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2016 dream essence 2016年梦境精要










4.26夜梦境---超脱生死梦:与XM在一个飞行器的右侧,其右侧又有她开着一个小的器具,我们坐里面。一会儿,我不小心碰到了器具的顶端的一个按钮,类似飞机模型上面的一对翅膀的与主体连接处,这个器具就自己跑出来了,我们都慌张了。在到处漂移,XM也不会开。一会儿我在器具上说:“我已经超脱了生死……”看见飘荡到绿色地面上处处黄色小花,我又说:“我愿意归入此地……(不恐惧而是和谐的)”。又见我漂移到了一个乡村的田地上,快接近了地面,后面跟上一个男子,笑着说,你还要去哪里啊?(全程漂移过程感觉不到XM ,不知道她的存在了)。后来又接着其他的梦了。




















1. 一个人可以塌缩许多的不同职业性格的人在不同的时间。(做了好久好像,可是只是想起了这些。白天看到昴宿星人那篇文章里写的:人因为自己的受限思维,不停的制作肉体去轮回)。


2. 董与敏追要棉被,敏躺几个大床上像陀螺一样嗖嗖的间断的转,董追不上。后两个变成小孩子相互亲吻胸部。



2.意识出现四个字,博谷清纳,说:这是圣山。 (半夜醒来了,起床想什么是圣山,想到金字塔三角形像山,水漫金山,法海白娘子和金字塔医疗是否有关呢?)


















7.14法国尼斯事件,死亡体验馆(梦中游魂飞快,醒来恐怖) ,给我肉和血歌词 法国(送自由女神), 尼斯(你去死吧),你去死吧的恶魔之意波及到了法国,国庆自由的尼斯之地的那个人,他便展开了此行动?那人类犯罪还有没有因果了?他的行动是塌缩了,而其他人只是想了想没有行动是未纠缠到足够的波函数波峰处,所以没有塌缩?或者根本只是讨厌这个想法,而拒绝纠缠于此,所以根本不会提升波包?犯罪的都是弱者吗?他们没有解开纠缠的能力,只有被纠缠的被动,越积越多,足够多时就爆发了塌缩为现实了?所以,给大家没有足够可以恶塌缩的环境,才是王道吗?

1234 2234节拍--------早晨迷迷糊糊,被外面一个女孩子的尖声吵醒了,她似乎在和其他人玩耍,说我跑到这里,你在那里~我还是想瞌睡。她叽叽喳喳开心的玩耍跑跳,我迷迷糊糊还想进入梦乡。一会儿,我还是被她吵醒的多一点了,只听她开始说,1234 2234 3234 4234……说了两三圈后,就没有动静了。我起床后,有点庄周梦蝶的迷惑,究竟是梦,还是真实?不过应该是真实的。








看到她做的老虎手工,张着血盆大口。想到其说的梦境,老虎吃人,好邪恶啊。晚上,她缠着我让我在纸条上写字,她说。我关注的看着她,等着她说我写,可是她想不起来什么。我看着她心里叫她公主,谁知道她马上开始说: 公主:你要想来打败我这个邪恶恶魔,就得付出你的所有富有。











8.13日晚上梦境: 我因某私事非常生气。家里卫生间和某屋奇怪的非常黏乎,来三个人不知道干嘛似乎要查探情况,我一直搽屋子在唠叨什么。马云与我在同一个专用小飞机上,我告诉他我可以塌缩东西,只不过真实的东西是像小虫子小物件啊什么的。给他讲,你知道波粒二象性吗?他说是假的,我才给他举了例子。又做一个飞机和他公司女同事,因想把她送走,结果飞到她公司了,我想回我公司。他们保安怕我自己走不方便,让我搭他们的货车。来了我说像公交车。车门槛很高,上了车。她们的女同事到了婚纱摄影的地方,下车都去选换婚纱,陪着她们看了,看她们都穿了,评论这个好看否。一会我站在车边,遇上容儿和一女的,我问我现在快到公司没有,心想如果快了我就不坐车和她们一起走路了,她说还没有远着呢,我问过司机可以搭便车,就让她们也上了车。

