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2017 dream essence III 2017年梦境精要III







附注文章内容:近期,DNA复制与我们想象的并不同、肺部具有造血功能、DNA 聚合酶不需要引物、小脑不仅控制平衡等发现引发了大家的强烈关注和讨论。本专题带大家全面回顾2016-2017年“改写教科书”以及“颠覆传统认知”的20项研究。看完这篇文章差不多五点半了,做梦时间是5:30--6:14分,6:15分闹钟没有响就醒来,记录之。




7.14 7.37







菲 :我在扒开神秘面纱,找到阴阳不测之为神的秘密,而不是只是敬畏神。我希望每一天我都做梦,直到梦境质量高到可以发现神的踪迹










1.看火灾评论福建出三件事都在福建~ 福建泉州宗教各国,离台湾很近的福建//屁屁君:章莹颖,日本两姐妹,杭州纵火案业主都是福建人,最近这是怎么了,哎保佑福建



7.17 夜梦境,7.18 05:00记录:



在一个郊外, sxd拿来一大壶水,从口那里连接一个有吸管的像麦当劳可乐杯带盖子那样的纸杯倒过来就满杯水了,给我喝,但是又把水连着一个粗管接到我胳膊上,好湿润我的手掌,因为他要研究我上面的图案印记。

某大学老师办报,同学感动他们很辛苦。解说且翻看里面各页大张,有很多照片很多人的大照片,  后面一页看到给小朋友过生日,一个小男孩带来粉色米饭在吃,但又成了活的镜头了。












7.20夜梦境: 为升学报考都得报考这个地点大地方的还是什么一国之地让干什么的,然后走到旁边是一个小超市,这是给权利领导人卖外快的,一个女的在那里。去买菜这一天,两排很多新鲜的菜顶到货架天花板上了,布满了小屋子。小个子同事亿YW的那个男的拿个筐装菜,有青椒还有一个巨大的土豆,后来又放回去土豆说怕像以前砸到自己了。一看又成个男的在看守。


















































2017 dream essence III

2016-2017 “Rewriting Textbooks” and “Subversive” Research Top 20

2017.7.10 5:07 am Wake up to see the article DNA, there are growth factors or something. 6:15 The alarm clock wakes up to dream:

Fish in an old house, old earthen stove. It is delicious to eat fish and eat it. Later I saw that there was a big bone shelf and fish head in the pot, a large piece of fish. I saw it growing like a spiral of DNA. The fish skin wrapped around the head of the fish and wanted to connect it with the fish. The longer the bigger. Scared that we locked the door. Seeing it all fall from the plate, growing, it's almost like people. We were scared to escape.

He ran to a row of old houses, went upstairs and looked at the low-rise house from the windows to see if the fish had come out. It had become half-length in the house. Seeing the four glass doors, the second reason is my room, seeing someone go in. There are two female neighbors upstairs and ask me what's going on. One of them wants to use my fire primer.

I saw that I was on the street again from the house, and met the landlords or villagers who had seen the room from the room and asked if I had skin or something. I said you first say what the fish is like now, and I will tell you what it is like. But later I still said how the fish was too big before I poured it in. I put the fish head and some fish in a large pot. Then I forgot. It later grew into a kind and jumped out and continued to change. Adults, so scary. Then I escaped.

There is also an open-air doctor's dream about growing dentures.

Note: The previous rule stated that minerals are the first density, plant animals are the second density, and people are more dense. Those animals need people to help increase density. Later, all laws mentioned that people in the biosphere should try to stop eating animals and replace them with others in order to allow the biosphere to live in harmony. In the dream, animal fish evolved into human beings.

Note: The recent discovery of DNA replication that is different from what we have imagined, the hematopoietic function of the lungs, the absence of primers for DNA polymerase, and not only the control of the cerebellum have triggered intense interest and discussion. This topic will bring you a comprehensive review of 20 studies of "rewriting textbooks" and "subversion of traditional understanding" in 2016-2017. After reading this article almost half past five, the dream time is 5:30 - 6:14 minutes, 6:15 minutes no alarm clock wake up, record it.

