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2017 dream essence II 2017年梦境精要II

Updated: Mar 11, 2018

5.6日夜梦境:白天打鸡蛋想到一文章说洗鸡蛋壳容易坏鸡蛋,是稀的。写文章写到俄罗斯水果流一地事件说到液体倒地上不能洗。 ——












昨天写了: 说起高富哲,想起这个哲学的哲日本人发明的,为什么这么写呢?想到提手旁,斤芹丘,口唐谷德四/十四子。提手旁似房内考说的娶字,大母戊鼎,又耳郯城摄政王聂。






——昨天淘宝买了纹身贴纸防水冰雪奇缘白雪公主巴拉拉小魔仙,姓名贴纸她也选巴拉拉小魔仙,我想她可能喜欢巴拉拉小魔仙。/昨天文章星辰大海里有: 千古红楼一幻梦,奇思妙文大机关!此事截断巫山雨,料定深坑无数魂。看到深坑无数魂想到那个婆婆被推下山谷。蓉字有谷。南极洲玉带文章因其名叫谷拜歌,文章也有老子造山峰,想到老子道德经的谷,变起名为老谷。也看到有微信被俄罗斯封杀有微博贴图很多微信封面是山谷起伏画面如同身体弧线。/石头漂浮,难道对应文章里提到漂浮倒金字塔吗?白天还想过谷,山谷山峰磬锤峰。三个人,难道是说过的六篇文章正好写的是天地人-人地天吗?





魔仙,昨晚手写诺贝尔奖时查相关对应事件,看到以前微博记录有ppap的:魔力vs灵力 信息组合 日本工业大学燕尾服 大隅良典——此地第一个字也是魔。隅倒是对应梦里的离,典对颠轿。白天也听了王阳明致良知,想到有響音良郎,郎知德,来知德,米德。




白天看到那个小茶花凳子,想到写天生杀人狂时,查资料看到有人评论有love makes the world go round,和凳子上写的一样。想了茶花的茶字,以前中学画过的茶花。





5.9日夜梦境: 来到几个楼层连接到一起的楼前,看到左边高高的立着写着保成的标牌,心想这就是保安部的意思了,进到此楼内,穿过走廊来到一个房间,看到以前的同事小个子皮衣和另外两个人在那里讲文件,他们翻到第三页说这个好,是一个复杂的分配题。 前面成本等相加,后面分给几个费用相加。我出来想找到以前进入时的楼洞,因为只有那里才能对应我来时的道路,否则不知道怎么回去了。 然后我走迷路,穿来穿去怎么也找不到那个来时的地方。回房间让小个子带我出去。回到一个大街上,女的把我的长冬棉衣塞衣柜最上边, 她一蹦使劲才扔里面,然后非要让我陪她们去哪里玩,我不愿意,她们只好走了。我看到这个街上的衣柜子后面有一个并排的柜子,上面还有搭棚,只是右边铁皮漏出来还倾斜点老旧了,什么也没有放。后面干什么忘记了。




5.11日梦境: 阿里巴巴还有哪个公司是选择题内容,只有选法国奖?然后针对这个选择展开细致的解释……一醒来就回忆记关键词,可是没有马上记录,现在怎么也想不起来具体内容了。可能和白天文章里有阿里巴巴有关。












画面成了和LX洗也要走,带洗澡用具那些东西,她很多干净的小旅游洗澡的香皂什么的,我的是随手拿的酒店的。爬到很多小洋葱的垛上,问一个小男孩多少钱,他说9块一斤,嫌贵 。问LX住哪里,她是原来的地方学校那里,一家子在一起。




















5.24日夜梦境: 在似乎小时候家的对面邻居家还是哪里厨房有一个燃气灶台面前,我在整理资料还是干什么看到什么字,然后左边有一个纸箱类卡片有一点油,不知道怎么燃烧了,来了一个男子不知道谁,把它移动到地上,火烧的更大了,他拿起灭火器去灭,我问他,他示范先打开如同洗发水那样的旋转按门,然后喷压即可。灭掉后他出去了。到外面我拿起地上的一个纸箱上有寄信地址,我看了居然是靺鞨寄过来的。后来又想起来他外套肯定脏了,出去想叫出他,要给他洗外套。他大衣外套前襟很多白色饭汤样,他脱下来我拿起回去。发现口袋里很多证件啊什么一类,我放回去找他都拿出来,心想他故意想让我看到这些吧。男子有点像前几天白天看到的什么女性力量论坛代表有佟大为好像,不确定。













分享链接:虐心!一岁男童趴妈妈遗体上哭着吸奶 殊不知母亲已故




































然后我考前上厕所,出门看到很多人在操场打球,挨着教室排的主干道有两排女的在玩游戏,我问一个人时她却正往后退,就问正往前来的那个人,我说找厕所 离15号楼最近的厕所,她旁边一个人指着左边很远的地方说那里有,我说太远,这个人说,你从这里拐三个弯,然后再到哪里……给我指的不行,我说你说的我怎么才能找到路啊,这么多教室。








6.5 05:45记录梦境:前面是亦步亦趋的什么,忘记了。















6.10 05:38梦境记录:





6.13 06:15梦境记录:











注: 热搜劉嘉玲莫文蔚照相。看到宪法图片繁体字憲下面是元四心,惊讶先帝先祖是这个意思啊!華,花前几天有说到,昨天吴昕法语歌舞蹈是几个人组成规律的花形状且不停的变幻,有光影与之组合。前些天哪里还是麦咭看到LXH,想到那次向往的生活说的注意安全后发生的孩子坠楼事件。




6.16 06:49梦境记录:






2017 dream essence II

5.6 Dreams on the day and night: During the day, an egg was used to think of an article saying that washing eggs is easy and bad eggs are rare. Writing an article wrote about the flow of fruit in Russia. It was said that the liquid cannot be washed on the ground. -

Dream: 1. In the high school classroom, came in three classmates, I saw the door chair egg a grid filled with egg yolk, the left one of the egg yolk quickly squeezed out to touch the ground, picked up to wash, The picture flashed to the dream picture is: egg yolk is divided into two parts like a cooked one, a flat egg white, a small egg yolk.

During the day, she said hot to wear a skirt, and mentioned denim skirt. -

Dream 2. I go to change skirts, and then my body is a blue denim skirt, holding a few pieces of coat, in front of several corner wardrobe, that environment is like a video seen during the day, who opened the door and saw someone Come, anxious in the wardrobe and mirror with a large mirror back and forth between the fast lens running around.

This dream meditation keyword is: Egg (rare) + (liquid can not) wash and wash eggs.

Denim skirts + dress + two shuttle back and forth with a mirror where ☞ dreams.

Share link: What is a dream?

