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Heart Sutra: Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra 【心经】《般若波罗蜜多心经》



































































View of Buddha


Deep Prajna Paramita

(In his deep and deep meditative realm)

According to see five Yun are empty

(It is found that people are composed of five major factors: color, feeling, thinking, acting and knowing. When these five factors dissolve, they are emptied and gone)

Degree all martyred

(Buddha is thus enlightened, detached from all life and death)


(ah, relic)

Color is not different, air is not different

(Everything with a certain shape and occupying a certain volume of space is, by their very nature, a combination of other minor elements; this thing itself is not self-sufficient and therefore empty, so it can be said that " Different space, air is not different color"

Color is empty, space is color

(In turn, these things that are shaped and space-bound are empty in nature and empty is color.)

Want to know that line, same is the case

(If you look in this way, you will find that the flesh, the thoughts, the actions, and the consciousness that make up the body are all empty.)

Relics are empty ways

(Repose child, I said that all things are empty, means that they are all formed by the four major harmony, there is no self, so empty; as to say that the empty itself is not nothing but nothing, on the contrary, Behind, there is a real thing.

Nothing is not born and gone.

It is an everlasting, everlasting thing that does not live nor perish, nor does it neither grow nor shrink nor increase or decrease.

It is empty in the sky.

(Those who practice Buddhism and Taoism should be conscious of life and the emptiness of all things in the world, and you must see that there is no shape and volume in that empty space)


(There is no acceptance, thought, behavior, knowledge)

No eye, ear, nose, tongue and body.

(No eye roots, ear roots, nose roots, tongue roots, body, roots, etc.)

Colorless sound scent touch.

(No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, etc.)

No horizons. Even unconscious circles

(In Prajnaparamita, without vision and even in the unconscious, there is none in the eighteen, the eighteen in the earthen, and the eighteen in the eighteen;

No ignorance, no ignorance

(In such a state of enlightenment to the emptiness, it does not matter ignorance and ignorance, it does not matter ignorance and annihilation)

There is no even death

(even if it doesn't matter if there is no old, old, sick, or dead)

No bitter extinction.

(and things like bitterness, episode, extinction, and Taoism)

There is no gain without wisdom.

(That is really a kind of distracted knowledge, but also unintentional morality of the detached realm Yeah)

No income so it.

(However, you are enlightened because you have no desire whatsoever in the heart.)

Bodhi Sa 埵. By Prajna Paramita so

(So ​​meditate as I say this method)

Heart without obstruction.

(Your state of mind is no longer any concern)

Nothing to stop, no terror

(Because the state of mind has nothing to worry about, your heart is magnanimous, there is no terror)

Stay away from dreams upside down.

(Thus far from the world all the wrong ideas upside down confusion, calm as water)

After all, Nirvana.

(Ultimately you can achieve supreme enlightenment

3. Buddhas of the Third World are based on Prajna Paramita.

(In fact, none of the Buddhas of the past, present or future are deeply meditated, as I did)

Ahmad Duro Sanwa San Bodhi.

(And thus get the highest sense of right?)

It is known that Prajna Paramita

(From this it can be seen that the correct practice of meditation is the Great Mantra)

Is the Great Ming Curse. Is the supreme curse

(Great Ming Curse, the highest Dharma.)

In addition to all suffering, it is true

(It can remove all misery of sentient beings, and this is certain, without false knowledge.)

So say Prajna paramita curse

(Therefore, there is such a period of Prajna Paramita to advise you that this spell is:

Uncovering the Expo.

(To go over, fast crossing over,)

Bodhidharma exposes the truth

(To convert to Dharma monk Sambo, faster to reach the other side of the awesome!)

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