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2017 dream essence I 2017年梦境精要I

2017.1.21 昨晚梦见三个小动物扁扁的追前面两个小动物,我着急,拿起一个身边的什么标本,摔那些小动物,就像打出头游戏一样,摔死了三个。然后才放心。究竟是什么东西记不清楚了。



17. 3.5晚梦境:我养了一条鱼,在大街上一个小河中放游,突然它吃了一个在河中的人,人都很小一样。我连忙把它的信息删除,可是一直找不到,也舍不得全部删除其他的。

17.4.3 晚天空圆镜梦境:天空高处,突然看见一片圆光,内有金黄暗黄的景色变动,我躺在空旷的大地上一张床上刚刚醒来看到的,我那么认真的看着,不知道是什么,似乎它是在传达什么给我,一分钟后,它慢慢害羞的合拢完全消失不见了,天空还是一片蓝天还是白茫茫忘记了。我大悟,原来这就是睡觉就是死亡的明证啊!我以为我醒来推理出的这个。实际这个想法也是梦里。


17.4.14 夜梦境动物表演:进入一个门后,有四周边的房子,进第一个房子后,主人让我参与动物的表演,下面很多动物,我不得不接受了。到第二个房子后,一个象狗又不象、有点凶的动物吻我的手蹭我,我慢慢不怕了。转一圈到最后另一边有水的地方一圈人在围一个栅栏,上面挂个透明的蛇,蛇上部是白色丝絮样的东西,他们在填入。




17.4.27 晚梦境:一个大台球桌样上面扶乩,那些木头棍圈自己在走动,我不相信。一个女的说这是骗人的,是把它下面的软纸抽掉那样做鬼的。
































白天看到赵丽颖搬砖视频,想起以前董大力绿衣与阿拉蕾一起,他们都穿绿色夹克。她梦境描写的男人女人也是绿色衣服,只不过女人穿的连体绿衣,黑鞋黑手套:一个熊一个女人,熊一开始的遭遇就如同露西电影从吃药片开始一直到她打爆很多人的缩略故事。后面一个女人椅子上按钮开关像黑客帝国,没听清楚有点乱。一个孤独的男人,他们三个人都是好人,北极熊抢劫钻石?? 男人帮忙,后被冻成冰死去了。越说后面感觉其把梦里与白天刚接收到的我的“波性意识”加工到了她的梦里(今天早上看到哪里发现最大的玉原石,她一开始只说是熊,我想到北极熊,进而俄罗斯,进而俄罗斯发现的大钻石?? ),她说的已经不是完全的她的梦的内容了吧?



三杯两盏梦境: 山路见黑蛇游过,不是梦,怎么回事?——这个我回忆小学上学路径时想过,走过村子里的土路来到银河道上,两边是庄稼,正和同学走着,看到一条黑蛇横爬过马路,很怕蛇所以一直记得。~对应此人山路黑蛇。

三杯两盏: 梦里见竹子疯长,不太好啊,竹子要冲天了。















1.卷闸门电梯突然整体倒地,我听到一片卡住我,心想完了不动了,不过感觉那个铁片皮很松就试着跑出来,原来我在最外面的已经松开的那一栏,扭头看时,一大堆人在没有松散的两段卷闸门电梯被挤压往后退行,很多脸色彩一大片,看不到痛苦……怎么这么恐怖/::! 梦里推理那是个非常高档的商场,我不知怎么会在那个电梯上。









昨晚临睡前看到小提琴名字是"Smooth Criminal",心想这是平滑的犯罪无影无形意思吗?


专利名称:"Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion".(摆脱地心引力的幻想)










杰克逊,麦迪逊,亚马逊,Michael Jackson,生日:1958年8月29日 ,最喜欢的零食:蔬菜,寿司 ,最喜欢的动物:黑猩猩,蟒蛇 ,最喜欢的电影作品:《阿拉丁》。













XIn :说到梦,大前天画了幅画,看着粉粉的好看就起名叫《那时青丘》,结果,前天远在成都的朋友做一梦,梦里有一狐狸要附体她,她在梦里跟狐狸嘻嘻哈哈的逗,说借就互相借,把你灵魂也借我玩玩,狐狸不肯,嘻哈的就梦醒了,另外,她家狗叫了一夜,这算是我把狐狸招到她那里去了吗?

菲 :你的画内容是什么?你有没有记得你印象深刻的内心里想过什么呢?






XIn :神奇。我这画今天才贴出来,朋友压根就没看过,贴出后,她跟我说她的梦,把我吓一跳,时间点顺序是对的。

菲 :刚才看到李贺的“桥头:长老相哀念,因遗戎韬一卷书”,我也想了未来我也有这么样的从天而降的书让我亲自验证一下就好了。想了半天也没有见到天书下来,会不会只能是如同以前说的,你塌缩出来的书塌缩到以前,你在未来和之相遇,你也不能确定就是和你有关的。

菲 :你的画和她的梦哪里有契合?是你想了青丘狐狸对应她的梦里狐狸吗?是否你们俩是非常亲密的朋友?我和弘曙就是这样,他的简笔画基本上许多都和我的思维能完全对应上,我很想知道他是谁。

XIn :@菲 对,我想到狐狸,她梦到狐狸,她是我的好友。

菲 :@XIn 是的,这就是荣格说的同时性问题,他书中提到你这样的情况,他想了曼陀罗,然后就收到朋友大老远寄来的曼陀罗书籍。只不过你的是同时性到梦里了,而不是现实。