The dream is due to "the body and mind are both still and living"------the perception of spiritual knowledge in different "frame universes" (which is what cultivators are pursuing, and the difference lies in a It is a conscious use, one is the unconscious acceptance - the heart is dead and the body is still." In the dream, when the spiritual knowledge roams in the future due to "inertia", a predictive dream appears; The memory of the dream in the past when the direction of the past; up and down roaming in other directions there is a weird dream. In the dream "spiritual knowledge jump" direction is randomly selected.

May Zen meditation keywords + future time Zen dream predictable, such as Mozi Dream corresponds to Mo Zi. If there is no time to point, then dreams like dress change do not know the time, only the events. If consciousness is to be done in dreams, it will become a prophecy if it can be collapsed into reality. If I used to go train to send my loved ones or where to go, I always want to open my eyes but the dream is unable to open my eyes.

Is not to continue to dream, wake up and opened my eyes can not continue to create a dream yet? So dream thinking does not want to open my eyes? Is it true that I did not wake up here? Forget what it looks like, but since then there is no such dream body what you want to do but can not do, it seems the dream should be what you want to do what can be done, flying all fly back a lot

As soon as I woke up, I remembered the three words quickly, leaving the sedan chair for fear of forgetting. In the process of writing, I slowly thought of the bathroom in front of the dream image, and I remembered dreams and dreams. It also seemed to be a fragmentary and repetitive link. I seemed to be very far away from waking myself up. It was as if I was recalling the feeling of a very early childhood thing. When I wrote it, I discovered that it was close to the present reality.

5.7 night dream: 2-, lift the car that is separated from the word, separated from her parents, lift the car looks like the beginning of the red sorghum lift like that Britain. Maybe I woke up thinking why the wedding sedan should always be said to be away. I think that the similar word is above the day, and it is separated from it. Is this what I woke up to think of or forget in the dream? (A few days ago, I wanted to review what Red Sorghum said, and I was impressed by the lift in front of it.

1-Mum was very diligent early in the morning, flushing the bathroom was very clean, probably leaking too much water, she has always been neat, I saw a tile on the ground she had set off. Someone sells 6 yuan a pack of hemp sugar, each packet of 5-6 thin white transparent with sesame seeds, let me buy, on the second floor of a corner. (During the day, I thought my mother wouldn’t be bothered by the water. To wash the bathroom before the door was leaking downstairs and looking for a door, there wasn't a small piece of tile on the floor. The sugar was like the bean curd seen in the supermarket during the daytime.)

Yesterday wrote: Why do you write about the philosophy of Ko Fu-chul and the Japanese who remembered this philosophy? Think of the handle, kg Qinqiu, mouth Tang Gu De four / fourteen children. Next to the handle, it was like the word in the room, the mother of Wu Ding, and the deaf city regent Wang Nie.

- When it comes to the word ,, the combination of 离 娶 思 思 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么It should be this meditation that wraps up the previous head Jade Kee red stilts This same imagery video clips Correspondence: Marriage is leaving her family, walking away from the mountain trails at 18 bends. The rolling method.

The next dream is that during the day's ceramic tiles and toilets, there was a water leak incident. In the past, there was a leak in the bathroom. All the tiles in the bathroom leaked and the tiles were re-waterproofed. The tiles were re-tiled. Such a dream event, the protagonist is also a mother thought during the day, her personality quickly set off the tiles.

Marshmallows, an article written during the day Antarctica Jade comes to look for Magu, thought of Ma, Lin. Where to see the word sugar, think of snow wide mouth, perhaps to see the left side of Wang Shou-ren Taiji map said, think of it that Nalan, Tang word m-word.

Perhaps Ma Shulin’s remaining characters and associations with Tang characters, Li Guang, Kang Xi, Xiao Zhuang, are all widely used. Two days before the day before also saw the bed of the moon in front of Li Bai's bed, not sleeping bed, refers to the reel well, which is not right Nalan 轱 金 金井 it? It should be here to associate the bed with the wood under the wide head, and the many wide heads above.

She said she had a dream: three little Balala magic fairy, floating in a valley above the stones, the three of them walking on the stone, and suddenly there are two small balala magic fairy fell, the third The little magic fairy quickly pulled them up and saved them.

- Yesterday Taobao bought a tattoo sticker waterproof snow and ice romance Snow White Balala small magic fairy, name stickers she also chose Balala small magic fairy, I think she may like Balala small magic fairy. / Yesterday's article The stars in the sea have: A dream of the Red Mansions through the ages. This matter cuts Wushan rain, and it is expected to count the countless souls in the pit. Countless souls to see the pit thought that the mother-in-law was pushed down the valley. Rong word valley. The Antarctic Yudai article was named Gu Baige because of its name. The article also made Lao Tzu build mountain peaks. He thought of Lao Tzu's moral classics and changed his name to Laogu. Also saw WeChat blocked by Russia Weibo map Many WeChat covers the undulating picture of the valley as a body curve. / Stone floats, does the corresponding article mention floating inverted pyramids? During the day, I also wanted to go to the valley. Three people, is it said that the six articles just wrote Heaven and Earth?

Understand, I know why she had a tattoo sticker a few days ago. Because a few days ago Zhao Liying’s green clothes thing thought of Qiao Renliang, I always connected Dong Dali and Qiao Renliang to one person, and Qiao Renliang was associated with tattoos. Mark, the last time I bought a sticker, I didn't know it was a tattoo. I thought it was generally a small paste. After buying it for a long time, I only saw the TATTOO package. I learned that it was a tattoo, so I linked tattoos and stickers, so I thought about it here. Qiao Ren Liang ☞ over there to buy tattoo stickers?

Yesterday because I went to accompany her under the chess to find that she really learned "good", she said to buy, I immediately bought her.

Hey! Is there any shocking conspiracy? Tattoo + face + hidden? Only blame my imagination is too much, where it may be like that?

Looked in front of high rich philosophy, just know where the Tang began to think of it, mouth Tang Gude, in fact, these have thought before, but not from the philosophy.

Magic fairy, handwritten Nobel Prize last night when the relevant investigation of the corresponding incident, see the previous micro-Bo recorded ppap: Magic vs spiritual information combination Japan University of Tuxedo Da Yu Codex - Here is the first word is magic. Stumble is the departure from the dream. During the day, he also listened to Wang Yangming’s conscience and thought of Liang Shengliang, Lang Zhide, Zhi Zhide, and Mead.

5.8 Day and night dreams: In a tea shop with many small compartments decorated in ancient black or basement, one person is the leader. It seems that the former is a long-talking, somewhat white and burly colleague. He has to buy the most expensive gifts. His arm lay on the stage, his arms two paper pocket, has been paid. We asked how much money these two small pockets, he said a pocket 380000, each pocket feel only two sachets. He also wanted to buy a landscape of loose, we say that there is less landscape and not professional, it might as well go to big stores to buy. He disagreed, and we were ready to attack him while he was in the bathroom or wherever he went. After a while, the tea shop rumors that he has an accident and what is left behind.

