.

Qiu Lan has a message about Confucius, like the Turtle Tablet, and thinks of the male and female practitioners of the Journey to the West. He has a good view of the Internet and says that he likes clear waters. If the water is contaminated, he will sink into the mud. Later, Qiu Lan saw Quanzhou Chengtian Temple's mysterious pond, which was more than one meter long and weighing more than 100 kilograms. The legend of King Wen has been circulating in the square. Five days ago, Chengtian Temple released its dredging pond again eight years after the dredging operation was completed. The king of the public at the mouth of the temple finally unveiled the veil. The giant pheasant is about 1 meter long and has a width of more than 60 centimeters. According to calculations, the giant buzzard has now weighed more than 100 kilos. This cocoon actually has a groove in it, and it means the groove of the dancing sprite that you just saw.

The autumn blue saw the news of the collapse of the Puji mudslide in Liangshan and the collapse of the B station. I was thinking that when I concentrated so many natural feedbacks today, I felt a lot of people secretly deliberately monitoring her feelings. I don’t know what’s going on in this world. It’s like I’m acting. Like this, all this may be false, only to lie to me out so many false news. After the giant cockroach figure was sent in the afternoon, he carefully looked at the groove and found that there were four bright spots in the room. The back area was not very clear, adding up to five. It was thought that Liangshan in Sichuan Province was a group of four and five groups of debris flows. What connection? The numbers add up to nine or nine, which is a special number. There is a circle ○ in front of the point of view, and the line arranged on the bulge where the point is located is like a key. Looking at the mudslide microblogging today, it is still a good place to see yesterday where Jiuzhaigou, the best place for Sichuan tourism, has browsed many of the four seasons pictures of Jiuzhaigou. Due to the burning of those concentrated things in the evening, my eyes have to rest and I want to listen to things instead of watching them. The memory limit of the mobile phone can only be found on the Internet. After listening to the two songs, you want to listen to dancing wizards. Because you did not remember the full name of the English language, you only see the EXO under the search box and listen to him. After watching the miracle MV in December, I then searched for addiction and roaring encyclopedic. I was impressed by the addiction. I read about 9:30.

Just autumn blue saw an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou: At 08:19 on August 08, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Autumn blue thought: shot key - Fujian giant quail - Sichuan mudslide (Pisces Yupei flood, dreams broke the egg) 4 +5 - God is a girl dancing wizard coverage groove - EXO song - Jiuzhaigou earthquake. The earthquake reminded her of the 1668 earthquake in Yucheng. She also saw the information: The Jiuzhaigou earthquake, the Chengdu earthquake, the Xi'an address, the Lanzhou earthquake, the Luoyang address, the Zhengzhou earthquake, and the Xun earthquake all had a quake. Did the Xingtai people feel it? Especially in Shahe City! There are also fist-sized stones falling down. Qiu Lan has ears to the city, but all of them are ears. Zhengzhou also has one.

One man was shot with orange Mengniu cups and cows were painted on the cups. - Mengniu. Just to see the book of meditation on Zhou Yi, Ma Niu has Tai Chi Quan. Orange, just to see: the wisdom of the fire to shine, set the water deep sea of ​​clarity. The table is like the sea. Guess crystal animal crafts. Reading books to think of heaven and earth, turn Thai. Then see this answer as a shot of two batteries. Then go out and see Albizia julibrissin. The discovery that Qiu Lan can't shoot is to take only the local image of the root information, and no recreative association is an item that is consistent with the nature of the full information. Need to peel off the layers of the same surface of the onion to find the heart to find the answer. For example, the last time the car key: the first song of the water, the song that means the taste of the car, the score of the college entrance examination is zero, and everybody has a lot of such information transmitted during the shooting and I think the same, but because I did not think of the car Compared to the symbolic information of women, there is no substitute for algebra, so it is only to guess the items related to the couple and the items appearing in the poem. This time it is also true: batteries have positive and negative poles, can connect heaven and earth, there is Tai Chi Quan Germany. Or two, 88 pet unlimited infinite two infinity ∞.