XIn :我们的意识本来就游走在多维的世界里,学习,体验,只是那些体验无法转译成我们可以理解的画面,所以,就作为压缩文件储存起来。







菲:杭州围棋国手连笑坐高铁的奇葩经历 。——这个我真的是连笑了。昨天围棋课下课,她开心的得意的说,我赢了**9局,他才赢了我2局,哈哈哈哈……我听到一串笑声(注意她的连笑有禅思)。



XIn :差不多,三维是你的梦境[机智]




菲 :那里没有恶心意识的产生基础,就如同不会像三维人做梦吃屎一样而不会实际在三维世界中呕吐屎块。梦境只是三维世界人的感性抽象表达,而三维世界只是四维世界人的感性抽象表达,所以那些战争啊政治斗争啊不和谐的意识扭曲啊都是四维世界以上人的感性抽象表达罢了。



菲 :@XIn 哈哈!你是说喵星人吗,昨天看到一个提到喵星人,当时文章背景让我理解的是类似外星人超出我们维度的人。你这个文章真的同步了,我刚刚说的内容有如四维世界人拉粑粑给三维世界人的隐含信息。











2017 dream essence I

2017.1.21 Last night I dreamed of the three small animals chasing the two small animals in front of me. I was in a hurry to pick up a sample of my side and throw the little creatures like the first game, killing three. Then rest assured. What exactly can not remember clearly.

17.1.29 Night Dream: Spring Festival Evening Spider-Man piece, there spider-man flew in from the window, a very high upstairs flew in the picture. Last night dreamed this building. I deliberately counted twenty-five floors outside. Then I was at the highest level and one person flew into the house. What do not remember later.

17.2.7 Late Dream: Dreaming to play in a place, suddenly there is a spiral of smoke, particularly good-looking, as soon as the mobile phone shooting, we three people have taken, and the two people who came to the guardian let us not shoot, but also want to grab the phone. I only took care of the camera. I didn't look closely. The camera was slow when I shot and only took two shots. I want to look carefully at what the mobile phone is and hold it so that the mobile phone is not too bright. I actually saw the first one very clear. It turned out that there was an explosive device exploding in the middle of a large ginkgo tree trunk. The thick smoldering smoke was black and yellow and red. Spiral type.

3.5 nights dreams: I have a fish, a small river in the street to travel, and suddenly it eats a person in the river, people are very small. I quickly deleted its information, but has been unable to find, but also reluctant to delete all others.

17.4.3 Late Sky Round Mirror Dream: Sky high, suddenly saw a round light, there are golden yellowish yellow scenery changes, I lay in the open land on a bed just woke up to see, I looked so seriously , I do not know what it is, it seems that what it is to convey to me, a minute later, it slowly shy folded completely disappeared disappeared, the sky is still a blue sky or white forget. I realized that this is the proof that sleeping is death! I thought I woke to infer this. The actual idea is a dream.

Note, since the name was given, it may be the dream caused by the Star Gate of Anxinmen last night.

17.4.14 Night Dream Animal Show: After entering a door, there are four surrounding houses. After entering the first house, the owner let me participate in the performance of the animals. There are a lot of animals below and I have to accept it. To the second house, a like a dog does not like, a fierce animal kisses my hand rub me, I'm not afraid. Turn around to the last place on the other side of the water around a fence around a transparent snake hanging on top of the snake is a white like things, they fill in.

17.4.27 Late Middle School Dreamland: I dreamed of the impressive row of high school campus where I dreamed of school. There was a light on the school room with a campfire and several students came running. I took a photo. Sister green playground in the big playground sports class, do not look around with me miss the campus. I saw a white wall on the left side of the school entrance, which surrounded the former house. I wanted to see the big bang and ran quickly. There was no such thing as seeing the flying dust everywhere. When I saw the right side of the campus, I did not know exactly what was there. I wanted to take a photo and then woke up.

Note: recalling the campus during the day to check the map, guess that perhaps the middle school relocated, and the original primary school relative to the green park into it? So the dream of green space.

After the dream record, it should be compared with the dream of the day like the situation to communicate about, so you can find the relationship between dream and reality, the dream is two-dimensional or higher dimensions? Some can predict, while others just want to achieve the desire of the day, some vent their emotions, the corresponding ideological solution to the question? That is, what is your question about the universe, what will the dream answer you? This is not the same as in the real world Zen it? Is the truth of the book is attached to the dream? Let you learn from your own research backup?

17.4.27 Late Dreaming: A big billiard table tops up and the wood sticks around. I do not believe it. One woman said that this was a lie, and it was like taking away the soft paper underneath it.

The three men talked about the establishment of a new company. When they talked about well, the women officer wrote the information for both sides. She wrote one of her own good-natured autumn handwriting and the other wording was very poor. I say this is not good. Male supervisor is Trump-like or WJ, let me change. A piece of information to write the word is very good.

Note: It may be a book during the day, I think it will be done by Shanghai Fu Ling, there is the spirit of the day that the spirit of reply, and my heart exactly, what is this? His heart?

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Freud thinks so, all dreams are to satisfy the desire. From this point of departure, Freud deduced that some dreams were achieved after the "disguise." That dream why camouflage it? Freud raised another important theory: He believes that the human mind is composed of three parts, first of all, "self", followed by "self", and finally "super self."

