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"All things and one theory" 《万 物 一 理》——以波粒(阴阳)二象为基础的新禅学

Updated: Apr 8, 2018

"All things and one theory" - The new Zen study based on wave and grain (Yin and Yang) images

For the heavens and the earth to make a heart, for the life of the people, for the pilgrimage to continue learning, peace for all ages.

---(Ming Dynasty) Zhang Zai

Author: Fu Chan Friends of the version number 3.45 updated on January 25, 2015


Based on the wave-particle duality of modern quantum physics, this book combines ancient Chinese philosophy of ancient civilization, ancient Indian philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy of Western civilization to construct a new epistemology of material reality and consciousness. On this basis, the key points of the original Dharma core theory were re-clarified, and the key points of the core theories of the I Ching and Taoist philosophy of the Chinese philosophy were re-examined, and the most fundamental problems that plagued science, namely the fog of quantum measurement and the view of time and space, were made. New solution. Through the summarization and analysis of the exploration experience of the ultimate problem in the fields of religion, philosophy, and science for thousands of years, human beings have been pursuing truth, integrating and innovating, and they have constructed a new set of new civilizations that embraces Eastern and Western civilizations, embraces religion, philosophy, and science. The ideological system thus provides an important theoretical foundation and key direction for realizing the ultimate freedom of individual minds, for the realization of scientific benign development, for the realization of human ideological liberation, and for the achievement of civilized leap.

In physics theory, wave-particle duality means that any microscopic particle has discontinuous particle nature and continuous volatility. Two conflicting but mutually exclusive natures, under different conditions, show particles. Sex and volatility. Wave-particle duality is the basis of the theoretical system of quantum mechanics. Nobel laureate Richard Feynman called it "a true mystery in quantum mechanics." The reason why this book places wave-particle duality at the center of the theoretical system is because it is the fundamental law of all things. It is not only the fundamental nature of matter, but also the fundamental nature of consciousness. The wave-particle duality of consciousness is also one of the core contents of this book.

Waves and grains are actually fundamentally related to the "emptiness" mentioned by the Dharma and the "yin and yang" of the Yi Jing and Taoist philosophy. Wave-particle duality is not only the theoretical core of physics, but also the fundamental core of Dharma and I Ching. Based on wave-particle duality, there are the core theories of Buddhism such as origin, impermanence, bitterness, selflessness, and Nirvana; based on wave-particle duality, there is the transformation of yin and yang based on the Yijing, and endless waves; The basis of dualism is the complex evolution and harmony of the universe. On the basis of wave-particle duality, it can be extended to space and masculine, yin and yang, material consciousness, materialism and idealism, realism and anti-realism, ontology and phenomenon, rationalism and empiricism, discontinuous and Continuity, finiteness, and infinity, fundamental religious, philosophical, and scientific issues such as mathematics and reality, as well as the origin of the universe, samsara and liberation.

Waves and grains do not only hide the core secrets of materials, but also hide the core secrets of consciousness. Not only do matter have the duality of wave and grain, consciousness also has the duality of wave and grain, and they have a complete understanding of the dual nature of matter and consciousness. It will allow us to gain a new understanding of the universe and space-time. It will not only allow us to recognize the ultimate meaning of life, and achieve the ultimate freedom and liberation of the soul. It is also the key to solving our current social crisis and the overall civilisation.

“How unified the wave-particle duality of light and microscopic particles is considered to be the most puzzling issue in the history of human cognition. It cannot be said that the problem has been completely resolved.”[[[][][][][][quote] from Baidu Encyclopedia Explanation]]]. Whether in the field of philosophy or science, or the field of Buddhism, there are many related disputes, some of which lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years. Most of the major philosophers and scientists in human history have been involved in related issues.

