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A fair evaluation of chairman MAO

4.1 14 here it is! I've always wondered who MAO zedong's quantum entanglement corresponded to. Is it his own meditation to climb the snow mountain and cross the grass, or is it someone else? It must correspond to the dream of red mansions.

A fair evaluation of chairman MAO!

Some people argue about MAO zedong and always forget his roots. MAO zedong was a scholar, a popular rebel who pursued equality for all and established a country where the people were the masters of the country. Some people scold MAO zedong, in fact, should understand: MAO zedong was almost wiped out by Lao jiang, but still adhere to the anti-japanese north, save the country and save the people. He's a national hero. You owe him a debt of gratitude.

In evaluating historical figures, we should view problems objectively from the standpoint of historical materialism. MAO zedong's merits and demerits should not be judged by his own private interests, ignoring the objective conditions at that time and wearing colored glasses. It is universally acknowledged that MAO zedong was a man of great talent. If anyone thinks he is wiser than MAO zedong, he must be an ignorant man.

1. MAO zedong is a library with numerous international experts and scholars studying MAO zedong. There are many articles, poems and famous sayings of MAO zedong, and countless books about MAO zedong have been published all over the world. In particular, MAO zedong's contemporary politicians and leaders around the world, whether friends or opponents, respect him very much. It is hard to imagine that human society will surpass him.

2. MAO zedong wrote well. Combined with his rich practical experience, his articles are of high practical value and can stand the test of time. Some of MAO zedong's articles are worth thousands of troops and horses. The rigor and scientificity of many philosophical articles surprised many Nobel laureates. MAO zedong immersed himself in books all his life, learning and using them in a lively way, and naming his "home" in politics, economy, history, philosophy, military affairs, literature and other fields is no exaggeration.

3, MAO zedong's coincidence is quite a lot, especially the central guard corps unit 8341 number, MAO zedong was born in 1893, died in 1976, at the age of 83; MAO zedong ruled the communist party of China from the zunyi conference in 1935 to his death in 1976. The sum of the Numbers of the time of death, 1976.9.9, is 1+9+7+6+9+9=41, which is exactly 41 years. It's just a coincidence. It's incredible.

MAO zedong spoke of struggle all his life, and eventually won the admiration of his opponents. I fought my father when I was a child. To fight down the headmaster at school; Anyuan coal mine to win the boss; To overthrow several central leaders in the Soviet areas; Beat chang kuo-tao; To defeat Chiang kai-shek; Beat little Japan; Beat the americans; Win the Soviet union, win the United Nations. He gave full play to the philosophy of struggle in his life.

MAO zedong regarded the people as real heroes all his life. MAO zedong was so powerful that he was supposed to be a personal hero. But MAO zedong regarded the people as heroes, relied on them and shouted "long live the people". If when MAO zedong was alive, it was a personal worship for the people to shout long live chairman MAO zedong, then more than 30 years later, the people still remember MAO zedong for a long time, that is from the people's heart.

6, MAO zedong's military level is very strong, the red army troops are surrounded, it is about to be destroyed, others have no way, shouted MAO zedong to save, even can save. MAO zedong is the most powerful strategist, he can predict the future, has the ability to penetrate time and space. MAO zedong knew how to set up base areas in jinggang mountain.

7, zhuge liang is far worse than MAO zedong, saw The Three Kingdoms all know, all the founding of the country, was also chased by cao cao. If zhuge liang really have ability, why use six qi mountain not to be able to, instead take on old life. Look at MAO zedong, after the Japanese surrender, from small to big, the Vietnam war is stronger, swept through thousands of troops like a mat, a thousand miles. In three years old Chiang was destroyed. MAO zedong created too many legends

8. MAO zedong was full of energy. He worked all night at most times, sometimes for a day or two without rest. Can ordinary people do that? It can be seen that MAO zedong has extraordinary energy. Many people think that the army can fight, but MAO zedong said that the army can not only fight, but also do mass work, and to establish the party organization.

9, MAO zedong's leadership and organization ability is very high, he cherish talent, will use talent. He was able to unite outstanding talents such as zhou enlai and zhu DE to work together and consult with them. MAO zedong was able to convince all people that they were united in their thinking and that they could work together to get twice the result with half the effort.

MAO zedong era is the era of hard work, in the enemy's blockade, self-reliance, hard work. We will lay the foundation for industry and agriculture, develop atomic and hydrogen bombs, missile satellites and nuclear submarines. Keep track of years, weights and measures in line with international standards and simplify Chinese characters. It's very convenient for us now. Under MAO zedong, the whole people worked, contributed and enjoyed themselves. Each family raises five or six children, the pain is a little bitter, the heart is comfortable.

Some people say that people are making more money now than they did 30 years ago, which is true. But don't forget that, adjusted for inflation, absolute purchasing power isn't much higher. To average salaried class, moonlight group is many now, raise a child to feel difficult, let alone buy a house. It is easiest to make some people rich, but the most difficult thing is to make all the people rich. MAO zedong picked the hardest to do.