Note: This person looks a bit like Jiang. I used to read the article feeling Jiang know something about singular events. Maybe it's time to match them to a dream. Seeing the post before going to bed last night said that something went wrong with Jiang. A picture of Jiang was standing on the floor with his arms raised.

Waking up can not remember how they did not dream, for a few minutes a little bit of memory, and then lay pillows, and suddenly remembered a holistic story, where a person is suspected, total men Attack him, write in a (place) ... ... just think of it to buy tea, and then recall the details, but the back or forgotten, do not know or no.

During the day to see that little camellia stool, think of when to write natural killer, check the information to see someone commented love makes the world go round, and the stool to write the same. Camellia tea words, previously painted Camellia secondary school.

Rumors of the store is not accurate, is a clear dream in the dream (seems to be the subject of the dream) that he had an accident, rather than someone was saying that he had an accident.

Why did he raise his hand? Dahlia that is the gesture that day, see the day before yesterday that the United States case, including dahlia can crack.

The fate of the bells: the United States exposed all those major cases! What Dahlia case, what Los Angeles Chinese case!

- I just saw that the post was deleted. There is no. Not the day before yesterday, yesterday saw the dahlia case post in the daytime, the river picture tea in the evening, the river picture dreamland.

5.9 Night Scenery: Came to several floors connected to the front of the building, see the left standing tall inscribed Baocheng sign, I thought this is the meaning of the Department of Security, into this building, through the corridor Came to a room and see the former colleague's leather jacket and the other two people there to speak documents. They turn to the third page to say that this is good and it is a complicated assignment. Add in front of the cost, the latter points to a few sum of money. I came out to find the hole in the building when I entered, because there was only the way I came when I came, or I did not know how to go back. Then I lost my way and how I could not find the place I was wearing. Back to the room let the little man take me out. Back to a street, the woman put my winter cotton top closet closet, she jumped hard to throw inside, and then let me accompany them where to play, I do not want, they had to go. I saw behind the closet in the street a side-by-side cabinet with scaffolding, but the leftover metal leaking out and tilting it to the point where it was old and nothing left. What to do behind the forgotten.

The dreams correspond: during the day, Bao Cheng thought about it. Yesterday he saw the name of Pisces Yu Pei thought of a small person. The thought of wealth distribution may be related to the statistics of the plan, the winter clothes are shelved, and the wardrobe is worn out.

Written articles last night came to the ladder before climbing, saying that Pan-Yi philosophy. Maybe this sign on behalf of Pan Yi it?

Yesterday wrote an article about the cabinet full of books, the latter article also mentioned the effort wasted, the meaning is to read these books are on the list. I also thought about it in the past.

5.11 day dream: Alibaba is also a company which is the multiple-choice questions, only the French election ?, and then detailed explanation for this choice ... ... wake up to remember the key words, but did not immediately record, how can not remember now Specific content. May be related to Alibaba in the article during the day.

5.12 night dream: dream in front of the ballad fairy tale or poetry, forget.

With a group of children playing with them, there were many walls separated by only one corner. I took my clothes and took a lot of clothes. There was no rack of clothes. When I hooked one, I fell to meet a small child. Ask did not come across you, she said met, I said no injuries, she said yes. I teased her to play, you see a piece of stone on the floor hanging on the mat, you can call it two on the clothes rack and buy you sugar. She was happy to put a row of stones on the clothes rack.

Note: clothes rack, Ziyi appearance. First saw the pebbles in the garden, and later the day before yesterday she took a rope with a branch and said she was going to be playing a bow and arrow and playing with stones. She thought of bowing and bowing while the fuzzy long strip of cloud in the sky turned into a bow.

She woke up at 9 am to do the dream: she was a little princess, someone gave her a cloak and crystal shoes, defeated the witch with the evil witch. In the library fight, she became a little angel. Then she slowly grew older. She connected the bridge to the moon and made the moon more beautiful.

- I did not know what to write that morning. I checked the previous records and read that the cape cloak corresponded to the song of the singer. Balala small magic tattoo stickers magic stick. I saw the show ticket to think of the last time she saw Cinderella ~ crystal shoes. Just saw it in the morning there is a moon three women's body. Library manual. Bridge to the moon, just like watching the Silk Road video nebula. I am 7: 30-8: 30 moon girl, Silk Road, cloak.

Only to find that the original bow and arrow shooting stones to the dream in the day + clothes shelf = clothes shelf like bow and arrow, so put the stone on the surface, and the day like the same. No matter if you have a toy bow and arrow in the dream, but the clothes stand quite the same shape

5.16 night dream: a tall girl like the three girls like a new colleague or two people dream conversion is a person stay, did not eat, and later asked her what to eat, she said she did not eat, and then outside to wash clothes. I said there was only one apple who threw without eating. Only eat dragon fruit in the refrigerator. Get outside to the whole outside is very dark, quickly finish home cut. She came out to wash clothes. I said go home, do not know you are pregnant, you did not care about tall. She said that your mother dislike me pregnant do not want me to live. I say to understand that she is worried about you. Go home and hurry to sleep She said she couldn't sleep. She might as well be outside. My heart said I wouldn't return home. I still have to wait for you to sleep. I didn't sleep well. Didn't think of this?

A movie singing singing, there is space and time I love you a sentence I wrote. I am in this song mv melodrama through, facing the gunfire tummy move forward, the song has been singing, I became a corner of mv movie

- There was only one apple and one dragon fruit at home last night. I had thought about the notebook before the girl was going to go to that three colleagues wondered whether it is an actor or police into the company ah? Are both of them pregnant?

Belt and Road along the way during the day a singer sang my motherland, think of the song war banner picturesque and that Zhou Xiaoping marriage information. Thought of Mao Zedong's death on September 9, 1976 and 1961.9.9 wrote the birth of a fairy hole, are 9.9 days, any moral? Whether Mao Zedong did not die, then he should be 124 years old, like a 144-year-old slush Mizuki. Also thought Jiang Qing 55-year-old have a child? Did not hear that. Only Lin Huiyin died in 1955.

5.18 Night dream: Sister and bathing, and LX bath Ask the situation: what to play with the eldest sister need to take a bath in the past bathhouse, the water is not too hot, have to give two little girls a bath. After going out to wash.

The picture has become and LX wash also go, with those things with bathing equipment, she was a lot of clean little travel bath soap or something, my hotel is readily available. Climbed to the pile of many small onions, ask how much money a young boy, he said nine pound, too expensive. Asked where LX lives, she is the place where the original school, family together.

Note: During the day, bathing was originally required. Due to the tracing back to the ins and outs of the new Zen of Ch'ude, there was no time to wash it, and today it was pushed to completion this evening. Is this real life to meet the desire of Zen? Whether it's not what you want or you crave, it satisfies you (... / Buddhism impermanence / philosophy / dialogue with God), but how do these people brought into the dream? Suddenly thought of when writing a dream name! Backstreet dating back to their own past think of LX, do not know how she is now, impressed by her character is not disturbing love to listen to light music. Travel bathing equipment seen two days ago. Yesterday, hot search that onion potatoes garlic can not put the refrigerator.