In about 500 BC, the ancient Greek philosopher De Creight proposed that the origin of the world is discontinuous, discrete, and inseparable particle formation, and opposed the idea of ​​continuity at the time. Since then, the origin of the world has been discontinuous, and discrete particles have been the continuum of the ontology (soul, ether, wave, field) and the relationship between them. In the 18th century, Newton reestablished its dominance in the particle theory, but by the 19th century, it was challenged by the fluctuation theory of Maxwell and others. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the birth of quantum physics, theory and experiment finally proved that particle properties and volatility are the common properties of light and microscopic particles, that is, wave-particle duality, but how do two kinds of conflicting images are? Unification of a single physical object creates fierce debates among the scientific community and sparked the decades-long debate between two scientific giants Einstein and Bohr. Einstein's theory of relativity was established in a continuous field. Based on the above, Bohr's quantum physics is based on the non-continuity quantum basis. One is the founder of the theory of relativity, and the other is the head of quantum physics. The two sides debated on continuity and non-continuity, as well as the decisive and probabilistic basis on this basis, and the establishment of objective reality. Incompatibility is the longest, most influential, and most profound scientific debate in the history of modern science. Even after their death, the important issue raised by the dispute continues in the scientific community and continues to this day.

Former Soviet Union scientist Reidnick pointed out in his book “History of Quantum Mechanics”: “Today, all the problems that determine the deepest nature of the microcosm of the microcosm are the highest peaks in the unconquered mountains that physics faces: There are two basic forms of the relationship between physical (particles) and field (waves)-.

Einstein said in the "Physics Evolution": "If we want to use a sentence to show the basic concept of quantum theory, we can say this: It must be assumed that some physical quantities that were previously considered to be continuous are made up of discontinuous basic quantum. The composition of these words is still the best illustration of the famous "quantum theory" in the history of scientific development. Quantum theory began with the "working quanta" proposed by German physicist Max Planck in 1900. He believes that when an atom emits or absorbs radiation, there is a minimum fixed unit, and this minimum unit of energy is called the “energy sub” (later renamed “quantum”). Bohr researcher Goge explained to the discontinuous quantum phenomenon in the article “Quantum and Life” that “Atomic absorption of radiation can be said to be atomic 'eating' radiation. It does not eat like milk, but like Eat rice like this, every grain is the smallest unit of food." Previously, classical physics was built on the basis of continuity, but the quantum effect caused the loss of continuity in the traditional sense of space and time, which subverted the traditional physical view based on continuity established by Newton et al. This subversive even its original founder, Planck, was frightened and opposed by scientists such as Einstein and Schrödinger who persisted in continuity. Einstein always called quantum theory as a discussion of the "continuity and discontinuity" of matter.

Continuity of waves and discontinuous particles are a basic contradiction in physics. In a sense, the entire history of physics can be seen as a continuous or discontinuous description of the history of the competition of matter and its phenomena. The argument of quantum mechanics is essentially the continuation of the competition between continuity and non-continuity. Since the wave-particle duality has not been completely resolved, there is a profound contradiction between quantum physics and general relativity. This contradiction has become a dark cloud over modern physics, and the measurement of fog and particle duality involved in consciousness and The status is even more regarded as the most difficult and confusing problem in theoretical physics, and it is also acknowledged that the next revolution in physics must be solved.

In the area of ​​Buddhism, since the Buddha's death, Buddhism has multiplied and each of its internal factions has revolved around non-consecutive minimalist [[[[][education] units that are considered the smallest indivisible unit of Buddhism. Whether or not there is an empty relationship on the basis of this, the five-nirvana relationship continued for more than two thousand years of disputes, and in particular, there was a conflict between Buddhism and Buddhism. The adherence of the ministry to the matter, whether it is material or consciousness, has an indivisible minimum unit, that is, "very small." The Abhidhamma [[[] [Abhidharma] is a collection of Buddhism. It literally means a sacred law and is a summation of the core teachings of Buddhism. The South-bound episode says that Abhidhamma is also what Buddha said. Its status is even higher than that of the Tripitaka. The epistemology of]] is a non-continuous, quantized epistemology, dominated by discrete thoughts, while Mahayana has a clear-cut opposition to the indivisibility of the very existence of the dragon. [[[[] Dragonstreet is the foundation stone of Mahayana Buddhism theory The man, known as the eight ancestors, founded the doctrine of the origin of the Middle View, and he is the founder of the actual meaning of Mahayana. ]] and the relatives of the world [[[] is the main founder of the theory of Mahayana wisdom. ]] Others, such as the Mahayana Patriarchs, specifically criticized the ministries of non-continuity of the ministry. Based on this, they created a theoretical system such as Mahayana's Messiah's origins and the knowledge of the Falun Dafa. Due to the slightest negation of discontinuousness, Mahayana's Heart Sutra is the core of Mahayana theory with the illusion of “nothingness is different and color is not different”. Adhere to and further improve. In the practice of meditation, Mahayana has no difference between the two propositions. He is inseparable from life and death and does not take Nirvana's liberation ideas. However, Taksin insists that empty color is the incompatibility of Nirvana and the Five Continents. Then, in the practice of meditation, he advocates the fundamental differences between the five vicissitudes and Nirvana respectively.