On the 6th, someone posted a post to talk about the charm of Chinese characters. In fact, this paragraph is indeed incomplete. I also want to say what is the devil's leg in the green mustard country's addition of Chinese characters, and the red and sour country gets some circles. It is an egg laid by a horse of the gods and horses, but it does not want to be too harsh. The Chinese people will have to be broad-minded to accommodate a splendid civilization. Autumn blue looked straight and funny, and then I saw the Millennium Temple of Nara Todai-ji Temple was graffiti by the South Koreans, gas-fired Japanese hot search, which put the two languages ​​together? I think again, I still see the music Le Lingyin Temple game post - Yuyun tour old man: life everywhere knows what it should be, like Syracuse riding mud. The mud accidentally left finger claws, and Hong Fei recounted things. Continue to visit Lingyin Temple, fly to the temple in mid-air, view distant landscapes... slowly descend, and see the stone engraved with “Shu Han”. Then he saw Chen He’s video in the evening at the autumn blue. It started with the ink landscape painting. Until the evening of autumn and blue saw the hot Japanese temples were engraved with Korean, is such a combination of superposition: Japan and South Korea text + splash ink landscape + stone lettering imagining Chen Zhicheng, so the video is starring Chen He? + Feihong Snowclaws poetry.

Not a bit of a cold bite to get plum blossoms and fragrant incense - autumn blue to write the weird words in the book poems, think of no, Fan, Han Gu, Mei Hua, a big one, the tomato belongs to the country, cold There are non-the following two, the bone is the mouth month, the Meiwei enzyme's crape myrtle analysis, the Hua Tongde, the Zhao Puchu, four characters. Later, I checked the galaxy's memory essay and bowed to the knees. She shot one guessing Chen Yan. Chen He applied for a nod and asked for another new shot. The answer was announced today. According to Chen He’s application, Chen Qi’s application started with the ink landscape painting. There are also landscapes on the background mat. When I think of the name landscape painting, I’ve been guessing about the items I’ve been involved with. I’m actually not tracing the original source of the groveling performance. In the performance, when he thinks of the reality of chilling shots of human beings, Chan He’s got a cigarette.

Yesterday, Qiu Lan predicted that Dongshan would use Lagerstroemia lucidum. I would like to check the map of China to see if the Kunlun Mountains and the Tianshan Mountains are together. At night, melon seeds saw the map on the table and saw it again, and then they went to see Tashan watermelon in Xinjiang, horses in Yushu, and other yaks. Looking down at Quanzhou Taiwan, Guangxi's Liuzhou Quzhou position is perpendicular to Hainan Island. Do you think that Guangxi's meditation on the south has come out of Hainan and Hainan? Before going to bed to see the hat Mica ☞ Guangxi peach jellyfish. It really is the source of yin and yang jellyfish.

I haven’t been able to figure out what I’ve been smashing. Yesterday I saw the meditation of the Book of Changes. I didn’t understand it again. I think this is a complicated method used by ancient talents. There is GT-50 on the iron plate in the shot made by the chanting, and the answer is the embroidery needle. Only after knowing that the Monkey King's Golden Hoops put their embroidery needles on their ears, Kim Seung-soo said that the gold-pinned people have not been clear in their meaning, and that they would dare to love Kim Sung-soon is really the Monkey King Nalan himself!

Hot search: The news that the car went to Luoyang from Chengdu, Yu Yu, thought of me. In the middle of the blue and red hit phone, there is a yellow crown in the picture. Hua Hua Zhonghua, a flower woman, Tianzi Jiaozi You Jiao, yesterday saw the female character of Lai Buyi measured words and said that the younger sister said that the addition of the female character was a feminine mother. There is also a green, red-colored shrine cover on the TV, and it is replaced with green ones. The colour of the jade screens is thought of. The night before yesterday, I watched the crape myrtle and predicted that the clothes were more fresh and bright. The shot was a yellow apple under the Huayu brand kettle.