Many dreams that I had dreamed of a few days ago were personal dreams. There was no sense in the dreams, and I had not dreamed for a few days. Did you think yesterday that you didn't have a dream? Mentioned the three dreams of dreams into reality. Maybe implying the dream or can find some truth, so it automatically opens the dream function?

17.7.13 night dreams:

I was on a promenade where there were people in many offices who panicked and said something was going on. Putin also came out and asked what was going on? The individual did not dare to speak out. Because Putin was a foreigner who did not dare to reveal the secret, Putin could not understand it. Putin’s keys let him be secret secretary of our secretary, who was actually his secretary. DL came out from the office and asked, DL said, something exploded, two people were killed, two people were hurt, and there was something left behind. .

7.14 7.37

This morning, I saw the dream of Beijing's No. 10 subway train. After writing this dream, I wondered why Putin, the explosion, thought of the Russian subway explosion.

This Beijing Guomao subway ceiling line is very similar to the one we saw the day before yesterday. It has four square lines and a lot of ceiling lines. At that time, we thought of the last supper map. This, and then imagined that the center of the four squares should be Jesus, and then saw two or three friends circle articles are to inherit the blood of Jesus gene or something). Also looked at many other buildings.

Yesterday saw the Chengdu Metro Lightning explosion, thought the subway explosion Russian Putin took flowers to express condolences. There were reports of explosions in the corridors of night dreams, and Putin, 2 dead and 2 injured.

On 7.14 days, Zhang Yingying’s case had been held in court for 7.14 days in the past two days, thinking that this case was connected with the dream. 7.14 Is there reality linked to dreams today?

The Jesus gene article was seen in the past few days, and the circle of friends that he had not seen seven days ago could not be found. The structural picture of the last supper was not found.

Chin: There are many affairs and people are dreaming. When there are many words, they show ignorance. Many dreams and many words, there are many illusions, you just fear God.

Philippine: I am opening a mystery to find the hidden secret of yin and yang instead of just fearing God. I hope that I dream every day until the dream is of high quality so that I can discover the sight of God.


I did not deny the Bible. I just said that it needs rational science to discover those aspects of the Bible that are not clearly explained. Can I also say that just relying on the Bible is the right way? So what should you say about those who study the Book of the Book of Changes?

7.15 Night Dream:

And Anji is a building. He is on the fourth floor. His younger brother plays in the first floor of my pony village. His younger brother has also changed his appearance. It seems that his face is not so round and he doesn’t take care of himself. He sees falling outside on the ground. What a blue circle, said to be his own family, he ran outside to pick it up and immediately returned, I also worried that he was a child is not safe! Wash him. After washing, I saw a gray pattern on the floor washed and hung up. I could not find the blue circle. The blind man asked me how to wash this. I said I thought I didn't wash the blue circle. I thought it was on the ground. After washing it, I was confused. She said she looked at me washing blue and put it on the laundry floor, and you washed it again. The older sister and second sister came. In the house of the hour's home, they wanted to drink water and pour the kettle out of the oil. The second sister washed the dishes. I do not want to eat. The cooktop is messy.

At night, across the street from my family, I saw people talking about the information in Fujian. It's very clear. A few people came to sing and stir up and said nothing.

Several people cook together, noodle broth, and two people do it together. One of them finishes me to eat, and he does something for me. I watched a bowl without a lid, maybe he ate it, opened another bowl. Cover, a little noodles may be given to me, but I'm not sure I didn't eat. I'll eat another one and I'll see nothing.

After finishing the blue circle, I would like to go back. The road blind could not find the way. On the way to Xi’an, at night, the woman was dancing. One of the women was very enthusiastic and told me to come in 2 minutes. I had a taxi for 6 yuan. No, I will take you there. Then she walked with her. She said how to go. Finally she took me. Many people on the road took pictures. She didn't know because I was an expert (implicit in my dreams). I didn't understand. She danced and kicked her leg high. It seemed like a man. She had almost no chest. I said goodbye to her. Back downstairs.

Note: The blue circle is like a folding basin color pattern, but it is a cloth.

The second three to four paragraphs are linked:

1. Look at the fire commentary Fujian has three things to do in Fujian~ Quanzhou, Fujian Province, Religious Countries, Fujian, Close to Taiwan // Ass Fanjun: Zhang Yingying, two sisters in Japan, the owners of the Hangzhou arson case are Fujianese, how is this recently? Thank you for your support of Fujian.