9.8日夜梦境:和YI还是类似的女的一起去洗澡,到澡堂里她很快放好衣服就进去了,我一直没有柜子放衣服,最后实在没法,就把衣服放在一个没锁的就是地位低的一个屋子里的柜子中一边,祈祷千万别丢了。然后进去洗澡,找那个女的(梦中比较模糊此人)。看到一个室外的水池子,她和许多人站在水里不敢动弹,原来有两条灰黑蛇挨在一起举着头在里面。我干了什么忘记了,似乎是要救她们,把蛇弄出来,这中间的事忘记了。然后梦里就是另一个画面,两个蛇还是那个姿势在池子边的湿地草丛里。 后来,我说只能去泡澡堂池子安全。然后一群人在澡堂池子里的画面......


10.3日晚上梦境: 一群人在大厅里跳舞,有领头的。我和另一个人坐在一边看。过了一会只剩我一个人,来了一个管理员,说,地上怎么会有烟头呢?原来这是非常洁净的地方,不可能有一点垃圾会留下的。马上一个爱嚼口舌的跟着说,就是呀,谁来了?开始调查。座位上又有一个人淡定的说,我知道,是江青!那个嚼舌的低下头说,是她来跳舞就跳吧,算了。我和同学在课堂上坐着听课,同桌来晚了。我铺占两个桌子,给她让了一下。我刚才发现电脑里日本一个不太漂亮的女演员被日本研究做出了从出生到选择美容一直到生命晚期的抉择道路问题。之前还出现了她和其他演员演各种电视剧的情景。我悄声给同学说,我发现了一个大好的东西,我可得好好看看了,我也正需要这些呢!一会儿,我看到天空上云彩异常漂亮,三条曲线波浪下有钻石一样的填充物,这样形状的白色云。对应的地上也有这样的。我用手机调大一个个都拍了一个,特漂亮。




2016.12.28日梦境—— Q衣服太乱,说生日花的还不如买个书柜,梦里成了衣柜。黑灰斑驳样式,她说是那个过生日朋友送的。我看了那个衣柜,走到外面,天空如是,黑曲曲的。我给Q找衣服跑到大街的店里找,可是大清早没有开门。我在大街上听到三个人坐着谈论,说类似他搞得什么东西理论都是假的。我心想,你们头脑都被铁笼子锁住了,不开窍。走了一点路回头看他们三个人果真头部有铁笼子了。赶快跑,一辆黄包车疾驰而来把我裹里面走了,不见了。

Is the daytime mind that wave of consciousness can dominate the content of the dream? Word information is the theme of the dream, the story of the people in the dream silly heart performance, this person also includes myself ... ... The true man of heaven dominates you.

Dreaming last night is very funny: You said seat, I dreamed of finding a good seat. Still dream of photography to have light. A pink tree, a white flower tree, blue sky background is particularly attractive, white flower trunk twisted into bonsai that, very high.

This is the first record of a 2016.3.3 day note on the dream situation, in front of it there is a record childhood dreams. Since then concerned about the relationship between dream and reality, until you see the dream of rediscovered once again find the truth of its taste ......

2016.4.3 late --- dream door refrigerator, God has come:

------- Dream: refrigerator door, there are many pictures (lines formed), but it is not clear what is. I saw in which a trace of smoke-like shape in the graphics, slowly presented as 2, then go up and saw a 14.

Note: The Panama document was found 4.6 days.

Note: Hai Hou Hou a lot of money buried, tens of thousands of people can live 30 years.

Refrigerator: Frozen funds 2.6TB - 62 gravity waves; 214,000 companies involved: dreams 2.14, pure ideas for the first source of the universe, the original thought, the follow-up impure thoughts are distorted ☞ One rule: the German newspaper ☞ doubt Germany Why is the picture of Prime Minister 2016 in the middle? Refugees have been 15 years ah? 8.12 explosion with reporters ☞8.12 Soros.

Other things: the navel, the first embryo map of Leonardo da Vinci, the Virgin Mary of Mona Lisa pregnancy that embryo is sensible and pregnant, then people can verify the truth (because the human uterus resembles another universe) . Heilongjiang goose word, so Mona Lisa was Leonardo da Vinci or other people pregnant? Those who have the mole is also so?