Hinayana is a theoretical system dominated by non-continuity and dualism. Mahayana is a theoretical system based on continuity and independence. The theoretical contradiction of the two is a fundamental and irreconcilable contradiction. The fundamental contradiction of the core theory has led to the sharp opposition between the practice of meditation and the concept of liberation. This fundamental contradiction of contradiction has not yet been effectively resolved.

For the "continual and discontinuous" (waves and grains, yang and yin) this fundamental material phenomenon and spiritual phenomenon, the philosophers and scientists of the East and the West have continued to explore and have achieved a series of results, but so far there have been no solve it completely. It is also considered to be an ancient but fundamental and profound idea in natural science and human thinking; it is also one of the most important and confusing areas of thinking. Particles and waves, continuous and non-continuous, Wu Yun and Nirvana, Kong Heyou, Yang and Yin. The philosophers, thinkers, and scientists of the East and West have produced many different understandings about these worlds and the origin of the ego, and have caused many disputes in the fields of science, philosophy, and religion. They have puzzled thousands of philosophers and scientists for thousands of years. What is wrong? What is truth and what is wrong?

This book addresses these fundamental issues and integrates the ideas of ancient China, ancient India, and ancient Greek philosophers. Through the integration of religion, philosophy, and science, the book raises new epistemology of matter and consciousness, which in turn plagues human self and world origin. Religious, philosophical and scientific questions provide new solutions. These solutions are almost entirely due to the simple and profound theory of wave-particle duality. It is worth noting that the mutual complementation of wave-particle two-images is actually the core of Yin and Yang Taiji in the Chinese Yijing and Daoist philosophy, in Taiji. The picture has the most vivid and direct expression. As a Chinese, we should be very proud.

The ancients said: "The beginning of all things, the road to simplicity, derivation to the complex," Wave and particle duality contains the most fundamental "one theory", is the fundamental principle of all things, based on which there are complex and complex evolution of all things And Daqian world, this is the origin of the title "All things and one theory".

The brand-new epistemology, world view, and methodology built on the wave-particle (Yin-Yang) imagery are used to form a complete system of ideas and beliefs. This is called New Zen. It absorbed the essence of the ancient civilizations of the East and the West and absorbed the old forms of Buddhism, namely the advantages of religion (theology), philosophy, and science, overcoming their deficiencies, and solving some of their fundamental contradictions. This new ideological system will have the opportunity to end the 2,000-odd-year struggle between Buddhism and religion, put an end to the dispute between religion and science, put an end to the dispute between Eastern and Western civilizations, and promote a new ideological and scientific revolution. More importantly, it will point out a clear path for the individual's spiritual liberation and a benign development of collective civilization. He will establish harmony, benevolence, morality, integrity, reason, freedom, democracy, equality, justice, and the rule of law. Eastern culture is the dominant core value. In order to coordinate the balance between individuals, society and nature, and promote the overall civilized leap.

Constantly improving the new Zen education that is mature and flourishing will become a new human faith choice. This belief will be a thorough de-religion, de-authorization, transcendence of personification, freedom from all rigid dogmas and irrational religious theology. It is based on a rational understanding of spiritual humanity and the material universe. The realization of the organic harmony of individuals, society, and the universe is the ultimate belief of Einstein's human future. This brand-new belief system will not only have the opportunity to achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization and realize our "Chinese dream", but also will eventually lead to the common dream of countless philosophers from both east and west: "Greater harmony in the world."