2. Changshu Si Age Restaurant Rental Fire

3. Xu Hao Concert

7.17 Night Dream, 7.18 05:00 Record:

In high school, I went to the middle row of school desks. There were two people, Pan Sister and Gao JL.

When I saw a three-dimensional pattern printed on my left hand, the opposite of the pattern was a butterfly, and what was the spider or what was on the front. After reading for a long time, we were surprised to say that the pattern was not on the book? The same kind of butterfly, there are three lines, where the tentacles are dark spots, contrasted for a long time. Two on the right hand, one on a large pattern, and one on the pattern (forget). I found a mathematical formula above again. E=h2 What a long formula (cannot remember). A total of three imprints are on my hands.

In a suburban area, sxd brought a big pot of water. From the mouth, a cup of a caffeine like a McDonald's Coke cup with a straw was poured from the mouth and it was filled with water. He gave me a drink but connected the water to a thick tube. I received my arm and wet my palm because he was studying the pattern mark on me.

A university teacher runs a newspaper and the classmates touch them very hard. Commentary and look inside the pages of the big sheet, there are many photos of many people's big photos, see the children on the back page for the birthday, a little boy brought pink rice to eat, but it has become a live shot.

Note: sxd saw a circle of friends last night.

In the cup, last night, let's post it. One guesses what the left hand is. Someone guessed the cup and thought about it.

A few days ago, the mystery of unsolved geography saw the Peruvian imprint of spiders, thinking of both hands on the ground. Yesterday I saw the Peruvian spider in the circle of friends. Reading 7 crystal balls in the morning begins with an expedition to Peruvian Bolivia and also thinks about spiders.

Two days ago, I read a school newspaper and thought for a long time whether it was related to my own experience.

Pink rice: Yesterday morning she looked at the experiment book. There was a good dough, and there was a different experiment with the color change. I also thought that the grain in the shot might be Mipho. Hot search Yiwu children wrote to the Queen of England, think of her mouth and Pu Yi like. Think of it as not being the marriage between the Chinese royal family and foreigners to the British occupying that land, and then multiplying?

Dreaming at the hour home on the 15th, thinking about the place name when writing. Today, I discovered that she had secretly brought out a glass horse. She said that she had turned something to find this flash of very beautiful things. Then I shot this handicraft and I only think of it now. There was also a few days ago Zheng Chenggong had sculptures and horses, and also saw a lot of news about surnamed Ma.

7.18 Night Dream:

Taking pictures of the sky cloud, there are large birds standing, very amazing birds, not seen, went to other positions to take a lot, and changed into other kinds of beautiful clouds of color, took a lot of pictures. (Note: This morning we searched the sea pink sky yesterday evening)

In the elementary school classroom, both graduated and we were the second one in that row. However, the characters are not elementary students. Last class. It seems that it is looming on the book. A singer has been reported by another person who likes her because she likes a sexy woman. In the interrogation of the masses, many people huddled together into two pairs of turns in the song. He stands in front of the inside, The sexy beauty was wearing purple tights in front of the other side. The classmates walked away in the classroom. I took a picture on a blackboard that seemed to be written by a moldy teacher. Some of them stayed in front of the blackboard. They said that there was this on the book, and I didn't need to shoot. I only put the painting on the front A lot of colorful and beautiful line paintings (like Lin Biao's) were photographed. I knew that I was the last person to come out. I didn't know if I would lock the door. I never locked it before. I came out to let this question take over, just came with a lady I worked on the first day. I want to let her do this problem. Who knows she is smart and gone. I came out and saw that all the other classrooms were locked. For the key, I locked the door and folded the two keys above and couldn't see it. (Note: Yesterday moldy hot search did not look. Yesterday, typing lock out pattern)

On the road, I didn't trust the classroom security. I was still on the wall and the squad leader in Nanyang called to ask if I wanted to keep the key because I didn't know if anybody came to the classroom. I thought that I just had to put the last lesson and surely many people would come to the classroom. Who is DP or who is opposite, what do the two people say. Then the alarm went off.