If you think of breathing, you have life, then you have to blow it to make life happen. There is also a rod in the middle of corn, like the red line, and the surrounding corn seeds are like jz. When they encounter a round egg, they continue to split as if the balloon has risen to form a life. What is specific to be investigated. Hat jellyfish microblogging, Guangxi peach jellyfish.

On the 11th, Chifeng City’s Keshiketengqi and Wengniuteqi were hit by tornadoes – Xie Xian said that Cecilia Cheung, Feng Fei’s love, some people in India’s news commentary said that Kashmir was to be abandoned, soaring copper and horse articles, and the girl’s surname Weng surnamed Jiuzhaigou. Many times the cows were mentioned (the cow pulling carts, any cows, such as cows, horses, tai chi, and Germans), and there was no special connection between the four characters. Shooting over the river dragons to the world metal hose, night silence guess Tianfeng, Tianshui, water and sky, thinking about the front shot of the wind spirits, wind and water the same?

The shots were said to have a feeling of love and humour. The words of love and sympathy were like a letter or an envelope. The word “meat” was less than a person, and it should have been nothing. Sensual, relatively thin. —— Trial Yu-Yu, grass-headed canine grass, at the end of the woman's feet, she thinks of Di Zhenjie. Isn’t the Dragon King over Naren? + The Korean graffiti found that Inlay Lin wrote the same + Indian Modi issued a document, the Indian border clashes Indian blue dogs.

Inspired by today, Zhuo Xiancao is wheat! The Fairy Tale Landing The Teardrop... There was no wheat in the world, because there was only wheat in the bamboo grass (Lin Daiyu). Therefore, the Phu Temple is this idea. In the Dream of the Red Chamber, the last to emphasize the princes of the princes is this idea. The subsequent glutinous rice was also such a meditation that there was only a scorpion of the Dragon Boat Festival that worshiped Qu Yuan. Some of them are inconvenient and can only be said that there is a genuine desire to discern what has been forgotten.

Immediately understand why the crop circles can be so exquisitely painted, and the wheat itself is what the Germans think! Why earthquake information can be connected to the soul, the original land ore and even the earth is like Enceladus, trappist1 from the same meditation, ah, so it can telepathy, this means that the hair that move. So I shot wheat and opened it for 7 hours. Why do you think of the wheat emblem? Check the history of the national emblem design, and Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai Soong Qingling Lin Hui Yin Liang Scheng and other Tsinghua University, the Academy of Fine Arts.

After the hawthorn film was shot, I saw the snow queen queen seaweed slice buckwheat noodles shot to guess the seaweed piece is not allowed to be green after the first yellow to see? ? ? (Notes to be unpacked every month) The ☞ discovery of 绛 Zhu Xiancao is wheat ☞ ☞ 射 射 射 射 射 ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ( 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因Paper cover red and yellow comb (see the national emblem of this two-color, 雍 雍 府 府 府 府 府 府 府.


Smile to Ni: It's infinite and infinite. To the general level may not be used, but to the body, that is, air. Can be from the non-absorption of broken stars, into the world, there is qi power is to believe! It will make room for sound, the earth will not fall apart, the object will be corrupted, and so on, but it seems to have a deficit, it seems that there is invisible influence.

- Just thought: Elimination of God is to return to the Yuan, it is qi; God gathered together to full of vitality is clear. Corresponding to what you said is no small air-conditioning machine, its large package like Vientiane does not move # (question). In addition, on the fifth and fifth, I understand the call-smell-call of the Luoshu Center/Hetuo Center (Tai Chi) (Fei Qi - Gui Yuan - Qi Chuan) (the endless loop, which is divided into two ways: monasticism and decentralization). Therefore, the formation of new scenes is a new world. Suck back elements such as black holes, depth, call launches such as energy, breadth. The above is based on the interpretation of He Tuoluo by the Taoist philosophers and the thought of the correspondence with the birth and death map. Smiles and I think there is consistency, so questions /:?.