Let us first say "the self", "the self" represents the human instinct, Freud said: Whether you admit that you do not recognize, everyone has such a self, there is such a side. In a plain language, I am in fact the little devil in each of us. It always wants to be free from any restraint, to enjoy it, to love the beauty of money. Of course, my desire is not necessarily bad, and sometimes it is just for pleasure, but it is undeniable that there are many unscrupulous ideas in my own desires. If people have only I, people will not consider the future, just want to play in time, do not speak the law without morality, completely indulge themselves, the world will be chaos.

Second, we talk about “self”. The self is smart. We know that one cannot arbitrarily do anything. For example, when I saw a beautiful woman, although I could not wait to take possession of her, but the ego did not allow me to do so. I will say to myself: "Take my time to give her a rose first, to win her favor first." So Freud said I would only pursue happiness and self-talk about the principles of reality It is not realistic to look at a wish, but consider ways to satisfy your own wishes. For example, I also want to get rich overnight, but I do not necessarily want to grab the bank because it has to consider the consequences of doing so - may be shot. So self is awake, it is sensible.

Finally, let us talk about "super-I", super-self and I are completely antithetical, if the "self" is a little devil, then "super-I" is a little angel, we can call super-conscience. Freud believes that "super-ego" is like a police officer, always guarding the "self" to do bad things.

Freud said that I am the desire, and he only from the desire for evil, so that the sky is divided into two, are desires are all sin? Is not the desire to survive this? Do not wave awareness is not what people call a desire? If the desire to be described by him is satisfied with the color of food, then the abstract desire for truth, goodness, beauty, and the theory is exactly one direction: that I am free will, self is the logic of love, the law of concentration, Is the same grandiose circle of evolution that has escalated the abstract into the PPAP circle of new life - like a parallel world in the high band, planet belt, and galactic belt that belonged to the galaxy before it succeeded in evolving the world.

The dream is with you and I, serving you only, and it reflects the universe you care about so sharply out of your shadow, like a mirror, like that of a dream of Red Mansions, like the stars in the sky ...

There is no dream, what is the difference between you and salted fish, can not dreams be done casually, do animals have dreams and where do their dreams come from? Where do children's dreams come from?

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This is like a loom! Such as Jin Jin is more complicated, because it is dimension plus pattern dimension, which is certainly how to calculate it? Are foreigners like this? Is it parallel projection of the world? Definitely the first re-woven weaving pattern of the Department, as the dream of rendering the same, of course, such as picturesque books such as landscapes stars ... ...

Timely analysis of their daily dreams, you can know your own subconscious, in time to find themselves practicing themselves, until you find the most true yourself. Open your heart to say the privacy of their dreams ... ... there is no small you, so do not be afraid to say it because your high I was your own ~

Everyone is like millions of planets, and we create body skin and create the land of land at the same time. This should be indisputable.

Digitization We do not exactly correspond to our computer gene coding because that is astronomical. Do not know how many 11-dimensional universe can be achieved, followed by google may be that view to deal with our universe, all things. Then, how does China calculate multiplication? Or multiplication is what? Calculus? Hold the infinite in your hands and dreams of thousands of dreams in the Tao ...

Can foreigners really calculate multiplication? Seemingly cool, but in fact all in the palm of your hand in ninety-nine!

If so, we fully respond to the "I" in which the foreign country is indefinitely decomposed (to see exactly what the individual is like), China is the "I" of infinite aggregation (the essence of the world), and the foreign countries To see what their respective figures have achieved, China is a combination of heaven and earth. Although the figures do not know how many, they know where they are and how they know their own situation in the environment.

Over and over death dream: I said on the apparatus for a while: “I've been detached from life and death...” I saw yellow flowers drifting everywhere on the green ground, and I said: “I'm willing to fall into this place... (not afraid but harmonious) ". See also I drift to a rural field, quickly approached the ground, followed by a man, said with a smile, where are you going ah?

- This dream links to some real-world information, perhaps dreaming of some "impressive" dreams similar to the reality of Zen, collapsed into the reality of the braid area. This dream is 2016.4 months. It already has some information for reality. So, for example, the previous dream has been recorded in the front. After that, I will record the dream in time and find the link between the small universe and the truth.

2017.4.28 Night Dream: Walking with two people explained to them why Nalan wrote so many because he was the rival of Kangxi - a high school student and a woman strolling in the country - explaining an accounting entry that perfectly explained the higher level Spiral parallel world and the low conversion relationship - class teacher deliberately displayed her name is a unique Indian flower skirt - buy a lot of hundred dollar bills after the seeds, back after being killed - to escape the sky over the night In search of habitat.

1. Walk with the three people on the road. I said to one of the more familiar people, you know why Naran has so many extra points. Writing so many books with different names, it is because he is the rival of Kangxi. My implication is that Kangxi will block him, so he can only work with different names, but also advance to the pre-Qin period.

- This corresponds to what was often speculatively inferred, the relationship between Kangxi and Nalan, and the speculation that many of his books are linked. And during the day to see Du Fu or Su Shi, a similar hut was the song by the autumn song that cottage, as well as pictures of thatch, think of the country, think he is very poor. This corresponds to the latter mentioned in the dream of the village itself is very poor.