Note: Yesterday, I shot a simple branch slingshot to explain that there was a brother cloud, meaning that there was a curved branch and a long rope to do the bow and arrow. At that time, I thought about it. Then the sky appeared bow clouds. It's hard to find a circle of friends, and the search cloud for a long time did not find it.

7.20 Night Dream: To get a college entrance exam, you have to apply for a place in a big place or something in a country. Then you go to a small supermarket next door. This is for the rights leader to sell extra money. A woman is there. To buy food this day, two rows of fresh dishes topped the shelf ceiling and were full of small houses. The younger colleague Yi YW's man took a basket of vegetables, had green peppers, and had a huge potato. He later put back the potatoes and said that he was afraid to look like himself before. Look at a man who is a guard again.

In order to improve the relationship, Germany bought our country's peony flowers and took away a few pots. We visited the flowers that they had kept in our country. They were only some newly-growing leaves. One has withered, from the root, the other is good, different leaves have.

The entire scene is accompanied by a visit to the dream. Others, the details cannot be remembered.

(Note: Yesterday saw the crop circle of 7.18 was considered to be the Napoleon triangle. It was recalled that the little man + chic cat triangle △ mouth meditation came out. If he did not buy potatoes, he could not do that potato burdock)

(Note: Yesterday there was a leaf in a black jar)

7.23 Day and night dreams:

The Japanese captured the Communist Party in the village, as if there were bombarded shells. It was a bit unclear. We hid and I hid in a mountain nest. What a little boy put into a cylinder of water like soil, suddenly completely clarified. The Japanese said that this is chemistry. This is modern science. Are you the first person in chemistry? Your name? He answered Stanley and the Japanese said that Stanley was the first person in chemistry. The traitor said that the little boy wouldn't want to kill him. He could let him sort out messy school books. The Japanese agreed. I saw that the same girl and a girl ran out from behind the Japanese who had just experimented. They were playing and it didn't seem like they were afraid of the Japanese. I was still worried.

Note: Dreams at 7:30 awake again. Wake up at 5 o'clock, and think of the Japanese Son Sun Yat-sen in the article. The four major firms saw Standard & Poor's last night, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhongtian has just checked that Stanley is one of the top 500 companies in the Standard & Poor's and produces hardware.

In front of it is a personal dream, with Oracle cracking a hundred million before going to bed to win bonuses. See the urine urine word is impressive. Shampoo, classmates need a dream house that my dream house proves.

Stanley may have seen the funeral book during the day: Iqtan, who teaches Manchu.

The moonlight treasure box that just hit the human was written with muddy purple sand. The boy in the dream catches a handful of earth.

7.27 Day and night dreams:

Basketball - Play basketball with everyone. Specifically forgotten. (Note: Last night said that people like to play a lot together, what sports to play basketball volleyball or something)

The spider - studying in an open-air place covered with cloths, went out and came back, and was very confident that he would get a hold on something like a cap without a hood. Go to the very big green desk-like table, sit down and see a spider in front of him and quickly avoid it. Who knows that a very large spider web is connected to my hair and hasn't taken it away. Scared I quickly called the classmate Z on the left side of the table, he came to help pull the spider web. Woke up or may have forgotten.

The spider - studying in an open-air place covered with cloths, went out and came back, and was very confident that he would get a hold on something like a cap without a hood. Go to the very big green desk-like table, sit down and see a spider in front of him and quickly avoid it. Who knows that a very large spider web is connected to my hair and hasn't taken it away. Scared I quickly called the classmate Z on the left side of the table, he came to help pull the spider web. Woke up or may have forgotten.

Note: I thought of spiders in the daytime and thought of knowing Zhu/Ming.

Student Z: I was thinking of the student because of her search for PISCES Yupei News.

The spider web saw the picture a few days ago but it wasn't as big as a dream. The Spider King had seen many spider web photos before.

Just think of the mesh hair ornament weaved by the thirteenth mausoleum, which is decorated with crystal beads. The upper part of the wrapping head, with long crystal beads, was seen yesterday, and I thought of a dress like that over Xinjiang. The Ming Tombs and Xinjiang also thought of whether it was designed by Germany. Now think of it like a spider web. Moreover, Ming Ling and Zhi Zhu Ming also contacted.

