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Parallel world of thought leverage

The morning after the dream analysis of what to forget, may be a little bit of subtle cognitive differences, such as feelings or ideas, will be in your personal life in the infiltration of heaven, earth and three above, will eventually lead to your trajectory out of the ordinary. And the bar here is magnified by the fact that the reality of life is an infinite number of events and decisions and entanglements, exponential levels of reality. A little bit of a different understanding of that original source creates a lot of parallel worlds. Some people go farther and farther, some people can never get close to each other, and some people hurt each other, all because of this. Now I see Goldman sachs saying that the 2008 crisis, there was leverage, subprime. Secondary spirit? Like write tai chi differentiation of gossip.

Remember that money is debt, video, 9/11, hatred of the rich, bush set up subsidized mortgages, people get nothing for nothing, and eventually get recovered from the bubble wealth. Clinton was taken, desinclined, the smartest speaker ever at Goldman sachs. Bill Clinton is also said to have the smartest brain, so did he stop his wife from becoming President? No. Clinton doesn't have a lot of money or interests, the bush family does. Does trump have one? Does Obama? Whether rich or poor, as long as the line is positive, will be better and better. And any selfish interests, in the long river of history, will always be the day.


In order to make huge profits, many investment Banks Leverage 20-30 times. Let's assume that bank A has 3 billion of assets and 30 times Leverage is 90 billion. That is to say, bank A borrowed $90 billion against $3 billion of assets for investment. If the investment turned out to be 5% profitable, then bank A made A profit of $4.5 billion, which is A 150% windfall compared to bank A's own assets. Conversely, if the investment loses 5%, then bank A loses all of its assets and still owes $1.5 billion.

Morning post to see the prophecy of datong, red, yellow, black and white as datong. Think now we seems to be the power of love through the back superluminal divisions in the fetal period, we divide to expand territory, but will eventually become the masterpiece of nature, childbirth out as a real baby, datong, body and soul together. It's fit the American science fiction finally ending, a baby 👶

It is only natural that everyone should live. All natural things are idealized, and to achieve them, one must first be idealized. If people do not reach idealization, then they will be further and further separated from the original source of thinking. That would be a disaster. Why didn't the fetus differentiate into the big bang? It is because of its previous source that the mother protects her and continues to give her love that the baby becomes a whole.

Just think, cell division each want each, think oneself are big boundless, so can mother uterine hold up next? I see, only shekou has such a big desire! Why doesn't the fetus develop and divide? There's a mathematical formula for this. The human world may also follow this formula. Great things must come to an end. So the mystery of Yang mi, the follower of the circle of money of performing arts circle, such as the United States, should change course, change taste, don't spoil their children.

In fact, just like a big family, there is a kind of mother and strict father on the top, and there is no internal struggle and a new creator beyond the previous generation, is the original intention of the source! It must be so idealistic. Otherwise, where will the great rivers and mountains come from? How will the planet come into being? How will the future continue? It's a mystery in itself. Indulging in the wealth created by ancestors is the second way. Just as a parent's legacy only wants you to have enough food and clothing, not money as god, on the contrary. If every country is an organ of the earth, what part of your country is it? Is it normal now?

"How many people died on 9/11? Does this have anything to do with walden pond? Everybody has a house. Did the MAO era come true? But that will only be low-rent housing that can be achieved, and then the peak may not be good to achieve the allocation, after all, the resources are limited, only a few generations of implementation. 9/11 and the subprime mortgage crisis may have been the conflict between the pursuit of profit by capital and human ideals.

Capital is like the tao of heaven and the tao of Ming. It feels cold after writing wang yuan's words. It seems that only intelligence operates, not the individual life, but it is the law of environmental operation that has to be followed. Then these two days cold died, only 17 °. So is the outside. Face bleak life, the sun comes out like sheep, where have? Perhaps a rule appears and runs itself as if it were designed code. But should humans be able to modify code?