2. The second scene is walking along a country road with impressive boys and high school classmates, many low houses and haystacks. - This is because during the day because of seeing where there is Australian information, saying that everyone is traveling there or studying abroad.

3. The dream does not know how there is a very clear accounting entries, wake up but can not remember clearly, the borrower three lenders two, can not remember the specific, just remember to borrow two secondary land? Level Land? Perhaps the former represents a high spiral level, followed by a low level spiral. I took the dream in the accounting entries, who do not know and who alone exclaimed, saying that this entry perfectly explains the process of evolution from the first level of consciousness to a higher level of awareness and energy conversion.

- This corresponds to the Pan-Yi philosophy during the day spiral evolutionary graphics. Also think of the five elements of the principle of Luo Tuo book. Previously posted in the bar on this book, such as profit and loss statement, from one to five after all the profits and losses transferred to the balance sheet retained earnings. The land in this dream corresponds to this number five, and the accounting entry form corresponds to two financial statements.

4. I saw a house far away. The class teacher wore a beautiful colorful skirt. The style was a bit like a purple skirt with folds and skirts worn by Bai Li Liu Yifei. It was a white dot with a pink skirt. . She said in my mouth that I wore the name of a specific skirt. Just thinking of the next one, looked up and looked at her again wearing a different kind of black and white casual wear.

- A few days ago I thought a child bought her mother a two flower skirts, a dark blue with white floral, another dark red seems to bring white flowers. Dark blue red are seductive kind. Although the pattern is more common than Zhang Xinyu's red blanket worn northeast quilt flower, but the style is very similar to the Indian girl's unassuming style, the hem has a great wave of completely leaking arms. The whole is very striking but feels very simple.

5. I also line up to buy melon seeds, in front of two people bought my turn. But the one on the right does not go in front of the one who does not go, the original that there is no melon seeds. The blink of an eye gave me a lot of hundred dollar bills, and I returned only one hundred dollars to her. After I turned around and found out I was squeezing out three hundred dollars plus some change. Then someone will kill me. I thought that it was intentionally giving me money but I didn't look for an excuse. In fact, it was a rival who was chasing a murder. A woman brought a child to chase me. It was a bit incomprehensible. The class teacher seemed to think that way to me. Here is the woman and child who sell melon seeds chase me. I flew up and flew into the air to find the edge of a roof and work on the land with light on the roof. Afraid to find and fly up, the black front of the remote areas, saw a Sentinel quickly flew to the right over, here is a dark house, in front of a bright road, a stop sign. At this time woke up.

Suddenly I thought that Confucius said that only women and villains are difficult to raise. Is it because he said that after he had retired from living with Debus and his children, he spoke to them? It was a derogatory term that alluded to the non-truthful and beautiful people in society. In order to be happy with their own little days, the words of those who generally gain a sense of the existence of a wave of consciousness, you can interpret the meaning of the many black hole meaning.

Feel the dream waking up, momentarily concentrated in my mind to recall, busy writing to paper for fear of forgetting. Feel the dream is just awake before just beginning to do this huge and complex dream, and then immediately ended the same, but only a few seconds! What is the actual situation, I do not know.

Before going to sleep, I thought of everything and the wave and grain transforming images. What I was trying to do was to entanglement with what was in the wave consciousness. Then I started thinking about dreams and dreams. Can understand clearly.

Last night's personal dream, there is no classification that can be classified as a dream? There are prophecy formulas, personal experiences, emotional vents, entangled words that are impressive during the day (readers such as "formulas", my "flight" that transcends dreams of life and death) and pictures (thatched houses), abstract conclusions that are inferred (conscious earth's Black hole boils down).

She just told me that she had done a very long dream in the morning and recorded her about the part he had thought of during the day. Is the dream an alternative reality? Just as the real world is the same as alternative logic?

Zhao Liying move to see the brick video during the day, think of the previous strong green with Ala Lei together, they all wear a green jacket. The man and woman in her dream description are also green clothes, but the woman wears a Siamese green dress, black shoes and black gloves: a bear and a woman. The bear’s initial encounter is like Lucy’s movie starts from eating pills and continues until she detonates. Many people's short stories. Behind a woman's chair button switch like a Matrix Empire, did not hear a bit chaotic. A lonely man, three of them are good people, polar bears robbery diamond ?? men to help, after being frozen into ice die. She later felt that she had processed my "wave consciousness" that had just been received in her dreams and during the day into her dream. (Where to find the biggest jade stone this morning, she only said it was a bear. I thought of the polar bear. , And then Russia, Russia and then found the big diamond ??), she said is not completely the content of her dream, right?

Zhao Liying saw it yesterday, so she entered her dream. This phenomenon happened before. It is very consistent. I saw the ant push the head of the stone into her dream. She told me the next morning. This short dream.

Are there many dreams that I have when I was a child? However, most of my daytime textbooks I had thought about had also thought about it, such as the Qin and Qiang couples, but riding a deer fly, sky full of color stars, spaceships in the spacecraft/airplanes, raining in the courtyard of a cylindrical brick wall with squid jumping not clear Have seen what, do not know where to dream.

Three cups of two dreams: The dark snakes swam across the mountain roads, not dreams. What happened? ——This I recalled when I was going to school in the elementary school. I walked over the dirt road in the village and came to the galactic road. On both sides were crops. I was walking with my classmates and saw a black snake crawling across the road. I was scared of the snake so I always remembered it. ~ Corresponding this mountain black snake.