4.26 Night dream --- transcendence of life and death dream: and XM on the right side of an aircraft, the right and she drove a small appliance, we sit inside. For a moment, I accidentally ran into a button at the top of the appliance, similar to the connection of a pair of wings to the main body above the airplane model, and the appliance came out on its own, and we were all in a hurry. Drift around, XM will not open. While I was on the appliance, said: "I have been detached from life and death ... ..." saw the floating yellow flowers everywhere on the green ground, I said: "I am willing to fall here ...... (not fear but harmony)." See also I drift to a rural field, quickly approached the ground, followed by a man, said with a smile, where are you going ah? (XM does not feel the whole drift process, I do not know her existence). And then followed by other dreams.

Note: Later, I saw two people in Taiwan traveling by car and collided with the passage of pictures, there are yellow flowers.

4.28 day night dream --- see UFO dream: to a wider outside, everyone is watching the sky ufo, like a meteor flashed, there will be a large area showing all the signs of a shop owner, I saw Is not it near my house? There are like two lips, like ... ... (can not remember, remember the lips? Looks very clear).

5.1 Night Scenery --- Long chase kids dream: a big dragon to chase a child, we hold the child, dragging the dragon together to jump into the river, the child must travel by yourself, the dragon chase behind. Like children in the water, children flip freely, to a place, I feel the dragon to catch up, holding the children to the shore, we all came.

5.15 day dream ~ intensive UFO: Speaking on May 15 yesterday, the plane seen on the 5.10 day, an average of one minute looks like flying in the sky, there are two, most of the bright white small aircraft, there are two or three gray Big black plane. If you think UFO turned the plane look, it would not be dense UFO?

The night of May 15, night-time saw crowded UFO. The dream also specifically found that the group of friends said on May 14 saw the v-shaped UFO in Shanghai. In the dream, I have been looking up and taking pictures, shooting when the phone can not see, but also want to see it's trajectory, people help to shoot.

Note: The first thing I saw in the bar was a UFO that I saw, and then I borrowed the book, then the article, and then the dream.

5.20 days dream: a second sister and a friend, I was singing a song with Chairman Mao era, she will not sing, I told her the beginning, very easy to sing out. Also said, nice to hear, but this is no fun light ah!

Also: Two people to recommend things, XM listened to the original machine sound (like Baidu Post Bar machine sound reading) summary of primary and secondary intelligence, but also to help you practice. I know that such things can only be used by those who have no computer knowledge at all, people who know something about the Internet and who can choose the pronunciation of a person.

(Own dream interpretation: The above are two aspects recently thought, but the overall network and product + spirituality of the three content, but also implied I want to read my own spiritual information to recommend to everyone's meaning)

May 21 night dreaming:

1 view of the natural daytime said: addicted to shallow souls, addicted to shallow shallow secret (the contemplation of the sentence at the time)

2. The group saw: practitioners should not be obsessed with color (at the time asked is female color?)

3. Children go to the field: in front of a kindergarten teacher, a field in front of her between the field, there are children in the front legs do not lift the leg forward shoveling soil walk, one by one are happy. I asked why I did so, I can not learn anything. Next to a woman told me that the children's feet to listen to the teacher is the step left or right leg of the conductor, right to be qualified. While I was in the field next to them to see those seedlings, squatting to touch the seedlings, I feel a seedling in front of breath in the non-stop chest, I feel it below is not hidden in a person, scared me right away Ran out (Saying that it is time to put down oneself and call for the truth to be sucked; whether the left and right legs are left and right?)

4. Out handsome guy: take the bus out, met during the day to see: I'm so annoying ~ two funny guy in this funny video or other stars?

5. Tiejun avatar and Jiangsu analysis article, the creator of emotion and wisdom I said yesterday: You see your avatar, do not know the meaning of the words that change me

Note: the colon behind the dream.

5.28 dreams --- meditation focus: a group of characteristics is meditation, focus, we say that this is the key, unlimited Unicom can be smart ... remember not too clear, the effect of this.

5.29 Dreamland: 1. Listen to explain the state of each density of aliens; 2. In the previous primary school. Meet the moth that produces the powder.