In fact, look at this time and think more potato potatoes coffee behind, onion did not want to pour. Why is not garlic not potato? In fact, the onion, garlic, and potatoes are rarely put in the refrigerator. Is it because I really want to eat such crunchy onions again? Because buying is not too brittle. So onions dreaming (is it reality?). Li Xia love so clean travel soap dream is she took it? Also remembered that little boy during the day.

Is it really the most attractive law to run it?

5. 16 days when the analysis of dreams mentioned why the banner of the United States picturesque, think of five-star red flag. In the dream there was a welcome fire, and immediately saw the release of the national anthem by the U.S. military. Also think of a voiceless there Nobel Red Star, and then the day before yesterday to see Fan Bingbing video Someone asked this Cannes to walk the red carpet for your design clothing? ☞ Yesterday saw Cannes red flag clothing red carpet.

Fan Bingbing just seen wearing a green, similar to the flying green (see green flying think of Lin Daiyu). Yesterday saw the choice of diary or what weibo has three people, the picture to the right of a Tsing Yi woman. At that time I thought of this green fly like Dunhuang ah, ah, if it is green snake flying, white snake what happened?


5.11 night dream: a person seems to ask how to fly this ah? I answer what seems to be the principle of binary theory of material consciousness. Can not remember clearly

jh pass by with others, said that our company background is Alibaba backed by Wu Dafang, came when what supreme leader, said the higher notice of all the accounts receivable below 100 yuan no longer account for the cleaning, no longer asked for. The company can all be changed to agriculture and animal husbandry, or all closed. Many people know this information, one of the small business owners that I do not want the company, the dream of my understanding to understand what she said: her change into the farm do not understand why the company is not.

Note: Check the Zhejiang University during the day, and then think of the company msbx, Hangzhou, Alibaba, Wu Daytime University of Zhejiang seen. Farm wrote during the day. Accounts receivable Aria Yue asked over the issue. View Gao Xiaosong actually entertainment strategy officer Alibaba, he said the video comparison Jin Ping Mei and Dream of Red Mansions that there is no smoke atmosphere is not life, also said that the Dream of Red Mansions is a utopia, that is to say I, I wonder if I would like to urge such utopians to wake up Wake up to work to earn money. Two days before finishing notes on the dualism impressed.

5.22 night dreaming: get the green pepper, green pepper in the refrigerator there are two very much. ~ This is the morning went to the refrigerator to take the green pepper suddenly remembered the dream has been so take the green pepper to see the situation. During the day have thought of green pepper for a long time will not be not fresh, and then appeared in the dream green pepper cumbersome. In fact green pepper is still fresh.

Woke up in the morning to think of a dream, but I couldn't think of it without a record. Dream memories so hard? Then try to remember, there are two or three times so moment, but I do not think it seems to recall what kind of feeling really make people collapse! This is the same as the two yin and yang circles, near and far.

I found that dreams are happening every day. What I didn't record is the reason I mentioned above. Why dream every day now? Or have been doing every day, just forget yourself did not realize it?

5.23 night dreaming: I was writing articles, but also shows that the words and contents of a notebook, I have written a lot of chapters, and some hard to write did not finish. And then check with a girlfriend to see where did not finish. There is a completely similar format content article (all seem to be the same, why control? If not, why the same key outline of the same? Different details? Dream fuzzy, unclear uncertainty) with me Write correspondence, we turned the notebook did not find anything, a bit clueless. Another person came and said, you do not leak it! Implied after the book seems to be. I said that it will not be published so quickly. Everyone is not ready to think about it!

A playground, there is a very large cream ice cream style spiral three-dimensional rotating things, above which models, one seems to be a few castles, said one day turn the end of the European? Another put what, say a day tour of the Yellow River ... ... this Woke up

- Note: writing articles should be the feelings of the past few days to write your secret article thoughts: writing articles are now and before happened, so you need to control the notes, microblogging, micro-channel content was made at that time, it seems the dream In contrast, it is them, and not a complete article; writing, I am the only one, no other people to help control, is my own personal computer control writing, the dream is to join a do not know who is the woman Friends, dreams of the control of raw materials as a complete article, authenticity, first-hand information meaning? At the same time, I control the thinking of actions into a virtual illusion? Avatar? Daytime thought this article is able to book? But now a lot of people will be terrified, right? Dreaming to perform this thinking truthfully, the free-thinking self-questioning illusion transforms the dialogue between another person and me to complete the dream details.

See hot search what spin the title of the house, did not see the content. Found, is Dubai: Dubai built the first building rotation, 360-degree rotation can be arbitrary. Why dream combination is Eurasia, the Yellow River? There are ice cream.

Thought for a moment, we may see the Journey to the West yesterday, think of the trip to the Western Regions, and then think of that sharing bike billing does not stop the event ran a Western Bank, traveled all over the continent. The Yellow River, what hot search comments are: the roar of the wind in the roar called the Yellow River roaring ... ice cream corresponding to the hot search house.

If the meditation thoughts during the day can correspond to the person in the dream, that is, the thinking can differentiate the person in the dream. Can it be inferred that meditation during the day can also differentiate between people in reality? That is, Zen can morph and create multiple morphologies that differentiate itself into people or things such as disgusting emotions and vomit feces Perform your pure Zen meditation in different spatial forms (dreamland, real world, extragalactic ... even microbes?). This is the normal functioning of Zen thinking features: endless.

Originally wanted to write dreams can differentiate people, then the reality of our people in this world, is a higher level of Zen collapse out? But to write down, it is a meditation for this meditation that corresponds to your own, and there is no higher level of meditation. Where to find the higher-level non-human meditations who dominate our world?

Man is a package of movement. If it is not a spiritual person, then Zen can not survive. If the primitive thinking can not effectively communicate the complicated and abstract thinking expression, Can be illusionary people to express. If, like aliens do not speak, telepathy that communication is even faster, in this real world, only the eyes can teaser to complete the task, right? Mona Lisa should be the illusion of things out, but the rich content of expression, Leonardo da Vinci want to say what it is because of the reality of the constraints had to materialized.

5.24 days of night dreams: in the face of the child seems to be home when the child's home or where the kitchen has a gas stove in front of me to organize information or what to see what word, and then there is a cardboard card on the left a little oil, do not know how to burn, A man who did not know who he was, moved it to the ground and burned it even harder. He took the fire extinguisher and killed him. I asked him, and he demonstrated that he would first open a door like a shampoo, and then spray it. After exterminating he went out. When I got outside, I picked up a letter from a carton on the ground. I saw that it was actually sent by mail. Later, he remembered his coat must be dirty, going out to want to call him, to give him a wash coat. He had a lot of white rice soup in front of his coat jacket. He took it off and picked it up. I found a lot of documents in the pocket ah what kind of, I put it back to find him out, I thought he wanted me to see these things. The man is a bit like what the female power forum representatives saw in the day before during the day.