Some people say that in the 1960s and 1970s, China did not develop as much as little Japan. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States blockaded China, launched the war of aggression against the DPRK, and assisted Lao jiang in counterattacking the mainland to prevent China from developing. Instead, we let the market go, but the U.S. still has economic sanctions, technology blockades, and trouble. From here, we can imagine how MAO zedong, who was in a dead fight with the us emperor, would be treated.

13. Now, the world is undergoing great changes. Capitalism is gradually entering the sunset and is caught in a severe financial crisis. But there are conditions for the use of MAO zedong's theory. MAO zedong's theory is based on seeking the interests of the working people.

MAO zedong was a true prophet. He said a lot of things before. And then precision makes you tongue-tied. Those who thought MAO zedong was alarmist are now more impressed. It is said on the Internet that MAO zedong has more than 20 kinds of predictions, and there are also more than 60 kinds of predictions.

15, MAO zedong worried about China behind the "satellite into the sky, red flag landed." Satellite launch, the economy and high-tech continued to develop, the landing of the red flag is the Chinese revolution gradually receded red. Indeed, a few communists forgot their vows and became corrupt officials and lords riding on the people. It proves MAO zedong's foresight.

16, 30 years ago, the communist party because of MAO zedong and great. Thirty years later, the party that lost MAO zedong came to realize that it would be extremely dangerous if someone tried to deny MAO zedong's practice of 30 years. If it is not in line with the trend of The Times, the people will not agree. Fortunately, since MAO zedong foresaw the current situation, in MAO zedong's legacy, will certainly leave the communist party to correct the chaos of the password.


4.1 14 here! I always wondered who Mao Zedong’s quantum entanglement corresponds to? Climbing a snowy mountain, crossing the grass, is his own meditation, or is there another person? Definitely corresponds to the Dream of Red Mansions.

[An article on the fair evaluation of Chairman Mao! 】

Some people argue that Mao Zedong always forgets the roots of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong is a scholar, a civilian rebel, pursuing equality for all, and establishing a country where the people are the masters of the country. Some people blame Mao Zedong. In fact, they should understand that Mao Zedong was almost killed by Chiang Kai-shek in the past, but he still insisted on going north to resist the Japanese and save the country and save the people. He is a national hero, you are grateful to him.

To evaluate historical figures, we must stand on the historical materialism standpoint and look at the issue objectively. To evaluate Mao Zedong’s merits and demerits, he should not be alone, ignore the objective conditions at that time, and wear colored glasses to talk about the female. The world recognizes that Mao Zedong is a world-famous person. If someone thinks that he is more intelligent than Mao Zedong, then he must be an ignorant person.

1. Mao Zedong is a library that studies Mao Zedong's numerous international experts and scholars. Mao Zedong’s articles, poems, and famous sayings are numerous, and there are countless books published around the world about Mao Zedong. Especially with the politicians and leaders of the world who were contemporary with Mao Zedong, whether they are friends or opponents, they are very respectful to him. It is hard to imagine that there are people in human society who will surpass him.

2, Mao Zedong's writing is very good, combined with his rich practical experience, the articles written are of high practical value and can withstand the test of time. Some articles by Mao Zedong can be worth thousands of troops. Many philosophical articles are rigorous and scientific, which has surprised many Nobel laureates. Mao Zedong's life is soaked in the sea of ​​books, and it is not an exaggeration to use the "home" of politics, economy, history, philosophy, military, literature and so on.

3, Mao Zedong's coincidence is also quite a lot, especially the number of the Central Guards 8341 troops, Mao Zedong was born in 1893, died in 1976, at the age of 83; Mao Zedong from the 1935 Zunyi Conference in charge of the CCP, died in 1976, in place For 41 years, it is the number 8341. The sum of each number of death time 1976.9.9, that is, 1+9+7+6+9+9=41, is also exactly 41 years. It’s too coincidental, incredible.

4, Mao Zedong talked about the struggle in his life, and eventually let the opponent admire. When I was a child, I fought my father; when I was at school, I fell to the headmaster; Anyuan Coal Mine won the boss; I fought several central leaders in the Soviet area; won Zhang Guofan; won Jiang Jieshi; won the small Japan; won the United States; Fight against the United Nations. He devoted his philosophy of struggle to his life.

5. Mao Zedong regarded the people as real heroes in his life. Mao Zedong is so powerful, it is said that it is a personal hero. However, Mao Zedong regarded the people as heroes, relied on the people, and shouted "Long live the people." If Mao Zedong is alive, the people screaming that Chairman Mao is a personal worship, then today, more than 30 years later, the people still remember Mao Zedong, that is, from the true heart of the people.

6. Mao Zedong’s military level is very strong. The Red Army’s troops are surrounded. Seeing that the whole army will be wiped out. If others have no choice, they will call Mao Zedong to rescue them and they will be able to save them. Mao Zedong is the most powerful military strategist. He predicts the future and has the ability to penetrate time and space. Mao Zedong knows that it is good to establish a base in Jinggangshan. Shaanxi is also the place where Mao Zedong chose.