6.1 Dream - collapsed, 6.1 chicken legs -:

1. A person can collapse many people of different occupations at different times. (It took a long time, but I just remembered these.) During the day I read the Pleiadian article that people keep producing their bodies for reincarnation because of their limited thinking.

Chicken legs, said McDonald's website login can be presented chicken, only four. Prompted you to add more friends can automatically increase the chicken, I added all, this time it is Alipay's page and friends, chicken legs into a 8 seems. (Weixin wrote Bailala Energy Chicken during the day, and there will be chicken legs falling. Alipay added a baby word after each name.)

2. Dong and Min chase quilts, Min sleep lying on the bed like a spinning whirled intermittent turn, Dong can not catch up. The last two become children kiss each other's chest.

5.26 Night dream --- ghosts, sacred mountains .......:

1. Ghost up and down: a realistic scene in front of the back explained that the ghost floating in this scene from top to bottom;

2. Awareness appears four words, Bo Valley cleared, said: This is the holy mountain. (Woke up in the middle of the night, get up and think of what is the holy mountain, think of the pyramids triangle like mountains, water Manchurian, Fahai White Snake and pyramid medical is relevant?

3. Framed, flying: A colleague earned the boss's favor with another female colleague, deliberately designed to pour Xiao Qin Qin hot water to the white skin of the woman, her skin is not good bulging package. I and this woman sit in the spacecraft, but also dreamed of two or three times before dreaming of the bike to save the place to go there to ride home.

Note: Mount Holy Names like a district name mapping.

6.5 dream: there is a dream in these words appear in the consciousness - strong beam who can not be dead (see the moral interpretation of the contents of the president by day.)

6.6 Dream: The teacher's homework is written in brush writing. One of the literati's words to another who died, I looked for a long time, looking for him to say more literary words, did not find a good hurry. My classmates point to the back of the book a word, I said that this is good. Then holding a brush to find ink, in front of students painted red, I asked if there is no black or blue ink, she said I do not know, and later to the min there to see a black bottle to dip, she accidentally put creamy cosmetic bottles down Out. At this time, there is a nasty elderly do not have to sit next to me, some people do not want to. Hear the words of the winds and sandstorm to come, we hiding in a wall squatting crowded together, afraid of the storm hit, boulders or trees hit ... and then woke up.

6.10 Dreamland: I've been doing something repetitively, unwilling to cross it, repeating it three times and not being taken away ... (I do not know exactly what I thought during the day and I've been repeating the fact of telepathy ?) This time at night, a look at the table, and last night, exactly the same time, 4:20.

And two people together in the room, lying on a Taoist? Opposite, dawdle what, he actually indifferent and said I was too fat ... ... Are there any people outside the window?

6.18 night dream: a family reunion, and then his brother to draw, let me get something, I said I will give you the necessary. Say you are mentally ill, I specialized in the treatment of this, will cure you. He also said what he is reincarnation ...

6.19 Dreamland: a big auditorium, many people listen to a person dancing what dance, I am late, has been in the back, was one person peeping. Came to a turret, after going to hide a few layers, thin Wang sister met me, she has the key, let me slowly out. Dreamed about what one person in the podium, with big sunglasses, face and body extremely thin, skinny kind, but it seems very spiritual. Came to a store with his picture, he and the picture is too thin.

6.22 Dreamland: What did I visit with my classmates on a big upstairs, and what we forgot? My classmates and I walked away, came to an underground world, one went in to see a small table, sat a young man on the left, very handsome, a tiger on the right. There was a book in front of them, with four black ones in the middle: the Qin City Prison. He said that you are not going to the South, I say how do you know? He said I count, that is to know. Again, I can not remember clearly. Suddenly an accident happened. They hurriedly ran to the back of a house. I saw that they did not come in again. What tiger jet spit from the inside? Been squeezed out. He took me to protect me. I have to act as his cover him. Just never seen him out.

6. 26 days dream: forget in front. We had a lot of people in our dormitory, without our accommodation. He is the only one in his dormitory. We asked him what happened? Going back and trying to get the key in front of him can not reach the same entanglement as crossing time and space. He gave us the keys. Looks very young and very handsome and kind, a low-lying area in my field of vision, my girlfriend and I told me at a distant seclusion point, you see, he still kill you, your body in the river it ? I escaped. I looked and did not see my body, I saw him surrounded by police. Why did he do this?

