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Vassal state

Map of Taiwan sweet _ Lin daiyu acutely rice field - vassal state - the ancient Chinese idea of extraterrestrial what book have to overseas sea - if the earth is sea blue planet, land a little bit of a human at first, then later asked mago land and sea change? Civilization was the center of humanity at first, and then the vassal state nature emerged. Then the United States was a vassal state of the latest generation of ancient civilization.

Map of Taiwan's Fan States_林黛玉艹米田-藩属国-China's ancient imaginary land outside the sea What books - If the earth is a marine blue planet, the land has a little humanity first, then the land and ocean changes that later appeared Ma Gu? The first civilization was the center of humanity, and what emerged later was the possibility of belonging to the country. That the United States is a recent state of the ancient civilization of mankind.


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