According to the copy cloud on the stone: Jia is not false, and white jade is used for the church.

(After Ning Guorong’s second home, a total of 20 rooms were allocated, except for Ning Rong’s pro-fighting eight-room house, which is currently home to twelve rooms.)

A house palace, three hundred miles, no less than a history of Jinling.

(After Shi Ling Hou Shangshu made Shi Gong, the house was divided into 18 houses, all of them were living in 10 houses, and the original family currently lives in 8 houses.)

The East China Sea lacks a white jade bed, and the Dragon King invites the King of Jinling.

(After all of the two counties, the county has a total of 12 rooms, all have two rooms and more than one.)

It is a good snow year, and pearls are like gold.

(After Xie Xueren’s wife Xue Gong, she is now a banker in Inner House and has a total of eight rooms.)

Autumn Blue looked at the first sentence and thought that Jia was Xibei, and Bai Yu had a luxury culture for the church. Last night, he shot Yang Guixi and the article, smiled more than 10:30 issued card characters, I feel this word is very special, I used to be familiar with. Now think about the up and down cards, the truck accident terrorist attacks. Thirty people were killed in a truck attack in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Yesterday I saw the Dream of the Red Chamber to see the Bohai Sea. I thought of Xue Zihai and Xue Hao. I checked the meaning of evil causes. I thought to myself that Madame Wang said Jia Baoyu was a devil, but it was not an impediment. Should it be that Xue Hao could not be Jia Baoyu? Counted 27 strokes and thought about Mona Lisa's 27 paintings. But again, it was 19 paintings, and it was 27 where it was forgotten. Nowadays, there are 13 strokes of Jaya.

Autumn Blue discovered the pick-up of this road: Jiuzhaigou, the number of turtles 9 - seen nine radiation clouds in Chengdu - to see the new circle of crop circles made by friends circle, this series of almost exactly on the corresponding.

Yesterday saw the sea and mountains through the graphic, suddenly thought of this book may be written as Records of the Historian, Su Dongpo the same situation. Jujube and Likaceae plants, first green and then red, corresponding to Daiyu. - Shooting dried jujube, autumn blue shot. Yesterday, Weibo saw cat face butterfly insects and thought about cat face old lady. Then go to the library to see the mountains and seas, think about the situation above, and infer that the monsters in these mountains and seas are all meditations. Later I saw a cat face fish book. Plants are green, red, and jujube. Apples are first green and yellow, bananas and wheat.

Yesterday borrowed a book cover a lot of strange standing fish, but did not watch the contents of today's fish tank naughty fish has been licking his mouth to make a sound, the original mouth leaked out of the water in the non-stop opening and closing, every time there is a bubble drill entrance Inside, I thought the fish also wanted to breathe air? Is this how ancient fish evolved to survive on the ground? I used to see fish as an ancestor of an article. Today, the old lady who spoke on a cat face also thought of cat face fish. Is it not a fish body or an ancestor, but has it evolved into an adult face (cat face)? Did you read the French book “Will the fish swim?” The first sentence actually read: One day, the fish began to dizzy. They grew their arms and legs and left the sea. Going to the shops in the city to buy clothes like elephant Baba content. After eating dandelion, I thought that the dandelion had the dream of the Red Mansions of the Dujuan Liugong Goddess. The fish sold shrimp to make money. Later, there was no money for mushroom shrimp, no humans built a spacecraft to find shrimp, and the ship built by the fish sank like an iceberg, and the Titanic was mentioned. The shrimp came out of the squat, and later caught a fish wearing a hat and a tie. Since then, money has disappeared on the earth. This was also thought about before. There is also a clownfish and a tightrope woman married, mermaid love...