7.2 days Dream: TT and how to find a bath can not find the empty closet, opened all the cabinets have clothes. And a person lying on the ground to sleep, feeling another person she secretly took out the wall of the seam in front of my head in the three rolls of paper, looked and took out a few other volumes looked, she wondered why I had to write so . What are the secret pictures and words on paper, forget what it is.

7.3 days Dream: double-slit version of the experiment, what is going back, back a little, and vice versa. It's Miss Elder's acting like that. Specific content can not remember clearly.

7. 6 pm noon dream: H beyond the W ... what the dream flood? Anyway, this sentence was twice awakened by electric drill - just found and South Korea flood video the same Yangtze River Bridge, is actually also H word shape - Jingzhou Yangtze River Bridge.

Yesterday night fell asleep, more than 11 o'clock was awakened by a burst of laughter of women, especially in the Dream of Red Mansions Grand View Garden, the woman's laughter - this day and night to see 87,10 version of the Dream of Red Mansions TV series.

7.6 days Dream: an uncertain entanglement, when you wake up or open your eyes, it becomes a point, or is a mass of diffuse around you.

7.14 day dream: I and another soul, intangible body, only a clear atmosphere of the same existence, chasing each other, running very fast. Until the end we are chasing a short stay together, suddenly ... ... woke up.

(Note: read the death of the museum during the day, think of the soul of death will be tortured in the dream there are other specific met, forget)

7.14 France Nice event, death experience Museum (dream wandering soul fast, wake up terror), give me flesh and blood lyrics France (to send the Statue of Liberty), Nice (you go to hell), you go to die the devil's meaning reached France, the man of Nice's freedom in the National Day, did he carry out this action? Is there any cause for consequence of human crimes? His action is collapsed, while others just wondered if no action is not entangled enough wave peaks, so there is no collapse? Or simply hate this idea, and refuse to dwell on this, so it will not enhance the package? Criminals are the weak? They have not solved the entangled ability, only being entangled in the passive, accumulating more and more, enough time broke out collapsed into reality? So, for everyone not enough to live in an environment that collapses, is it king?

1234 2234 Beats -------- Morning stumble, awakened by the scream of a girl outside, and she seems to be playing with others, saying I'm here, where are you ~ I still want to sleep . She was happy to play and run, I drowned and wanted to go to sleep. For a moment, I was a little awakened by her, just listen to her began to say, 1234223432344234 ... ... said two or three laps, there is no movement. After I get up, a little Chuang Zhou dream butterfly confusion, whether it is a dream, or real? But it should be real.

- Someone said that during the day, what does not mean reading.

Who is sensing me?

Yancheng tornado - whether the author of A Dream of Red Mansions in me?

Nanjing red haze - whether the Nanjing massacre souls at me?

Red Sun - Does Chairman Mao feel to me?

Van Gogh - Is Van Gogh sensing me?

Penetrate Earth and Worry Lamps - Does Abe Induce Me?

Saw her doing the tiger hand, with a bloody mouth. Think of the dreams, tigers eat, so evil. In the evenings, she pestered me to let me write on the note, she said. I looked at her, waiting for her to say I wrote, but she can not remember what it is. I looked at her heart called her princess, who knows she immediately began to say: Princess: you want to defeat my evil demon, you have to pay all the rich.

2016. 9 .10 days playing five thunderstruck thunder and thunder:

Yesterday, said Lei Feng Mao Zedong Zen thinking Dream of Red Mansions, think of the word Ray - today G20 piano melody and night hear the piano heart - today noon swimming swift expiration, always do not go to see if the weather is hot , See the phone on the weather forecast lightning ⚡ symbol ~, then ask the Mid-Autumn Festival to go - today's dinner, ask TT, you have a glass of water so much water, these days are, you are not the teacher gave You add water? Raise his right hand with the same said: yes! If it is not, let me play Samwhak Ray Hey! I laughed, what three dozen five Lei Hey, is not the day playing five thunderstruck ah! (I recently always solution Sanghui Wu Gui) - 11 o'clock tonight, lightning thunder, Thunder rolling simply, the sound effect is also special effects! Microblogging are awakened people, say like Doomsday feeling.