Unlike some of the pessimistic doomsday collapse predictions of Western civilization, there are many famous prophecies in the history of China that represent Eastern civilization, such as “Back Map”, “Before Lessons”, “Song Cake Song”, and “Crown Numbers”. , "Plum Blossom", "The Year of the Dragon", "Wuhou 100 Years" and South Korea's "The Record" are all surprisingly predicting a bright future that will come. "No city, no, no, no, no. , A world under the rule of the government.", "Red, yellow, black and white is not clear, the northeast and southwest do the best." If we can truly realize the truth of mankind and the universe, break the yoke of ideology, and achieve decisive renewal of values ​​and transformation of consciousness, then the establishment of a human ideal society dreamed and predicted by sages is not a utopian fantasy. Expect and reachable. We will have the privilege of witnessing an astonishing transformation of the most magnificent of human history. Whether this reform can be successfully completed and when it can be completed will in no way depend on the strength of one or several people, but on the hard work of each of us. The fate of civilization lies in the hands of everyone and is in the hands of all those who read the book. Learn, think, choose, act!

This book is the beginning of a new Zen study! Fu Zenyou

March 12, 2014 Beijing Tiantong Court

Read several notes of this book

Maintain necessary spiritual openness

Since this book has many subversive revolutionary points of view, and the traditional experience of most people, including the traditional Dharma, there are great differences, so please keep a certain degree of openness in reading, do not rush to determine.

Read patiently and think hard

Many of the arguments in this book are based on certain logic and are contrary to conventional experience. They are subversive to the traditional world view. They include both logical thinking arguments and physical experiment evidence, as well as classic Dharma evidence including personal meditation practice experiences. So be patient and read carefully. This book is not a shallow book on the soul of chicken soup, but contains a profound understanding of the existence and the relevant interpretation of science, philosophy and Dharma. If you resist thinking and resist logical reason, then you will not be suitable for reading this book.

You can read through it first, then read it second time, third time... and it will work better. If you are just taking a fancy reading and lacking in-depth and meticulous learning and thinking, then it is difficult for you to benefit from this book.

The lack of first draft

This book is only a preliminary draft, and the degree of completion is still very low. Most of the chapters are sketchy drafts, and there are no written essays. The key points are listed and the program of the new ideology of the new meditation is established. Most of the arguments have not been fully explained.

Because the book covers a wide range of areas involved, and is also a fundamental issue explored, and even some of the arguments can be independently launched a book, so if there are questions about the book, or think that the evidence is not Full, then please be patient and wait for the book to be completed and follow-up related works. For some incomprehensible technical terms in the book, please search on your own web to understand the meaning. If you want to read the book completely, you need to add a lot of relevant basic knowledge of religious philosophy and science.

For some of the ideas provided in the book, including those that seem to have doubts, I hope that more can lead to your further independent thinking and mining. At present, one of the objectives of providing the initial implementation that has not yet been completed is to find deficiencies and collect suggestions. For those places where there are some typos or sentences in the draft, please do not hesitate to raise them. I will amend them at any time.

If you have any questions, please also welcome us in our website. We very much welcome your suggestions. It will also encourage the continuous improvement of this book. At the same time, I very much welcome you to write a book reading experience and experience, can be posted in our forum. Http://, or participate in discussions in the QQ group (2192365). There are more internal discussions in the QQ group.