Three cups of two: dream see bamboo soaring, not so good, bamboo to the sky.

- The first two days to see the photos went to Jiuzhaigou, on both sides is a very high bamboo, the photo cross-section did not shoot the whole ~ feeling that the bamboo seems to sky.

17 .4 .29 at 6 o'clock woke up to sleep after a dream: a dream earlier forgotten. The other is the coal - sesame - chasing the coal, replacements sloppy, tricycle take the coal - a person to the store, put a man on the ground head and face, suggesting that someone close to him and want him to recognize - The courtyard of the house was partitioned and redesigned to be spacious with a landscape stone:

A man goes to a curtain hole ready to grab coal, this curtain is wired and controllable. He pulled the line back, the curtain came out a lot can not enter. Pull the wire back to pull all the remaining curtains in and pull the curtains in from below to see the thick sesame seeds covered in the ground. At this time someone was found, he rushed to the right wall rushed out of the curtain jumped out and escaped. The chasers saw a fast tricycle running in front of them. A large group of coal was pulled from the slope and rolled off the tricycle. It turned out to be a package changer.

A person to the shop. There is a person's head on the ground. He hinted at someone standing there, a very familiar person to his relatives. But that person can never remember. Dream thinking: This person has hinted that many people are unclaimed, he can not get money, and this thinking is not a dream of two people, but I know the dream, it seems I am a screenwriter?

In the past home where the elementary school route was searched, the house that had been stamped in front of the house was demolished, and after it was opened, it became spacious and became a large courtyard. The courtyard wall has a large landscape stone, in front of a small landscape stone, as well as the lines are very beautiful.

It seems that 2 hours have made such a long dream. The dreams that were forgotten in front of us do not know whether it is a dream of landscape stone. I can't think of it. If so, then the level of the two-hour screenwriter is not too high!

Coal, thought of the word during the day. What I think is: Because the Saudi Arabian countries have a lot of coal, and they think of sand and sand in Saudi Arabia, they are related to Narendra. Does it mean that there are many coal resources, coal, and matchmaking in their corresponding areas? I also think that the city where I am located also has a lot of coal. Sesame, thought of Alibaba thief during the day. Open the door for sesame seeds.

Jade stones found by three people in Burma during the day. Communicating with the company wanted them to get away without talking. The coal parcel in the dream is very much like the jade stone, including its size. In the daytime, because I wanted to use coal, I thought of a railway guerrilla when I saw that someone on the road had lost coal on the train to steal coal. Dream in this dream of robbing coal corresponds to this should be.

Looking for information on a man who was seen during the day was not found. At that time, I saw that the writing head was cut off, feeling cold and never looking again. At that time, the two people in the story of Lv Dongbin thought that they were headed to cross the head. Maybe the dream is so organized.

Zhao Liying's picture in this article also has tricycles, workers, and brickwork sites; the landscape stone is what she said in her dream yesterday. In fact, I thought about that scarlet rock in the day and entered her dream. Then I saw it impressively. Into my dream.

Her dream now looks like I made it for her: There is a bear, it is a landscape stone, the police is his dream, there is a woman who supports him.

He has painted in one place. Then he was anesthetized and had something in his head that could make it strong, and there were side effects. It is his body can not move. He lay in bed, it is necessary to continue training, he began to tired, no attack, was beaten in a ...

Is her life also my programming? When she thinks of cherry, she sees the cherries, and she reads and buys them. This is the most common way to respond. Can a complicated life be programmed?

17 .4 .29 night dream:

1. Rolling gate The elevator suddenly fell to the ground. I heard a piece of jammed me. I thought I couldn't finish it. However, I felt that the iron sheet was very loose and I tried to run it out. It turned out that I was on the outside and I was already let go. A column, turned to look, a lot of people in the absence of two volumes of rolling gate elevator was squeezed backwards, a lot of face a large, can not see the pain ... ... how so horrible / ::! Dream reasoning Is a very high-end shopping malls, I do not know how to get on that elevator.

2. Came to the corner of a tourist pavilion and met a woman. It seems that she was referring to her situation. She walked up to a black car and blocked the road. He said that after talking about letting go, she did not see anyone but she saw the left side. It's empty, it's gone, what's wrong with it ...

3. To many people do breakfast, see the dumpling on the next, the result is enough to eat two people, then did not see what to do. A few foreigners went to the crowded kitchen for a while, and one person did not succeed in red eggs. After doing it again, they didn't think of soup. Asked to drink millet soup or rice pudding? What the nearest classmate said at this time was forgotten. Go to a room where students speak.

4. The elementary school female student who is familiar with her older brother is talking to me on the street. It seems to be the point on the travel road. The feeling on the road is very special. What did you say that you forgot

When I slept about 11:30 last night, I felt very sleepy and I didn't want to sleep. The two were a bit embarrassed when they were away from each other. Why do people want to sleep? The original cell is tired ah! Do they work all day long? Yesterday morning, Sabeinen and Yan Ning talked and said how many or how many times the protein turns to the door one second. How high is this intensity?

Volume gate-like two-column elevator extrusion body corresponding to what? Does that escape I am representing the spirit of ethereal?

Black car lane is corresponding to the black snake? During the daytime, the dumplings were cooked and rotten. The dream was that the cage cloth was not even before the pot was crushed. The female students thought about it when they looked at the photos.