See someone craved songs during the day, the song can often sing before the melody can be sung, I just never seen the TV series. After listening to it, I felt there was depth and I watched the first episode of TV. The beginning of the first episode is actually a lot of intensive street lamps, and yesterday just saw a village in Xi'an within two meters two meters there is a street lamp that intensive things. Always stop inside the clock impression, because their own watches and clocks are often stopped. Liu Hui Fang behind the laundry. At this time she has two suitors.

Cha Kangxi saw his mother Jiashi again, saying that Kangxi was a mixed-Chinese, Mongolian, and Han mixed male. Tong Dawei yesterday saw the female power forum Tong Dawei. Later, I saw someone in my friends group asking where the barbecue grill, someone replied bearded (wheat card Li Bai has also said), some people say Tong Lou Bay, met a Tong.

靺 鞨 Do not know why, may have seen the food supplies during the day have the Great Northern Wilderness. Think of the great feeling of the Northern Wilderness. Checked the original is Sushen, Jurchen, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties name is 靺 鞨. Lisu is the Manchus' ancestors.

"靺 鞨" is the ancient Tungus language, the language later developed into the Ewenki, Oroqen, He Zhe, Xibe and other Tungusic ethnic languages, it is the transliteration of olgi, "olgi" is Fanfan spa, whirlpool spa meaning. Oligas moved to the Songhua River Basin as a result of the war. They called the Songhua River "Su millet" and "Su millet" as the ancient Tungus-Woyu language (ie modern Ewenki, Oroqen, Hezek, Xibe and other languages) "Su" means that the color of the Songhua River is white milk, which means "like milk," and "mu" means rivers, rivers, and floods. Together they are "milk like water." "This is the visualized name of the Songhua River.

Oh, I know why Tong clothes are white, the original is the Songhua River water ah! Why is it that people in dreams are big and not others? Tong word may be seen more than the superposition state is he.

Fire extinguisher do not know why there is a dream?

Sushen, Xiaoxiang, Qianlong title of what Qin Shen, Xuan Zang, Su Su Su closure.

5.25 Day and night dreams: With a girlfriend who doesn't know who is talking, under a large arch, a lot of people approach the door to perform the show. I return to the side walls on both sides of the door. For a while I'm leaving, Zhao naming in the middle with that friend, I can not remember where I'm going. Go to see what people or what.

It seems that in front of the test plot woke up quickly remembered the two main lines, but only two seconds did not immediately record the forgotten.

- Arches previously referred to the male security, these days always see the male news headlines, running men see Prague picture that there are many arched doors. Last night Chin played just said he was very busy, watching the world every day performing what analysis of the world.

The arched door corresponds to the door of creation of the door of life and death, and corresponds to the conversion of performance in the world of wave and grain. Two days ago saw Trump to the Wailing Wall, saw Ivanka is very beautiful, think of a similar Zhao n.

Today's analysis of the relationship between the four generations of Ying-Lian Lian and her cinnabar clams feels like what it means to represent? Do hidden Indians love this? On the couplet wrote a smile a cry of emotion, think of it should be a cry of laughter, the corresponding people died crying birth smile. But did not change. The women wore red and green skirts, red fragrant green jade, and five fish scales. I had thought that five of the colleges and universities in the cafeteria had talked about four of them. I think that five fish scales can correspond to one cycle of Luo Book's Five Elements. Behind the micro-blog there is a little boy crying picture with a bit of a brow.

Share Links: Abuse heart! The one-year-old boy scolds her mother's body and cries for milk.

Seeing this news last night, I was deeply touched by the scales of fish. Wouldn’t I think this is the illusion of human beings born out of meditation? Before going to sleep, I would like to dream of being a Indian woman and baby is my analysis of the situation as the dream, please answer the dream. The dream actually made a performance under the arched door, like a thick congregation state after the arrival of life and death door, that entangled quantum boundaries.

There is a hole in any substance. No matter how big or how small he is, this is a basic physical principle. It is also applicable to time. Even if time passes, he has gaps, wrinkles, and voids. It may be possible to zoom in, zoom in and zoom in on these gaps so that it becomes visible to us. Crack in time is wormhole. It can connect two different places and two different eras.

Is the time of the crack is Zen, wave consciousness? So to connect the space-time tunnel, free shuttle, space-time dislocation?

Wormhole, or translated as a wormhole or moth hole, also known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, is a narrow tunnel that may exist in the universe that connects two different time and space. The wormhole is the concept first proposed by the Austrian physicist Ludwig Flem in 1916. In 1930, Einstein and Nathan Rosen hypothesized that when studying gravitational field equations, they thought that wormholes could be used as transients. Transfer of space or time travel. To date, scientists have not observed any evidence of wormholes. In order to distinguish from other kinds of wormholes, it is generally referred to as “wormhole” and is called “space-time wormhole”.

Go out this morning to see the corner of the building after the "Songhua River" may be a large white ink left behind after the imprint. Took back. Just look at Ala Lei Dong Li actually also playground slightly larger ice cream on the ground.

5.30 days and nights: body came, up a lot of paper rolls out the door, body wrapped in a summer was, walked in the dark, a little light night. A man came in front, want to give me safety but do not want me to worry about a bad guy, walk slowly in front. I watch more than 02 at night. What to look under the quilt while walking may be a long book. It was said at a time when Qiuqiu quoted the wave particles, Di Fang, and when did it refer to the terms in the book ... Do you think he was writing a man in many names to prove his love for him at different times? This is what he wrote, then a person like Baoyu, Qunfang many pursuit of a gem, according to the reasoning of what should be the actual situation of the Dream of Red Mansions? The author of the Dream of Red Mansions should know is the German or Nalan ah! And then see the above paragraph reads: 360 paid a payment, then did not do that again. Payment is to endorse this book from the media, as Gao Xiaosong seems to say the same or logical thinking, but the dream is not clear.

Walked to a lot of tall arched doors, about 8 so many, very narrow, there are curtains inside the door. I came down in front of the door in the dim light and did not know which one could enter. Walked through the door and came to the front to see someone coming in and wanted to enter from there. A few people swiveled into the body and I straightened in. Laughed, why should rotate? They said that this door is designed like this? I laughed, didn't it not come in? Do you not have a big door? Do not rotate it. The dream seems to suggest that there is a revolving door to those arched doors. (Is it the Arc de Triomphe?)

Note: A name is seen during the day and Kay is in the middle. Desire in actress Zhang Keli it? British Princess Kate?