7. Zhuge Liang is far worse than Mao Zedong. I have seen all three countries know that they have established a country and have been chased by Cao Cao. If Zhuge Liang really has the ability, why not use the six out of the mountains, but take the old life. Look at Mao Zedong, after Japan surrendered, from small to large, the Vietnam War is stronger, sweeping thousands of troops like a roll, a mile. The Chiang Kai-shek was destroyed in three years. Mao Zedong created too many legends

8, Mao Zedong's energy, many times are working all night, sometimes for a day or two without rest. Can ordinary people do it? It can be seen that Mao Zedong is energetic. Many people think that the army will fight. Mao Zedong said that the army will not only fight, but also do mass work and establish party organizations.

9. Mao Zedong’s leadership organization is extremely high. He loves talents and uses talents. He can unite outstanding talents such as Zhou Enlai and Zhu De to discuss things together and discuss with everyone. Unlike Chiang Kai-shek’s arbitrariness, he can’t lose. Mao Zedong can make all people convinced, everyone's thoughts are unified, form a joint force, and get twice the result with half the effort.

10. The Mao Zedong era was an era of hard work and entrepreneurship. In the heavy blockade of the enemy, self-reliance and hard work. Lay the foundation of industry and agriculture, engage in atomic bomb hydrogen bombs, engage in missile satellites, and engage in nuclear submarines; remember the year, measure and balance with international standards, and simplify Chinese characters. Let us be very convenient now. In the Mao Zedong era, the whole people worked, and the whole people offered and enjoyed the whole people. Each family raises five or six children. The bitterness is bitter and the heart is comfortable.

11. Some people say that it is more than now to make more money than 30 years ago. But don't forget, after deducting inflation, the absolute purchasing power has not increased much. For ordinary working-class people, there are many moonlight families now, and it is difficult to raise a child, let alone buy a house. It is the easiest thing to let some people get rich. The most difficult thing is to let the broad masses of the people share prosperity. Mao Zedong picked the hardest thing to do.

12. Some people say that in the 1960s and 1970s, China did not develop, and it was not as good as Japan. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States blocked China and launched a war of invasion of the DPRK. It helped Chiang Kai-shek to counter the mainland and prevent China from developing. Redesigned, we sell the market, but the United States still has economic sanctions, technology blockades, and troubles. From here, I can imagine how Mao Zedong, who died at the time with the US emperor, would be treated.

13. Now, the world is undergoing tremendous changes. Capitalism has gradually entered the sunset and has fallen into a serious financial crisis. Some old capitalist countries want to use Mao Zedong’s theory to save themselves. However, the use of Mao Zedong’s theory is conditional. Mao Zedong’s theory is based on the interests of the working people and is used to make profits for a few people.

14. Mao Zedong is a true prophet. He said many things in the first place. Then the precision makes you scream. At that time, people who thought that Mao Zedong was worried about people were now more admired. On the Internet, Mao Zedong has more than 20 kinds of prophecies, and there are more than 60 kinds of prophecies. In fact, they are not complete. Many Mao Zedong’s words about the future are actually prophecies.

15. Mao Zedong is worried about China's "satellite in the sky, the red flag landing." The satellite is in the sky, the economy and high technology continue to develop, and the red flag landing is the Chinese revolution gradually receding red. The situation he was worried about did appear. There were indeed a few Communists who forgot the vows and became corrupt officials. They became the masters riding on the people’s heads. Proved the vision of Mao Zedong.

Sixteen or thirty years ago, the Communist Party was great because of Mao Zedong. Thirty years later, the Communist Party that lost Mao Zedong gradually realized that some people tried to deny Mao Zedong’s 30 years of practice, and the consequences were extremely dangerous! The people did not agree with the trend of the times, and they must return to the people’s orbit. Fortunately, since Mao Zedong foresees the current situation, in Mao Zedong’s legacy, the Communist Party will be left with a code to bring order out of chaos.

4.1 14在这里啊!我一直想知道毛泽东的量子纠缠对应是谁?爬雪山,过草地,是他自己的禅思,还是另有其人?肯定对应红楼梦。





  2、毛泽东文笔很好,结合他丰富的实践经验,写的文章实用价值很高,经得住时间检验。 毛泽东有些文章可以抵得上千军万马。许多哲学文章严谨性和科学性,让很多诺贝尔获奖者都十分惊讶。毛泽东一生浸泡在书海里,活学活用,用政治、经济、历史、哲学、军事、文学等所有的“家”冠名,都不为过。





  7、诸葛亮比毛泽东差远了,看过三国都知道,都立国了,还被曹操追来追去。 如果诸葛亮真有本事,何用六出祁山不成,反而搭上老命。看看毛泽东,日本投降后,由小到大,越战越强,横扫千军如卷席,一泻千里。三年就把老蒋灭了。毛泽东创造的传奇太多了










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