See the news during the day, three wooden bridge collapsed by the flood Renyin, Wood Tiger, Kangxi died Supplementary: wooden bridge gone - Joe no wood. Joe no wood ah? How to become a bridge?

 9-17 night dream: Body came, a lot of blood clots. - Then get up to the toilet, walk in chaos, feet do not listen to calls, much like the case of gas poisoning. Riding the toilet for about three minutes before getting a bit down-to-earth.

Doubts: Do dreams of blood loss, in reality will be like that? Do you feel just being dominated by the Arousal Consciousness? The Cells Listening to the Arousal? Even if you did not realize that the cells were already working, did you lose blood when you were in bed? Although you do not actually lose blood. Remembered pen pen video that the experiment that put things on the arm.

Last night, dreaming of last night on the 15th, when I was in the car with others, I saw a very large word in heaven: Taoism naturally ____ (with an underscore behind), letting others see that they said nothing. After a while, I see again in heaven the words that are as tall as the natural words of the Taoist method, except that the fonts are very thin, which reads: Mozi ..., writing for a long time, followed by the Mozi Theory commentary. Later, the car drove to a place, but also saw a lot of words written in the sky, like what a person is thinking about what the homework or what, I thought, that person certainly in Zen it! So Zen's content is printed in the sky. (The sky is white, the word is light black, or pale clouds are somewhere pale, very natural transition)

7.28th Dream: Eboudra is remembered in his dream, just do not know anything else.

South Korea (North Korea) to come to China to make a Dream of Red Mansions, a North Korean woman and I eat in a small restaurant to talk, then came one after another four or five people to sit at our table, we were squeezed out, I find the supervisor in charge Let's go to a private room. She packed up the rice butterflies. We sat down and continued to eat. I asked you as if it was a Chinese, I was fluent in Chinese ... I waited until she answered, and the waiter came in and interrupted. She continued to talk about the Dream of Red Mansions. She said that there are 56 or so young performers in front of a male director who are getting ready for the filming. They just want to come to China to study the A Dream of Red Mansions. It is advisable to have a consultant to assist us.

8 .1 night dream: NAN's unit is only one person, he told me that he is a worry in the door, he likes the other person. I say you are boring words, psychological reasons. He went out with something, while I saw a large fire outside the door, he hurriedly came back to open my door and said nothing, the fire did not burn here. Outside the hall there is a large rubber band bag. Go out and drive, there is a car blocking the road, while away, we just drove away. A woman's daughter has heart disease, walked along the road and asked me to take care of, I said I try my best, I will give up the metaphysical reasons, but will give you a handy way.

8.3 Dream Night: When I went out to the girls' dormitory, I saw all kinds of colorful birds and swallows, and I was lying on the ground. They dived to me and felt I was surrounded by a swallow's big rumpus and a stock Power through my body, make me more intense pain, so several times, I am weak to get up and asked the people around me, is that I alone? She said no, people with jade names were attacked, with jade ... I remembered just vaguely thinking of swallows beforehand, and thinking again, he should have jade characters, in such a way that I see, my heart is very sad for him. I was crying at a wall, nose flow, and I asked a nagging man in the door, where there is water? He said that you go back is not a female dormitory, where there is water on the first floor. I walked back to see the two men talking, next to a high pole faucet in the water to the basin, I insisted on going back to the girls dormitory.

8.13 night dream: I was very angry for a private matter. Home bathroom and a strange room very sticky, to three people do not know why it seems to check the situation, I have been asking what the house nagging. Ma and me on the same dedicated small aircraft, I told him I can collapse things, but the real thing is something like a small insect bug or something. Tell him, do you know the wave duality? He said it was fake, I gave him an example. Another aircraft company and his female colleagues, because she wanted to send away the results flew to her company, I want to return to my company. They are afraid of my own security go inconvenient, let me take their van. Come to me like a bus. High threshold, got on the car. Their female colleagues to the wedding photography place, got off to go to the election wedding, accompanied them read, see them all wear, comment on this good-looking or not. For a moment I stood by the side of the car and met Yung Er and Ivana. I asked if I was coming to the company now. I thought if it was going fast, I would not walk with them by car. She said that I have not traveled far yet. I asked Over drivers can ride, let them get on the car.