The original is really like what you are really impressed by what words and images you have. It's also the principle of dreams. The daytime impressions should be as follows: tired bodies and spirits are gradually away from each other, boiled dumplings are cracked. The hole, the black snake, the word, the freckled girl who face. Why did some collapse become reality and some collapsed into a dream?

Maybe those elevator's faces represent a single cell? Dead cells?

Violin last night before going to sleep to see the name is "Smooth Criminal", I thought this is a smooth criminal invisible meaning?

Just as Mike Jackson's song was just checked, the body in the videotapes leaned forward 45 degrees, and MJ's concert also showed a staggering 45-degree stunt. Both of Michael's inventions had applied for a patent as early as in 1993, the patent number (US5255452).

Patent Name: "Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion".

- This 45 ° leaning forward reminds me that when I was a kid, I seemed to go back to the movies with my friends. Many people walked home with crowdedness. The sky was dark and the lights were dark. A high school girl friend of one of my school suddenly moved forward Dump to lie down, quickly fell to the ground suddenly stood up again, smiled at me and said, I actually almost fell to the ground can stand up.

I can not remember the fall, but the phrase she spoke to me always remembered that she also described the specific episode she had fallen. It is an open-air movie. It seems that the place where I fell was in my window.

Master of Crime

Songwriter: Michael Jackson

Released: August 31, 1987

The album: "Bad"

Song original singing: Michael Jackson

British rank: eighth

- Time 1987, time is also about that time. We read the home railway side review books, she back this Czechoslovakia I think this is good. Later, the coal train on this railway crushed one of the twins...

Share Link: NetEase Cloud Music - Smooth Criminal (Moonwalk Version) - Michael Jackson

Jackson, Madison, Amazon, Michael Jackson, Birthday: August 29, 1958, favorite snacks: vegetables, sushi, favorite animals: chimpanzee, python, favorite movie: "Aladdin."

Yesterday evening to see the vernacular Confucius, see God Kirin. Before 3 o'clock in the afternoon to see friends circling pictures Lin Court, the couplet has a: Lin is the four sages of the auspicious saints, think of today's world to see the unicorn in order to have a saint ☞ Yamamoto today see mountain unicorn ~ Yanbo Misty rain Mongolia Mongolia, the pyramid of the spire for the head, the road is a pack first, mountain, Island Hill E.

Share Links: Sichuan Mengdingshan scared "Spartan brave animals like animal unicorn" (Figure) - Question and Answer on Alibaba

Three cow characters, corresponding to Nie who had thought of Nie, thought about two ears and three ears. Executive cattle ears

5.1 Day and night dreams:

1. God wood tree. Had woken up to the word, but the details are now forgotten. Perhaps related to Chuang Tzu Shenmu. One day dreaming head to the north, thought West Jindong Wood Polaris, Li Heshu first poem 箜 篌 note Mody.

2. The emperor knelt anxiously at each other on the fence in the small courtyard at the door, as if no one was listening to his words. Is the dark line in the dream Kangxi? ~ During the day, you can see that the minister can change and follow his new leader. Tak Fei Lu Si Niang Water Margin hint with this. The Czech Republic is a victory for the truth! Think of the fire seems apocalyptic. In the Spring and Autumn Period heard about who is hidden, has not been to the emperor's name, think of Nalan or Dole?

3. Dream of the company things: women forget the details of the lens to work. Maybe at the same time, I would like to see Jiang Shuying's readers float and their interview content at night.

17.5.2 Day and night dreams:

1. Push the back figure and a woman looks or act where appropriate, can not remember what was awakened wake up and quickly push back the figure three words, there is a transfer form to avoid forgetting, and slept for a while. (The first two days I saw pushbacks, there are talk about the first few)

2. Chang wife resign handover, her handing over the table seems to be a few pages for the transfer, a fancy paste is about five small pocket can be opened, the left side of the bottom mentioned still remember 7.5 days thirsty it, the next Thirsty and then drank drinks (corresponding to the video during the day and saw the film that the thrift thrift travel to buy water to drink). She said what she forgot to sleep together.

3. The principal said that before the middle school desk does not let change, saying that this is the only wood products in order to maintain the antique stay Memorial. It seems that I'm chatting with my colleagues below (I thought of graduating from high school on the table in the daytime; but in my dream, it seems that the principal did not want to change the table and thought of a table as a man. I thought I had seen the transfer of information during the day, so there is a transfer table in the dream?

Is Freud merely interpreting dreams in his dreams, does not it discover the realm of simultaneity like Jung does? This is why they split? Jung should find that in reality it is even more so Zen combination, even more incredible it. I do not know if both of them have any connection or disconnection, but I am now linking the two of them together and collapsing into different parallel worlds with the same meditation.

Zen meditation can collapse into other people's dreams, then meditation can also collapsed to other people's actions. Perhaps Zen and collapsed are entangled? This entanglement is the entangling of the wave of information or intimacy? The former should be the relationship between information dispersion, the latter is the relationship between information aggregation, the breadth and depth of the difference.

XIn: When it comes to dreams, I painted a picture the day before yesterday. I looked at the beautiful appearance of powdered powder and called it "Qingqiu at that time". As a result, my friend from Chengdu had a dream in the day before yesterday. There was a fox in her dream to possess her. In the dream with the fox laughing and joking comic, said by lending each other, your soul also borrow me to play, the fox refuses, hip-hop to wake up, in addition, her dog called a night, this is my fox Did you go to her?

