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Contributions of the Chinese classics to Leadership

Updated: Dec 4, 2018

contributions of the chinese classics to leadership 中国经典对领导力的贡献

Chinese Perspective Western Theory

  • 书不尽言,立象尽意 symbolic leadership,design,creativity象征性领导,设计,创造力

  • 圣人设卦,以尽情伪 situational leadership scenario,analysis 情境领导情景,分析

  • 师以众正,正而王 behavioral leadership, trait theory, attributes 行为领导,特质理论,属性

  • 元亨利贞,合礼长人 principle-centered leadership以原则为中心的领导

  • 刚柔立天地,仁义立人君 leadership philosophy领导哲学

  • 自强不息,厚德载物 cultural leadership: corporate value system,virtues文化领导:企业价值体系,美德

  • 损上益下,有孚惠心 facilitative leadership促进领导

  • 主器者震,震者动也 resonant leadership,power-influence approach共鸣领导,权力影响方法

  • 言者尚其辞 leadership communication领导沟通

  • 劳谦君子 servant leadership 仆人式领导

  • 悦以先民,民悦无疆 exemplary leadership模范领导

  • 革去故,鼎取新 innovative leadership创新领导力

  • 与时偕行;为道屡迁,唯变所适 transformational leadership ,leading change 变革型领导,领导变革

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