9 .8 Day dreams: YI or a similar woman to take a bath together, to the bath she quickly put the clothes inside, and I have no wardrobe to put clothes, and finally it is impossible, put the clothes on a lock is not One side of a low-lying cabinet in a house, prayer do not lose. Then go to the bath, looking for that woman (the dream is more obscure person). See an outdoor pool, she and many people standing in the water did not dare to move, the original two gray black snake held together in the head inside. I forgot what I did, it seems to be to save them, get out the snake, forget the middle of this thing. Then the dream is another picture, the two snakes or that position in the pool beside the wet grass. Later, I said I could only go to the bubble bath safe. Then a group of people in the bath pool picture ... ...

Note: The two snakes in the dream are so impressive that they are now written like a double-headed snake in the growth of all things seen before, with flattened necks. Recipe Cobra.

10 .3 night dream: a group of people dancing in the hall, there is a leader. I sat with someone watching. After a while I am alone, came to a manager, said how the ground will have cigarette butts? It turned out to be a very clean place, there could not be a little rubbish left behind. Immediately followed by a chewing tongue that is, who came? Start the investigation. Another person on the seat said calmly, I know, is Jiang Qing! That cheeks bowed his head that she dance to jump, forget it. I and my classmates sat in class in class, late at the same table. I shop accounted for two tables, give her a bit. I just found out that a not-so-pretty actress in Japan was made by Japanese studies on the road to choice from birth to selection of beauty and later life. She also appeared before and other actors in a variety of drama scenes. I whispered to my classmates that I found a great thing, I have to take a good look, I also need these too! For a while, I saw clouds of unusual beauty on the sky, diamond-like fillings under three curvilinear waves, white clouds of such shape. The corresponding ground also has this. I use a cell phone to adjust one by one have taken a picture, especially beautiful.

Note: Then suddenly woke up, do not know how to think of Joe Ren beam. Suddenly, I think his death should be the same as the death message: The sentence in the news that has been dead for a long time reminds me of imagination. If he really died a long time, is not Joe performing custom happiness is the ghost? A few days ago he passed the Internet filming wet pictures I have to see if it is a ghost. And what about his special photograph of someone, the ghost? This reminds me of his colleagues more scared. And Mid-Autumn Festival certainly see his parents, they are even more scared. I think these are also a moment thing, go to the toilet are afraid of death, strong enough to cheer up the lights. Thought, perhaps the dream actress is Wumei Ling. Is Jiang Qing also have this situation? Outside and heard the voice: Welcome to drive the car, I can hear about 6 o'clock every day on my downstairs. It sounds unusually unusual today, and this is the ghost of anyone who comes here. Is there any one to drive the sound motorcycle? However, the whistle of motorcycle hum off the sound is still very clear. These are more reminiscent of the Hong Kong restaurant event, the soul still can not eat the zombie, Joe is also a black bag hedging, the soul naturally can not fly out.

12.26 She dreamed of two chairs last night. The back of the two chairs combined into a pyramid shape. See the chair no longer see Le. Then I was awakened by Le. - I saw the day pushing the back of the chair and the door of the village door, and the shape of the Christmas pyramid tree.

Zen during the day are combined into the dream, and became a story, is the Zen Zen word is the node? Can be extended into a straight line tentacles? Seems to have observed the theory of infiltration, my mother used to be that attitude, I used to be used only here, the combination is not bad. Other should be the same. Reality should be the same. As long as you are such a feature of that attitude, the universe will be able to draw you into your portfolio, only by calling your name and identity, and installing it in another event will be OK and very close The same gear device.

2016. 12. 28 days dream - Q clothes too messy, it is better to spend birthday than to buy a bookcase, the dream became a wardrobe. Black gray mottled style, she said that birthday friends sent. I looked at the closet, walked outside, the sky was, and the melody was. I went to the street looking for clothes to find the store, but early in the morning did not open the door. When I heard about three people sitting in the street and talking about what theories they made, they were all fake. I thought, your mind has been locked locked cage, not resuscitation. Going a bit and looking back at them three people really have iron crate head. Rush to run, a rickshaw gallopped me wrapped inside, gone.

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