Dream woke up here, and then up as the case of the beginning of the dream. The man in the dream seems to be a very honest figure, like cousin, like Fan Bingbing ex boyfriend called? But the dream is not sure who, just to the mood is very honest, but also look can not remember. Wave particles that may be circulated with the friends of the day and his girlfriend loving, feeling the role of several girlfriends, different countries, different photos, but also vowed to say he was very love, a little baffling what is love Or tricked out. Dream is the heart activity, reasoning analysis, as the same thinking in reality. This idea may have been related to the fact that the friends who saw the laws of the past a few days ago mentioned that in the performances, posters, performances, and references to their concepts, the person who received the concept can get his link to the microblogging propaganda and come back to find it. The arched door was a picture of Luke's Prague yesterday. There are many windows and doors with arched doors.

6.1 days: ask the world what is love, life and death Zhixin Xu. Heaven and Earth North Flying off, a few times old and cold wings. Fun, do not leave bitter, on more crazy children. Jun should have language, Miao Liyun clouds, Qianshan twilight snow, only shadow to whom. The source is there?

Dreaming in connection with longing, but also eager to lyrics: Inquire of visitors from south to north, think of this poem. Is this song and Liu Chang cool the same situation? At that time I did not think of self-forgetting poem, immediately heard the cool heat search, was surprised to find this poem.

Why do you think of poetry lyrics with North and South? Because before the slogan contains north and south.

5.29 Dream: This is not what is not what, what is Luhan?

In a lot of rooms in a passageway, what to forget.

Note: wake up by the alarm, thinking of two dreams, feeling like smoke slowly away from me, very far away but felt very close to one should be able to think of it, but they seem to think nothing No traces of up. So there seems to be something between, there is no end, people do not want to continue in the end that the cliffs of the shy, back to reality, and then the dream gone.

On May 30, waking up, I remember all the details of my dream very clearly. Should not be awakened, can remember the dream!

Yesterday, the library talked about the book of the Elven Wizard, which painted a lot of alveoli, oxygen is also painted like a circle of bubbles, the story behind the girl blowing bubbles, the night she made a dream bubble, a dream And I mentioned before the small yellow cart and park, the park checked the network actually used to have water lily what: I dreamed, my mother took me to ** Park (she had mentioned before to take her there ), We have a small cart with, we see the boat, that I want a boat, but also seems to have a small net, the mother does not agree, so I bought a bubble, Mom, I want to play again Bubble, so that my mother took the bubble out, I blew it bubble burst, I blew a lot of bubbles are out, I would blow a bit, a lot of bubbles and exposed.

Yesterday morning she read a book in the library, in front of a lot of sheep, blue and red, she pointed out that there is a purple. I see it is very elegant and elegant. - In the evening to see the music posts that made a dream, dreamed of a purple lamb ... ... get up today to sleep after a slew of sleep, and then dreaming, dreaming of a purple lamb.

6.1 Dreams on the day and night: Two or three people were sitting on the coffin. The emperor said how the ancestral articles were written. My mother (like Hideyoshi) told me that the ancestors' articles are about beautiful styles.

There is a small, very simple shower hall with four shower heads. There is a high stool on the front and small pots placed on the front to allow garbage. I saw the second one on the left no one passed, a little bit of what is not in the shower on a plastic bag. Later, people removed the stool, and I asked a rabbit in the plastic bag to throw it away, and she said it would not be thrown away.

The article may be the word Li Sao in the daytime, and the characters in their styles are beautiful. The Qing dynasty emperors and the titles are all good words together.

Bath rabbit can not remember what the thought of a combination, there should be a picture of a rabbit, Lu Han An able to tell I am a male and female, think of a rabbit? Maya Shu also wearing like A sister hoop rabbit ears Kind of. Taking a shower, I thought during my day Mom had taken a bath in a public bath.

In the early morning, I was busy checking the watermelons of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. This dream came late. Since I began to record dreams, I have dreamed every day and I can remember them all, but I must record them immediately. But this dream is not the same, it took a while to record it, and it also remembers the scenes in the dream. Should it be awake at 5 o'clock and then go to bed to sleep, did not forget to wake up near 6:30? Moreover, there is no real meaning in this dream. (Note: It was later discovered that the structure of the hot bath in the bathhouse and the collapsed school in the dream hall is exactly the same!)

Emperor looks that looks similar to the Kangxi dynasty, Wu time friend.

Is there any concept of time in dreams? The sooner you dream, the longer you wake up and the longer you cross, the more time you wake up, the more difficult it is to remember. However, the few dreams you did in your childhood still remember clearly...

Day and night dreams: go outside to a right corner, walk in front of the two women in front, feeling that they were doing bad things, keeping up with the same leg under the right leg was sucking, out a lot of black things, Quickly scraped her out, but out of five or six strands of black stripes, very panicked, because there is no cell phone out of a hospital camping desk asked the phone, do not give play, that now at night 12 No emergency treatment. Crying anxiously looking for someone to borrow a cell phone, a woman to the phone, but it is the same pinch button, press the 1-9 sound, but the phone number is always not enough to fight the whole, then cover your phone Let it all out of muddy numbers button, but always a bad one can not call. And crying beg passers-by, are not willing to take care of me, there is always a person's cell phone can not press out the figures, or other figures by number, want to give him a call can not be completed. It turned out to be midnight, implicitly sleeping, emergency rest, a passing woman looked and said, nothing, in fact, wipe ointment on the line, why fuss. Very hungry at noon, came to the hospital open-air clinic to ask if there are duck dishes, she was busy billing, saying yes, I thought too expensive may not. She told other people that it is time for lunch and who opens the clinic for work. There is a little forgotten behind.

- Note: During the day, Zhao Liying's picture shows a wounded gauze wrapped around his left knee. Also see the deer walking kicking football pictures left leg and knee injury under a little bleeding. Think of the same left knee injury 1 cm, but fortunately now a little bulging, dark hair. Cell phones do not know how else, but before the cell phone virus can not call. The leech has seen the video as if it were taking toxins, but it also has the impression of treating scars. The dream becomes a right leg. In addition, the daytime refers to the day before dreaming daytime.

Note: 4:30 wake up and sleep after the dream.

Share the link: Zhao Liying wounded and then recorded the program... Zhao Liying was injured and her knees were bleeding! However, Ying Bao immediately put it into the next shot after simply washing and disinfecting.

Lu Han's video was not found, as seen in 15-year-old photos, the red clothes were clinging to the small rowan, his left leg was injured.

Did not move the phone again, just picked up the phone to see the microblogging, just the first hot search page is seen yesterday in the video to see the deer licking legs injured photos! Come on all the effort ah. Very strange. Also see OPPO mobile phone, even more strange, because just thought of cooking during the thought, think of yesterday saw many stars to help technological innovation, the title is OPPO, then think of this mobile advertising is the first time in Happy Camp See, very beautiful, that la la la girl music is very empty and beautiful, that the woman who is the Korean woman who. And this name is added on both sides of the oo, it is in the middle pp like ppap. - This then sees the photo of the deer that the mobile phone is looking for.