Yesterday, I watched the Dream of the Red Chamber beat Baoyu. Jiamu said that we all went back to Jinling and thought that she was Xiaozhuang. It was impossible to return to the south of Nanjing. Is it Jinling's mausoleum? This also echoes Miao Yu’s millennium iron threshold that also “could eventually require a bandit”.

In fact, every day dreams, but recently it was a trivial matter of life. If you are too lazy to remember carefully, there will be no record. Such as today's do not want to record, see the refrigerator's eggs before they think of it again, yesterday's egg grid filled with a few pockets with eggs along with the refrigerator, but fear will break. Dreaming at night dreamed that the pocket full of eggs was broken, there were eggs and water, there were a lot of shells and there were some good ones, and they were divided into other pockets.

Two days ago, I always thought why some meditations collapsed into reality, and some of them collapsed into dreams. For example, when I used to go back to my childhood dream in my childhood, I remembered a lot of childhood school photos when I was a child. I dreamed of going to school, and some dreams combined my dreams with new dreams. . This worry about broken eggs, why is it in the dream? Why is it not broken in reality? Whether you are not in that school place, so you can't collapse to a real school? Why is it no longer? Or too lazy to run so far away and the reality of the constraints, otherwise how can we go. Why is the reality of the egg not broken, but the dream is broken? Is there any real-life constraint?

9.1 Dreams on the night of the day: Go to the kitchen and discover that a pot on the side of the pool has been burned and melted into a little slag. (Before I went to sleep, I also watched the corpse water a little video). Look again, the pressure cooker on the fire caught fire, and the numbers brightly beaten. , is about to explode. I quickly shouted to the people in the back room and escaped from the door. I was going to explode. I escaped from the kitchen balcony window. I regret that I didn’t get a cell phone and I have an important content. I heard someone shouting upstairs, playing 110...

Note: On the evening of 9.1, the honeycomb shot, and finally the landlord concluded that the characters covering the bottom of the porcelain jar lined up in a row. Checked the fire and Mingyi, and there were people in front of the row to solve the problem.

Yesterday thought about: Renovation move. A friend’s kitchen was also over fire. Yesterday, I saw a big explosion of a boiler by a friend. It was Tanggu. The video was about Bengang. Someone also shouted and hit 110 inside.

Then the picture turns into a swim together. The water is a bit cool and does not want to go. When I went into the water and saw a lot of people walking on the water, they would, I didn't dare, and it was strange how to go. I draw in the water and feel that there is a very tough film on the surface of the water. It is very flexible. It turns out that they walk on the film. I can't believe that many people are walking back and forth.

Note: There was a hot sonic boom in Suzhou during the day. Quzhou and Guyuan earthquakes.

Hong Hao: Why Like Earthquakes?

Philippine: Maybe the earth is the material heart, and the human spirit is the soul of the invisible "planetary person"? The soul moves and the body moves. We are also very tiny among the hundreds of millions of cosmic planets. Maybe these planets are also studying us!

There has been less recent dream analysis. The source of the combination of dream content and reality has been meditation. It has been verified for a long time. Therefore, the dream of private personalization that was recently done rarely retries and records. The day before yesterday, I saw both fire and water. At night, I combined the two dreams of fire and swimming. It was simply drunk. This shows that reality and dreams are the same kind of absurd collapse program, but the conditions of reality are a bit more, the bound state is closer, and it is biased towards logical confinement, and dreams tend to be free from hope and possibility.

9.6 night dreams:

Going to eat together, I saw a group of Zhang Liang points a lot of lamb or what, and asked him there? He said no, I was a bit unhappy, and came to lay on a long strip. Zhao Wei, what our group is in that buffet or eat together.

Note: (Zhang Liang complained about the bitterness of Zhang Liang's bitterness: Which did not go, but why did he go to eat here? This dream seems to extend this consciousness)

The same is true of the short one before, and it is inferred that the dream seems to be a continuation and reinterpretation of consciousness.