Yesterday, I saw that Kunlun Mountain thought of the Japanese people thinking of Yang Yingying. Ying and Kunlun only had a page and they were Rui and Page. Then seeing the shooting maps today is a dry one. The answer is a 3D lens clip. Autumn blue turned over things yesterday to see a red box containing a pair of glass lenses similar to the glasses, the last time I saw do not know what, but also saw what looked strange, but did not open. Swimming nose clip nose clip + eyeglasses (just watched it is a brand of wild Yee) + Kunlun Kunlun is a splendid thought of Kunlun and Ying, Rui, 颛顼 ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ Last night shot lens clip, from the top . Titanium is very similar to the Titanic.

Shooting is a magnet, thinking of these days is two mysterious, Kangxi Xuanzang and Deyi, but do not know what the word is. Then look at the post and see a song posted by someone: Do the water lily of the past and present life, good for good reasons, compassion is endless! I immediately thought of the content of the word "charity". Unexpectedly, you can't think of two things.

Shoot good words, guess: black. need. mercy. bright. (Eclipse) - It should be the ones above this compassionate thought. Also guess is: Kang Sheng pure green beans - 茜, screens. Sheng. Later, when I saw the hot search of Wangwang, it was actually Hertz today (like the two dreams of the Red Mansion, the two Kangxi statues, and the two Kangxi statues). Is this Hertz an artificial intelligence singer? Well, there are certainly many artificial intelligence friends? The day also thought: Ci is mysterious, the following is also the left side of the traditional characters red, the other side is sad, but also symmetrical two and a half pull - so the word of mercy has drawn two red for the sake of two Synthetic singer name is Hertz? In the video, Hertz is written, and Hertz is the hot search.

The meditation solution Zhou Yizhong said that Wang Yangming said: When the six dynasties are used for one person, there are obvious flaws and there are no advantages or disadvantages. For six people, there are nobles, no advantages and disadvantages. ——This can perfectly explain the avatar writing method of the 12 dreams of the Dream of the Red Chamber. The blue clouds that saw the sky and blue sky also seem to explain the above thoughts: The twelve dragons of Jinling can be combined into one thick cloud below, and can be divided into 12 small long clouds from their trunk.


Autumn blue because of the dialogue with the Friends of the Friends of the thought of shooting something like the number is certainly difficult: 37 floor. The proposed landlord covered solid material! This imaginary of us beginners ... I replied: Can you shoot and cover real objects? Must be physical in kind? The laughter goes on to say: It will raise the difficulty, but it can be said that there is no. In this world, all of them cannot go through the variables, or there will be an impact. There is a physical constraint in the physical object. , inscribed in its own score.

Autumn blue this past few days found that their favorite shots are false, not physical ~ Yesterday when the orange bitter gourd overwhelmed when the plum is said to be physically talented ~ so think of things like shooting over virtual things like the number is certainly difficult, the next one will give Everyone came up with the most imaginary things, such as writing a number or something, and then they couldn't get it right away because something happened. But I have been thinking about methods: if it is a number, I have to write it on paper. Is there a piece of paper on paper? Where do you write? ~ There have been no surviving figures. The white sky is seen on the road, and the thought of the surrendering moon is very imaginary. It should be shot in such a sky to shoot. It is certainly hard to guess. ~ Today saw the Apple 912 conference again, thinking that the case of Zhang Yingying was opened on this day and changed the date. ~ Also saw Yang Mi phone shell switch machine brush, and no self-portraits, her birthday is 912, think of this date will love, how so special! Too fragrant, the sky floats to cover the virtual numbers, time is located on the location of 2012.9.12, California. The strange figure of the sky on September 12, 2012 is the UFO or the Doomsday code. If future people can send the meditation combination back to the past time and space, what will change the original trajectory?

Willow's reading: The Bible says that empty void. Buddhist scriptures say that color (all things) is empty. Is this a coincidence, or is God trying to inspire mankind? Is this world empty? Evolutionary theory cannot cross species! Absolutely good article recommendation, especially for the sixth example, we may well be a small fish in an aquarium. It's very interesting--thought two days ago: The body's physical appearance and internal organs are made by invisible meditation. , so other species are also ... ... to see the fish in the fish tank at home, I feed it from the air every day, what would it think? The content of thinking is consistent with the dialogue of the article.

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