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The 18 most classic quotes of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

The 18 most classic quotes of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

1, color is not different from empty, empty is not different from color, color is empty, empty is color.

-- heart sutra

Sentiment: the "color" in the heart sutra can be simply understood as matter (sun, moon, stars, etc.) and the world phase (fame, wealth, people, things, etc.), which can be seen and touched by the naked eye. Water to make a metaphor, water color, water forms are: rain, snow and frost, ice, fog, rivers and lakes, water vapor is water, there are all kinds in the shape of water, the sun rising water vapor in the air, our eyes can't see the meat of the water, but the humidity in the air increases, we saw the clouds to see water, but it contains the moisture in clouds, when the cloud water reaches a certain amount, it will rain, it is a quantitative change back to the qualitative change, from the water back to the process. So can't say what things is absolute, it is also a change multiple thinking, dialectic. Empty itself, material, fame and wealth? Is an empty thing a color? Since "color" should be attributed to "empty", we should not be greedy for "color" in the world. Cultivation of mind is for the purpose of cultivation of mind, and a vacuum is wonderful and capable of being true.

2, the law of the people, the law of heaven, the law of heaven, the law of nature.

-- Lao tzu, tao te ching

Inspiration: the person who live on the earth, to rule for the earth, sun, warm by the day, earth day as law, the universe, is the evolution of the road, so the day in a way to rule, the evolution of the tao, is based on natural law. Tao: is conform to the nature, let the self evolution of all things. As the people who live on the earth, you should respect and protect the natural environment, sunchon, let nature take its course is the "tao".

3, day, the gentleman to self-improvement; Topography kun, the gentleman to carry things.

-- I ching

The spirit of a gentleman should be as vigorous and galloping as the horse. The earth is gentle and gentle, nurturing all things, like the character of the cattle as hard work, the mind of a gentleman should be like the earth's thick, inclusive and bearing all things.

4, wren nest in deep forest, but one branch; The hades drink the river, but they are full.

- chuang tzu

The nest occupied by the birds in the mountain forest is just a branch, the hades drink the water in the river, but they are satisfied.

5, zhi orchid life valley, not to no one and not fang.

- Confucius

Feeling: the orchid grows in the deep and secluded valley, no matter there is no one to appreciate, the orchid is still open, the gentleman can realize the avenue and cultivate virtue, will not change his heart and moral integrity because of poverty and frustration.

6, heaven and earth is the basis of people, heaven and earth have a deficit, can not settle my year.

-- taiping jing

Comprehension: the heavens and the earth is our parents, it is the root of life, if the pollution of the atmosphere, the earth, the forest logging by the human, the nature of Yin and Yang lose balance, the essential condition of human existence is destroyed, people will not be at ease, human want to secure life, first of all, fear of heaven and earth, behavior and the nature coordinated, only in this way, just may have lasting peace life.

The theft of heaven and earth, all things, all things, the theft of man, man, all things, the theft of three appropriate, three only safe.

-- "Yin fu jing"

However, if people steal the essence of heaven and earth, everything can be used. But, if people steal also no way, is equal to harm themselves if the human unrestrained deforestation, it will cause a lot of soil erosion, flooding rivers and so on... Only three thieves (the way of the sky: Yin, qing, sun, moon, star, the way of the earth: gold, wood, water, fire, wind, the way of people: sincerity, thrift, benevolence, filial piety, good) the five elements of life appropriate, Yin and Yang balance, in order to achieve tian, tai, people together, the world can be peaceful.

8, should be born so pure heart, should not live color heart, should not live sound fragrance touch method heart, should not live and live their heart.

-- diamond sutra

The enlightened one should have a pure mind, not one that seeks shapes and concrete things, nor one that is inspired by shapeless things. The inner space of a person should be a naturally occurring pure and non-doing mind when there is nothing to be desired.

9, such as the arrival, never, also have no place to go, so the name of the tathagata.

-- diamond sutra

Feeling: "Buddha" can be understood as his own nature and true. It really is not from where, no where to go, we just the simple heart be secular and its own desire, greed, hatred, pollution is covered, make we hold the bend scouring the globe to find, in fact, it has been really on our own.

10, tao born one, life two, two three, three things.

-- "tao te ching"

Comprehension: initial universe is in a state of chaos, chaotic differentiation, clear up for the day, for Yang, polluted air reduced to land, as the Yin, Yin and Yang two gas inspire each other, constantly intercourse, produced gas (gas is the basic condition of life happen), everything started reproduction. The connotation of everything has a Yin and Yang two attributes (i.e., based on), and is the unity of the Yin and Yang to inspire each other, after intercourse.

Poor is to take care of themselves, to the world.