Still wondering is not just missed the search results? Also think of microblogging forward that article, but just quit, they search again, this time there is no such article, only the first search to see the red fox cover the face.

6.3 Day and night dreams: to attend the college entrance examination, a classroom in a junior high school, wearing only clothes and shorts, no pants, go to the classroom behind a big box to find their own clothes, where a lot of their own and classmates before the clothing. From scratch to the end, only to see two pants, a pure Qinglian, a red gold too fancy, and whether it is not their own, and first saw a half length of the champagne gold jacket to wear, this will Put on Ching Lin trousers, and feel that their style does not match, put a little stretch of the hem of the hem into the jacket. I do not want to sit on the seat no one noticed.

At this time the exam was started. The board read 8:10 hours. There was still a little time before the test. I said to the back seat, and now asked yesterday to test people who passed the exam, there is no time to ask what big problem to read their own books ah. That dream is classmate's gone.

I found myself in the stationery box only one what, was shocked, quickly asked students to take the test back row appliances, ask the back of a person borrowed rubber, signed pen, said good.

Then I went to the toilet before the exam and went out to see a lot of people playing on the playground. There were two rows of women playing games on the main street carrying the classroom row. When I asked a person, she was moving backwards and asked if she was coming. That person, I said to find the toilet closest to the toilet in Building 15, a man next to her pointing to the far left where there is, I said too far, the man said that you turn from here three bends and then Where ... I can not point to that, I say what you say I can find a way ah, so many classrooms.

- Was awakened by the downstairs radio at 6:40 am

Note: Before going to bed, he read Li Yifeng high school party interview video and classmate party photos. At the end of the video, Li Yifeng mentioned that a female student of his school wrote to him every week and said that what she had done this week and that she had a leaf every time. It was a bit scary. I think of my notes in high school records this one is a paste pasty feel ginkgo leaf samples, would like to be related to this? Thus think of readers read an article after work, that leaves all the trees fell out of the light will set their own boyfriend or marry their own forgotten / before I saw the college entrance examination only 122 days microblogging topic.

/ I saw two of the time they are writing 64, think of going to bed before going to see Manchurian cuisine is North and South (also encountered in North and South) 54 * 2 = 108, think Kangxi was born in 54 years, then say 64 dishes, 128 total Manchurian seats, think of earlier Find oppo saw Athena English Dictionary Saying Shakespeare's wife + 100 years with the German concubine, think of her 64-year-old to complete this dream is 6.4 days at 6:40. / Green Lotus pants and red pants seen in reality.

Doesn’t the reader’s article be the last leaf? Or vice versa? How leaves are the fate of the meaning of it? I was very impressed with this last leaf story and I saw it very early.

The little girl in a break is also called a small leaf.

Joan appeared inside the ~ leaves shook ~ Qiong Yao, rolled up the curtain ~ Li Qingzhao shutter people, rolling beads song, lung disease ~ two lung patients, said Mao Zedong and his husband are both lung disease , Husband and wife lung piece? The first two days to see the Central Academy of Fine Arts feel like painting the same, I thought that the sky spiral clouds will not be their painter and then projected to the sky? Often can not believe these, but also think of the fairy's telepathy will firmly believe their own.

Jia Ling's short article "Sprinting out of the Sisters' Test" Tianjin to Beijing took a year has not yet arrived, last night before going to bed to search for something accidentally saw this video, but also to test similar college entrance examination, with the dream.

6.5 05:45 Record the Dream: The front is the same thing, forget it.

In a homemade accident, the little girl died with her parents. A big seat they bought on the Internet had a fender shape for the girl. Dad sat on the other side and flew up and fell off the backyard. The girl died in a light red, gold-lined dress. The police carried away.

6.5 days afternoon sleepy asleep for a while to do the dream last night to see 103 celebrities see the night 12:20 pm:

And she sitting in a chair to play what, we make noise, I scratch her to hear the cat, the original cell phone accidentally press, I put the phone to her left ear to let her listen, and then both of them are asleep . I woke to see that she was being pressed by me, and my head was lying on the back of the chair, and she quickly awakened her. At this time I also woke up. -

Note: There was a curious cat out of 103 who had not noticed before.

17.6.7 night dreaming:

Asked the junior high school well that love to go to the square running teacher to eat what, open the refrigerator that there are duck chicken fish and shrimp ... ... She said that eating shrimp, I said duck stew kelp is delicious, eat. Take out the shrimp, into a shrimp, and she said fried delicious. I fight three that should be so big before. Then the kitchen mess, looking for kelp can not find, I remember there are half a piece, very anxious to see her on the balcony to see her Lj asked, your home or dormitory is not to go out is Well, lj said she went to buy it, she dressed out neatly, I said What is the brand of Emperor, there are a few pieces, about seven or eight. To her 20 not less, she wants to take 10, I give 20, and then back to the house to see duck and kelp boiled together. Quickly went to the kitchen window and told her not to buy it. Can not see, went to the next window, standing on the bed called her. She is far away from the window and can't see myopia. She sees me and becomes bcn that sales. She shouted several times without buying it. She couldn't hear it back and said it again. She was ready to come back. I was a little depressed and asked who got the kelp. I didn't find it, and I couldn't find someone to go out and buy it now. The second sister said that he had just cut it. I was angry and I didn't tell it. I didn't see it for a long time. She said that you might have gone out and did not see it. Go back to the kitchen and continue to cook. See the chopped dish that gets messy. Pick up and see the half-pulled watermelon wrapped in two pieces of paper on the floor.

Note: During the day, the circle of friends sees physical performance. It is a physics teacher. During the day it wants to eat the duck, I explain to you the duck stew kelp is delicious, then did you think kelp did not remember too lazy to look at, if not online to buy. Last night before going to bed to see what a 何 refrigerator video, refrigerator door stickers old rewards and punishments (previously seen video song is the name). Painting plus daddy combination of comic book for the humorous comic, the old driver entrance exam essay has the old driver (humorous driver thought of the original humorous driver because of an accident). Garbage said, microblogging have to clean the blood vessels junk food.

Keywords: physical female teacher + eat duck stew kelp and shrimp + buy kelp + refrigerator door + humorous old driver + garbage sorter ☞ This dream is running as it is.

This dream is a good logic, but also a lot of key word combinations like the daytime entrance essay writing articles like the Zen keyword combination


On April 17.6.8, I awoke and slept -05.58 minutes to wake up dreaming:

Doing laundry or doing something, can not find the utensils or what. A man should be like the poem before the General Assembly Pisces jade colleagues to explain to me the use of various items, opened a bed drawer that can put things here, pulled out the ribbon from the inside the same, the drawer automatically go back and opened On several occasions, I said that this was inconvenient, and the drawers were so small that they could not put anything. Explain what, forget it.