After dreaming in the morning, I analyzed what I forgot. It may be a little bit of subtle understanding. For example, emotionally or conceptually, it will permeate your talents in your personal life, and eventually lead to your trajectory being different. The zooming of the lever here is caused by the endless events of life and the decisions and entanglements, the exponential level of reality. A little bit of difference in the original source generated a lot of parallel worlds. Some people go farther and farther, some people can never get close, and some people hurt each other. Now I see Goldman Sachs said that the 2008 economic crisis, there are also leverage, subprime mortgages. Second spirit? It is like the case of writing Tai Chi, the gossip.

I remembered that money is a debt video, 911 hatred appeared, Bush set a subsidized mortgage, people get something for nothing, and eventually recovered the bubble wealth. Clinton was raped, desinclind, and the most intelligent mind of Goldman Sachs speakers. Clinton is said to be the smartest mind, so he prevented his wife from being elected president? No. Clinton does not have any wealth or anything, but the Bush family has it. Is there a Trump? Does Obama have it? No matter how rich or poor, as long as the line is right, it will get better and better. Anyone who has a selfish interest will always be caught in the long river of history.


In order to make huge profits, many investment banks use 20-30 times leverage (Leverage) operation, assuming that a bank A's own assets are 3 billion, and 30 times leverage is 90 billion. In other words, this bank A borrows 30 billion yuan from the assets of 3 billion yuan for investment. If the investment profit is 5%, then A will get 4.5 billion in profit, which is 150% compared to A's own assets. Profiteering. Conversely, if the investment loses 5%, then Bank A loses all of its assets and owes 1.5 billion.

In the morning post, I saw the prophecy of Datong, and the red, yellow and black and white were the same. I think that now we seem to be crossed by the power of love to go back to the splitting fetus period of super-light speed. We will continue to split to expand the territory, but will eventually become the last masterpiece of nature, giving birth to a real baby, a big body, body and mind. . This is in line with the final ending of the American science fiction film, a baby 👶

Everyone has a living room, and it is a matter of righteousness. Everything that is justified is idealized, and to achieve it, one must first be idealized. If people do not achieve idealization, then the source of initial thinking will become more and more different. That is a disaster. Why did the fetus not differentiate into the big bang? Because the mother of her last source is protecting her and continuing to give her love, she will condense into a whole baby.

Imagine that if you think about cell division, you want to be big and boundless, so can your mother's womb support it? I see, only Shekou has such a big desire! Why is the fetus not developing and dividing? This has a formula for mathematics. The human world may also follow this formula. Shengji will decline. Therefore, the mystery of Yang Mi, the entertainment circle, the followers of the highest peak in the United States, the change of the string is easy, change the taste, do not love their children.

In fact, just like in a big family, there is a kind-hearted father, and there is a new creator who goes beyond the previous generation with or without fighting, and it is the original intention of the source! It must have been idealized like this. Otherwise, where is the good river and mountain, how is the planet produced, and how to continue in the future? It is a mystery. Indulging in the creation of wealth in the ancestors is the second. Just as the parental inheritance only wants you to have nothing to worry about, not to use money as a god, it is the opposite. If each country is an organ of the earth, which part of your country is it? Is it normal now?

How many people died in 911? "Whether this will have a relationship with Walden, everyone has their own home. Has the Mao Zedong era been realized? However, such a situation can only be achieved by low-rent housing, and the peak may not be able to achieve distribution. After all, resources are still limited and can only be left to several generations. The 911 and subprime mortgage crisis may be the two confrontations between the contradiction between capital and human ideals.

Capital is like Tiandao, Mingdao. After writing Wangyuan’s words, it feels cold and cold. It seems that only intelligence is working, and there is no life individual, but it is indeed the law of environmental operation and has to be followed. Then these two days died cold, only 17 °. It is also outside. Face the bleak life, the sun comes out like a sheep, where is there? Maybe after a rule appears, it runs like a well-designed code. But should humans have the ability to modify the code?











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