Philippines: What is your painting? Do you remember what you thought deeply in your impressive heart?

XIn: When you think of peach blossoms, you name Qingqiu, but the fox finds her. Shan Hai Jing Qiu Yuan, where the seat of the fox.

Philippines: Your paintings I look very much like Peony / spray and red fish, abstract mood is indeed a mile in the peach. Do not know if you ever thought of a fox? Maybe she thought of the fox himself? I really do not know the word Qing Qiu, but I am very familiar with it. Li He poetry in many green, mound word.

Philippine: But I went out yesterday to see the peony blossom. There are 12 redfish in my family. I bought a cup of water and I wrote a ten three peach paste. I don't know if it is related to your painting.

XIn: Linked. SamSung III that novel to write is the nine tail fox, is green hill.

Philippines: Oh, maybe, maybe San Sisi Shihuli Peach This book is my collapse, but I have not seen books and television. The reason to say this is because the previous Jinjiang network and a network of updated articles and keywords that I think the day has a strong correlation, so to say

XIn: Amazing. I did not paint it until today. My friend never even saw it. After she posted it, she told me her dream and surprised me. The order of time was right.

Philippines: Li He just saw the "bridgehead: the elders sad, because of a Tao Rong Tao a book," I also think of the future I have such a descendent book let me personally verify just fine. Thought for a long time did not see the bible down, will not only be as before said, you collapsed book collapsed to the previous, you meet in the future, you are not sure is related to you.

Philippines: Where is your painting and her dream fit? Did you think of the fox in her fox? Are you both very close friends? This is the case with Hongshu and I basically know many of his simple strokes and my thinking can fully correspond to, I would like to know who he is.

XIn: @ Philippines right, I think of a fox, she dreamed of a fox, she is my friend.

Philippine: @XIn Yes, this is the simultaneity problem that Jung said. He mentioned your situation in this book. He thought of the mandala, and then he received a mandala book sent by his old friend. But you are in the same time to the dream, not reality.

Maybe there is a level problem? Zen meditation ~ reality ~ dream ... ... this morning still think the difference between dream and reality. For example, dreams have been vomiting dreams a lot of feces, feces is really feel ah! Nauseous in the dream. But in reality it does not, you can not do that anymore? So reality seems to be more rational than dreams, and dreams seem more free.

Dreams are abstract and vividly intuitive jumping, but also has a combination of easy and casual (transfer table + and wife) situation, not by our normal logical combination of logic, but according to your Zen keyword combinations, so the dream Is it a wave-conscious free link? Do they have a meson chain that can be clicked on to broadcast a dream movie?

Is this the same in reality? But the dreams are all empty, but in reality there must be a correspondence between the wave of awareness of the corresponding information in the real world information, such as cotton + Nalan + Lao Zi + Old island place.

If there is no counterpart in the real world, or if no one in the real world corresponds with your meditation, that is, without being entangled, you can only do it in a dream, without generating the collapse of the real world.

Suddenly, I was a bit confused as to whether this corresponds to a subsequent event of hair growth or a reality show that has suddenly been made, because some of you have never heard of it and seem to be slipping out of you Presented in front of you, people have to doubt the authenticity of them, such as the legs really killed it?

XIn: Dream is the release of consciousness. The so-called linear, before and after, orderly, life and death are three-dimensional concept of the world.

Philippines: Is not this the secret of the sun of a Japanese animated cartoon? Future people create three-dimensional illusions that make people confused. Perhaps our future is no longer a problem.

Philippine: Yes, the limitations of the three-dimensional world are too strong. It seems that Gao Gao has guided us to this point to uncover the secrets of the four dimensions. The instant air door has more dimensions waiting for us to break through.

XIn: Our consciousness has always been to swim in a multi-dimensional world, learning, experience, but those experiences can not be translated into our understanding of the picture, so, as a compressed file stored.

Philippines: Yesterday I saw a bank poster in a supermarket, referring to WeChat. Think of now the bank seems to have been compressed into the background black hole to go, while WeChat Alipay, etc. have been used as peripheral terminals, just like a fool camera. Is all this done? Although looking outside is very simple, but in fact the internal structure is very complicated. Of course, the starting point is the simplest loan, the relationship between yin and yang. The simplest bank relationship is deposit and withdrawal. When the bank receives the deposit, it needs to set up a storage room for removal. So is our human body also so? Body is a storage room, when we need to remove the energy?

Philippines: Cosmetics, corresponding to the unidentified cosmetics that I saw yesterday. Face burns, the corresponding think of allergies, red face, magnetic plaster burning sensation. - All this is so pertinent and unusual, because I am close and far away from me.

XIn: yesterday I did not intend to see Shu Qi posted a picture of red and swollen.

Philippine: Her allergies and white hair have been found to correspond to what I've seen before. There is a correspondence with Lin Yun, who looks like her.

Philippines: I do not know why it corresponds to her? Not someone else? Maybe it's related to the movies that Lin played? I have seen several Shu Qi movies, but Shu Qi is also very much like my Zen Pisces, so is it close to me?

Philippines: Shu Qi's mouth I have to correspond to the people around me or people I have seen special places recently I was looking for the Pisces jade that person, I do not know whether it will be related to me, in that case, is Be able to verify some of the problems.