Before I went to the toilet, I saw a female student reading a few English words on a book. I didn't know how to spell a sentence. I helped her with a sentence. She asked the word is predicate, right? I say this how to count, is the noun ah. After reading for a long time, I didn't know how to combine sentences in a subject-predicate object structure. Seeing a phrase is flexible and flexible.

Go out to the classroom next door to see if there is no toilet, secretly open the back door actually there is nothing inside, no toilet, no one. Standing in front of the classroom, I saw two rows in front of and behind the junior high school classroom. I don't know where to find the toilet. Then the alarm wakes up

- Note: Yesterday the Gong Feng Blogger mentioned that the little girl of the poetry conference championship may imply other champions. Yesterday, I looked at the composition of the college entrance essay as a composition, which corresponds to a combination of English words in a dream.

6.10 05:38 Dream Record:

Handover and female leadership, and then handed over the end holding a lot of books, one of the commemorative book to school each page has many names written in English, painting a mess of every page, like the school newspaper that album. There are details do not remember what happened.

What another driver said to the three engineers, with specific instructions on what to forget. The three of them like me, want to learn from experience and wisdom.

Out from the company a lot of female colleagues, they are riding a car, there wy, what to laugh

- Note: During the day to see the great music fu, yin and yang is the transfer of the meeting, think of the meaning of the transfer now is just the company transfer ah. Forget the last humorous driver dreamed dream name, want to know make up but too lazy to check, export mobile phone photos happened to see the contact folder on the computer, see the company, found, but also to see another familiar driver name . Also saw the name of the former female leadership is very special, are beside a wooden word beside the mountain. See a secretary's name hometown hotel name, whether it is their own meditation related? They all looked at it and saw the name of the Engineering Department are special, do not know if there is any connection. During the day also saw the Gong peak or who's blog said several generations of Politburo Standing Committee's name, it seems the name is really very important ah! Your name determines whether or not you can do it! / Check email before to see photos sent to wy.

6.13 06:15 Dream Record:

What's in front of it is a little thought of it and it's easy to forget and forget...

The sentence, the number of romantic figures also see the present, added to what behind ...

Note: There are countless people in college entrance examination composition still see today. Some people say in the microblogging commentaries just use the heavenly gentleman to self-improvement and the last one written. Some people say that these two good write, with the middle of three bad writing score may be high.

6.14 Early Morning Dream Record:

WXY, a high school classmate, said we went to a place on the south (formerly a dream course followed by a school behind the square and then from north to south until it reached villages far from town). We got there by bus. After seeing the stop sign there was a large playground like a tennis court-like wire mesh where people danced. We do not want to go inside and jump outside. Where have you been together?

Note: The circle of friends to see the classmates issued a document, think of her something very special. Look music stickers: it is better to dance.

6 .15 at 3:13 pm record dream:

I went to a bath with a woman, no shampoo.

See LXH sitting on the chair on the street, I know he had asked him to ask, he may just come out from inside and rush to run for me to take, when a woman sat there I smiled and said to me: that really ~ I guess it may be Liu directly into the bathhouse. For a moment he was sorry I came back, I went in and took a bath.

Out, he made me take a pile of feces block, press a small piece on my forehead, then ran. I chased him and left him with a block and threw it around him. I chased it and threw it on his head. Many people on the road laughed. Some feces block hit, a lot of not hit, the road there are shops selling things, it seems like Hua Ting clothing market that scene. Suddenly woke up this time.


Note: hot search Carina Karen photo. See the Constitution, the traditional constitution is the following four elements of the heart, surprised first emperor is the meaning of this meaning ah! Hua, Speaking a few days ago Speaking, yesterday Wu Xin French song and dance is a flower pattern of several people composed of regular and non-stop changes, a combination of light and shadow. A few days ago or where to see the LXH wheat card, think of the longing life that the safety of the child after the incident occurred falls.

Yesterday because of the oil painting Great Wall, and see the photos of the Wall Carina Lau said: by your strong will, cultural spirit, aesthetic charm touched. Think of painting, the Great Wall, Wang Guowei aesthetic A Dream of Red Mansions comments, there is a sense of aesthetic taste is very important, and then see art to join the college entrance examination scores rumor, the network department has this with the rumor of the word picture, Pursue Summer Resort. Later, London 24th floor apartment lights bright fire video, there are a lot of bodies mentioned, as well as rice flag map. Also see a news 9 people died of carbon dioxide suffocation of the family groundwater hole, do not understand why so many people died, think of the story two days ago: blood train operation, understand the lungs are gas exchange sites, remove the exhaust gas CO2 is loaded with fresh O2. The main previously did not understand the kidney detoxification device, where a lot of rubbish unloading, think of a law of South North North absorption, think of this bowel movement. ~ Dream block.

Yesterday, because watching Fan Bingbing do not need to knock on the video to know their own dreams are mentioned in many of their dreams are in the middle school, the contents of the dream, there is a fly in the room next to the playground, so think of some interesting things, near the playground Point of the toilet, once a boy broke into the female toilet, it seems there is another time we went into the men's toilet do not know, came out and found a boy went in and found himself wrong. Dream into the bath mistakes. Now think about this event before the 16-year-old season there is a large section that such a thing, it should be a sign outside the girls bathroom door was accidentally closed over, a man went in to see the girls nudity what caused the chaos behind play. Teacher and schoolgirl kisses and shoots are their feet, the woman 踮 up, the lens is very impressed with montage, thought of this and friends related to it?

The deep hole in the house is underground. The picture is terrible. It is like a black hole and there are lots of wood chips next to it.


6.16 06:49 Dream Records:

What to test one of the writing, writing a lot of red characters in the word Miguel, according to the template where the red word to write, a portrait of oneself like that during the day to write, some well written, some bad, I do not know all the words are set to crooked. Also test other forgotten.

Later, that often met in the garden next to the supermarket, the lovely fat woman and other people together in a small place, semi-open, I have a place, they are next to me, next to the faucet sink . She accidentally did not know what to mess up I have just dragged to the ground are chemical syrup. I was about to leave. She dragged herself casually. She said she could make it. Well, I called and told me if I wanted to see it. I was still not afraid to be poisoned. I saw that she had confused the mop and I had used two mops for a long time. They have already gone, I have cleaned up all three places, it is already too late.

- Note: Yesterday saw 16-year-old season is 12 episodes, 49 minutes each episode, 49 49 49 years is very strange. It is 49 points to wake up today.

During the day to see the Jinan University septic tank rupture excretion into the river, one of two pictures of what people in the possession of a pipe and a machine, next to write high-tech manure. Also saw during the day what word is found next to work. She was reluctant to write a calligraphy assignment because she wrote very slowly and very well, but she could not play. A senior high school entrance examination.

I just wrote an article to see the background page of Happy Time. I saw that Time Pinyin was a work and it was the work I saw. Where I used to see traditional characters, the left side of the red string is like a string of lanterns, and the right side is a simple work.

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