Yesterday's analysis of the British subway explosion mentioned passion, passionate passions, and the enthusiasm of Americans. Is it possible for the British to be conservative? Can a moldy song be a counterattack against this? Later, it was interviewed by the hot searcher Trump. The theme of the dream last night was enthusiasm. The reporter interviewed the plot.

9.16 night dreams:

In an interview room, many people, sitting behind a desk with a row of reporters, men and women, adults and children, were interviewing a man. He had strange events of meditation and collapse. Everyone was passionate and asked questions. At the same time shaking the body away from the chair, as well as singing and asking questions, the children also asked questions. A series of uninterrupted questions, hot scenes. The man wittyly answered every question. Three questions were forgotten carefully. When asked if you and the woman would have children, he answered that his answer was outcropped. The dream shows that there is a girl whose stomach has been leaked by a small child. This implies that the map is already the answer. Everyone smiles happily.

Note: (may be Xie Na pregnancy, hot search during the day, there are spoof Zhang Jie asked his children will not sing like him)

9.26 Night Dream:

Chen Guanxi had a family of three. Her daughter was very clever. She would have crawled to see us and sat up for a while. Her skirts were automatically made into beautiful patterns around her on the bed. Then we talked about what we wanted and she asked us the same way. Question, I said that she also sensed with our thinking!

- Yesterday the Belgian Smurfs thought about the scope of internationalization of meditation. It is best to see the best children's books in each country. This is because these excellent books may be transformed by the meditation of the right person. After searching to see Chen Xiaochun's Chen Zhenzi and Huo Yuanjia, the interpretation of the meaning and sentiment of the Hong Kong TV series may also be related to meditation. The mahogany calendar sculpture of the tiger's mountain climbing in the home corresponds to Tiger Mountain and the Japanese anime. Think of people of good quality in Hong Kong's land of freedom. Is it easy to receive meditation? This dream is Edison Chen.

12.15 days: The first two days saw Manhattan exploded with a hellish restaurant, and then dreamed that there was a young man with a bit of acquaintance who was a ghost. He wanted to come out to see what the world still did and what he said in the air.

12.19 Night Dreams:

Last night, in the room with floor-to-ceiling windows outside the new house in the previous dream, the old newspaper that was bent over and read was an oriental red newspaper like A4 paper, which was found to contain the dream of the Red Mansion. Things just want to take away. Do not have the ash on the outside, take away the rest. There are acquaintances walking outside, afraid to see it before bending to take...

Note: During the day, he said that Mao Zedong made a majestic plan and was disturbed. What kind of plan does it mean? Anyway, it should be related to the Cultural Revolution. Do this dream at night. Is this the original one? Mao Zedong once let people see the Dream of Red Mansions at least for a little bit of eyebrows.

A few days ago I watched the Jerusalem documentary and saw the building of a Muslim dome at the top of the stone wall. In the afternoon, I came back to see the painting she had painted at the school. She actually had a man sitting on a high bench. She was originally a portrait of Notre Dame. The place was changed to this roller coaster mouse. Later I saw Emeishan think of this golden dome. There was a strange snow character in the Heart Sutra auction, and there were two Chinese characters in the middle of the snow. It was only thought that there was rain and snow was produced.

12.24 dreamed last night:

Going to a lesbian woman, she told me that after a long, rotating road, I sat down in a car like a snowboard. Although it was a lot of steep bends, I suddenly knew it would be okay and I would drive on. The next time I hit the high roadbed that was not wide.

However, when I arrived at my own parents' home, they were just rented in a new, spacious room. When I entered the door, I was a big boy. A little girl from the back room sat in a high chair and watched TV. She sounded so sweet and she said to me. Show what you think is very sensible. I look outside from the large floor-to-ceiling window. There seems to be a lotus flower in a small pool. It is not big. Look carefully again, it is a yellow stripe flower like wild chrysanthemum, others are the green leaves like lotus leaf floating on it. (The front woman's name is chrysanthemum

Note: I thought about this woman during the day. The family who wanted to rent a house had big boys. Hot search 120 million has a driver's license without a car. I have seen the racing license plate number before. Both women have chrysanthemums.

Later, it was discovered that the Pingchang East Olympic Games actually had such a dream to dare to do the game project (wandering on a skateboard along the curved ice channel to glide that).

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