Philippines: Hangzhou chess countrymen even laugh with the wonderful work experience of high-speed rail. - I really do not even laugh. Yesterday, she went to get out of class after class, and she said happily and proudly that I had won the 9th inning. He won my second innings. Ha ha ha ha ... I heard a bunch of laughter.

Philippines: Go here master corresponding to win really much, 7 corresponds to 9-2 - won the 7 Board, not to mention laughing. Yesterday to see what to say there is no one in the first class to have to sit in the second class to go. Seems to be Putin or the United Airlines news forgotten. One morning did not have time to see the hot search, see this hot search you say why this even laugh even called laughter? Does anyone perform with me?

Philippines: Checked the information, really make fun of laughter, not Weibo's name, is the real name really such an individual. Do you say I often feel myself in a dream? Is I just dreaming? I am not a person in this three-dimensional world, I am a person in a four-dimensional world to dream in a three-dimensional world?

XIn: almost, three-dimensional is your dream [wit]

Philippine: Four-dimensional world has created three-dimensional us. We have created a two-dimensional dream. Three-dimensional world is my dream. So what is my wish as a future person more than four-dimensional? This is the meaning of destiny?

Philippines: It is certainly more than four-dimensional will not be like eating in the same two-dimensional dream excrement, the disgusting consciousness of the three-dimensional world is certainly four-dimensional world people feast feast. The four-dimensional world of human consciousness will not do that, it will not happen that kind of thing.

XIn: five-dimensional or more, four-dimensional timeline.

Philippines: Where there is no basis for the generation of nausea consciousness, just as the three-dimensional people do not like to eat feces, but will not actually vomit feces in the three-dimensional world. Dreams are just the emotional abstract expressions of people in the three-dimensional world, and the three-dimensional world is only the emotional abstract expression of people in the four-dimensional world. Therefore, the discord of consciousness in the political struggles and the discord of the war are all the abstract expressions of the people in the four-dimensional world.

XIn: share link: the owner casually said, belly hungry, the results of the cat's reaction, let her kneel ...

Philippines: This does not quite understand, that science has said the time dimension is four-dimensional. What I express here is the difference and connection between different dimensions.

XIn: From a five-dimensional point of view, when you remove the timeline, everything is in synchronicity and the past is now in the future.

Philippines: @ XIn haha! Are you talking about meow stars? Yesterday, I saw a mention of meow stars. The background of the article made me understand that similar aliens are beyond our dimensions. Your article really synchronized, I just said something like a four-dimensional world of people pulling the implicit information to three-dimensional world.

Philippines: In fact, cats and stars do not want people to eat stagnant, is the same as the rule of law that does not interfere with their free will to carry out the enzyme purification of the actual purification process in order to achieve high-dimensional awareness.

5.3 day dream: go to the library to borrow books, it seems to fly up in various museums, the specific content to wake up to forget, just remember to go to the library to borrow books. - Before I went to bed, I saw that the library was handmade, and I thought of going to the library to borrow books. That was the dream. Yesterday when Li He saw Weiyang Palace where to see the library, what Shudoubao Museum.

My experience is to wake up immediately to memorize the records, otherwise any dreams will be forgotten, unless the special profound will be printed in my heart. Just like life, ordinary or the main theme. My record analysis is only for the same purpose as that of Ji Xiaolan.

5.4 Night Scenery:

1. Community outside a man and a boy for a mechanical transmission, said the child's argument is like an expert. Little boy lying fat in a small glass side frame. (Corresponding to see the mechanical transmission heat to find a woman's makeup was disfigured when a company's conveyor belt met a kindergarten daytime fat boy took the initiative to find me to speak, boasting 10,000 have read the book, met ten thousand words)

2. In a company, to the corner of a communications company to explain the company things, it worry about no government to make the report, the financial staff back to help make cash flow statement. Find a cup of water to see a lot of trash bags (the day before the woman thought Rand had killed the female security guard, next to a small telecommunications company, a water dispenser. See a lot of black garbage bag during the day to think of a long time did not run out).

3. What did she say to a former female colleague?

Side of the house surrounded by the side of the glass, the man came out to see the fat boy lay there to play. Now think of why the boys take the initiative to talk to me, and he may be a bit of his own little ninety-nine bar. The small executive at the communications company seemed weak and helpless, as the commentary said was not a brick but a prefabricated house.

Is the daytime thinking continue to seek architecture in the dream portfolio, why can not stop it? Just as this wave of awareness is high and outside the three-dimensional loop of the world, it is entangled with this three-dimensional world. Therefore, when its wave gravity is actually gravitating, self-starting the pattern of the composite architecture drops from the sky to the three-dimensional world , So that we caught off guard, as Zhang Dai saw the pavilion in the drink, as I see it posted the same video ufo shot.

Conveyor with power traction, wave consciousness self-organization, because of gravity, gravity is a force of nature? From the original set? Why so much vacuum vacuum everything together because of the chaos, because the vacuum dispersion unattractive? What is needed, but more so that any equally unmanaged nuclear power can be produced as such? This also corresponds to the characteristics of nirvana. Word image information is not needed, so naturally formed a combination or a combination of link events, let it touch the same as liquid metal so that it is free to deform, the Nirvana message also allows the fluid life body to change their thinking, brain control?

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