- mencius

Sentiment: when you are poor, keep to your own nature, do not do things beyond your duty, when wealth comes (spiritual consciousness and material wealth), do not enjoy wealth alone, to let more people around the world benefit.

12, from the phase is zen, not chaos is fixed; External meditation and internal meditation are for meditation.

-- altar sutra

Meditation is that a person is no longer tempted by the external desire for fame and wealth, and realize that the desire for fame and wealth is a floating cloud of illusion. Only in this way can human nature present its original clarity and freedom, and only in this way can the inner heart produce real "meditation" -- this is meditation.

13, who is not a sage, to err? It is good to be well.

-- zuo zhuan

People are not sages, who will make mistakes, the key is to know that they are wrong and can correct their mistakes, from now on not to make the same mistake, this is from the mistake of the great benefit.

14, when the fight 100 gu vegetation, chunhua birds and beasts moth, beside the luo sun, moon, stars, water waves earth and stone jade, hard work and refreshing, save water and fire material.

-- shiji, the first of the five emperors

Comprehension: ancestors to protect our environment, there are words can take an examination of, started from the yellow emperor period, this means that people want to mountains, vegetation and birds and beasts worm moth, as well as the moon and stars, civil, water waves are as his heart, as his ears and eyes, saving water and with fire that timber. Used at the time of the ancient "material", is the nature of living conditions. This shows our ancestors to treat and awe of nature.

15, the people of ancient times, its know, method in Yin and Yang, and the number, drinking habits, and daily life have often, don't jump to make law, so it can form and spirit, and his old age, degree of centenarians is. Persons who have not at this time, in wine, for pulp, to do such things, often drunk to into the room, for the room, for exerting its essence, to dissipation of the truth, I do not know its full, royal god from time to time, his service fast heart, inverse living, daily life and therefore merely and failure.

-- huangdi neijing

Comprehension: ancient know knowledge of people, can make life, according to the objective law of preserve one's health is to make itself a balance of Yin and Yang (vigour for Yang, blood, and fluid for Yin), diet to temperate (not eating a single, overeating, big fish big meat, meal, etc.), in the daily life work and rest also regularly (don't stay up late at night, often stay up late can cause human body biological clock disorder, endocrine disorders, etc.), cannot too fatigue overdraft body. So, the person's appearance and body spirit got the h, so understand knowledge people can live to be hundred years old. And now, for for curing unceasingly, drinking alcohol, drunk Room, do as they wish, unrestrained dissipation of congenital essence (libido is the fountain of life in consumption, temperance lust, fixing sperm cover gas, for knowledge), also regardless of the physical condition of people today, use too much energy, meet fast, recreation way is contrary to the hotel, at the age of fifty years so early aging.

16, there are mechanical things will organic, organic things will organic heart. Where god is uncertain, tao is not contained.

- chuang tzu

Comprehension: has the machinery, can produce a cleverness, have the dexterity, can produce a cleverness of heart, the heart of the opportunistic born in heart, and destroys the plain natural quality. Once the inner pure machine heart being polluted, will be thinking about how to opportunistic, for profit, so, the mind will instability, insecurity, will not be able to "tao", is far from the essence of the natural way.

17, rigid and soft staggered, astronomy, civilization to stop, humanities also, watch the sky, to watch its change, watch the humanities to become the world.

-- zhouyi

Comprehension: the intersection of heaven and earth, Yin and Yang two gas harmony, is the operation of natural behavior heaven, human civilization (the sun to Ming also, this is our country ancient book first appeared the word "civilization") is to let nature take its course of development, the view (eye to see, my heart to view) was made in heaven, can know the change, in order to comply with the laws of nature, observe whether one's own behavior and the nature coordinated, only let nature take its course, can help good, on the earth, can with the nature, coexistence and co-prosperity.

18, the Lord of heaven, called the father; The Lord of the earth, called the mother; The father is the bishop, and the mother is the father's son. The father is the bishop, and the mother is the father's son.

-- taiping jing

Comprehension: heaven is our father, and the earth is our mother, who is the heaven and earth have the child, good parents do you want to manage the heavens and the earth. Do the father of enlightenment, we are going to follow the natural season, the earth mother and god father raised us together, we ordered into day, benefiting from mother earth, so as the son of heaven and earth, we want to protect good parents gifts of our ecological environment, to worship days honor father and care for the earth mother.







感悟:靠大地生存的人,要以大地为法则,阳光雨露,施受于天,大地以天为法则,宇宙万物,都是道的演化,所以天以道为法则,道之演化,是以自然为法则.道法:就是顺应自然,听任万物的自我演化.作为靠地球上生存的人,就应该尊重和保护自然环境,顺天而行、顺其自然才是守“道” .

















































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