table of Contents

[Preface] 2

Chapter 1 Zen and Zenology 14

I. Origin of New Zen Creation 14

Second, what is "Zen" 20

1. Ancient Chinese “Zen” 20

2. Ancient Indian “Zen” 22

3, Ancient Greek “Zen” 24

4. Contemporary "Zen" 25

What is Zen Education 27

Chapter 2 Two Realisms of Wave and Particles 29

First, the brief introduction of granularity 29

1. A brief overview of granular reality 29

2, the core elements of granular reality 31

Second, the characteristics of granular reality 33

1. Origins 33

2. Impermanence (non-continuous, discrete) 50

3, bitter (unsatisfactory) 58

4, no me (no master) 60

Third, the wave of the real introduction 63

1. A brief overview of wave reality 63

2, the core essence of wave of reality 64

Fourth, the characteristics of wave real 64

1. Non-residuality 65

2, often (continuity) 65

3, without me (no dominance) 65

4. Dispersion 76

5. Entanglement (integrity) 76

6, other features 81

Chapter III Mutual exclusion of wave and grain

I. Overview of mutual exclusion and complementarity 93

1. Introduction to Bohr's Complementary Principles 93

2. Detailed Analysis of Bohr's Complementary Principles 95

3. Mutual exclusion and complementarity also apply to Wuyun and Nirvana 97

Second, mutual exclusion and complementary core points 100

1. The wave and grain are mutually exclusive, and the five vicissitudes are mutually exclusive.

2. Complementary wave and grain, complementary to Wuyun and Nirvana 102

3, mutual exclusion and lack of one another 102

Chapter 4 The Phenomenon and the Zen Community 110

I. Overview of the phenomenon community 110

Second, the zen world overview 110

III. The Relationship between Phenomenon and Zen

Chapter 5 Mathematics and Reality 128

First, everything in ancient Greece is 128

Second, the important role of mathematics 129

Third, mathematics real 129

Chapter 6 New Explanation of Time and Space View 138

First, the classic physical space-time view 139

Second, the theory of relativity physical space-time 139

Third, the quantum space-time perspective of quantum physics 140

Fourth, a new dualistic view of time and space 140

Chapter VII A New Interpretation of Ancient Chinese Philosophy 150

I. New interpretation of the core contents of the I-Ebook 150

“Easy to have tai chi, it is two instruments of living, four images of two instruments, and four images of gossip” 150

Second, the new interpretation of the core content of morality 156

1, Daosheng, a lifetime, two students, three students, all things

2. All things in the world are born and there are no children born. 157

3. Something mixed and congenital. Loneliness does not change its independence. It can be the mother of the whole world. 157

4. Human Law, Heaven and Earth, Heaven Law, Taoism and Nature 158

5, for learning more and more, for the daily damage, loss and damage, so that nothing, nothing and nothing. 158

Chapter VIII New Interpretation of the Ultimate Philosophical Problem 159

One, who am I? 159

Second, where do I come from? 159

Third, where do I go? 160

Fourth, nature is good and sex is evil 160

V. Materialism and Idealism 160

Sixth, Rationalism and Empiricism 161

Seven, stillness and movement 162

Eight, fatalism and free will 162

Nine, the ultimate meaning of life 164

Chapter 9 New Solutions for Power and Prediction 165

First, the new solution of supernatural power 165

1, The basic principle of magical power 165

2. The practice of magical practice 167

3. Limitations and Issues Needed to Be Paid Attention to

Second, forecast new solution 169

1, the basic principle of prediction 169

2. Fundamentals of the I Ching 169

3. The basic principles of astrology 169

4. The relationship between prediction and fatalism and free will 170

Chapter 10 The Zen Man in History 171

I. The founder of religion 171

1. Zen Buddha Shakyamuni 171

2. Zen Laozi 171

3, Confucius of Zen 171

4. The Zen of Jesus 171

5. Zen Mohammed 171

Second, the founder of philosophy 172

1. Zen Socrates 172

2. Zen Plato 172

3, Aristotle Zen 172

Third, the scientific founder 172

1. Zen Newton 172

2. Zen Einstein 172

3, Zen Bohr 172

Fourth, other important Zen 173

1. Krishnamurti of Zen 173

2. Zen Mahzah 173

3. Zen Gates Bill Gates 173

4, Zen Man Jobs 173

5. Zen's Xi Jinping 174

Chapter Eleven Practice Guide for Zen 176

I. Individual Meditation Practice Guidance 176

1. The relationship between theory and meditation 176

2. The basic outlook needed to be established before meditation 180

3, meditation guide 190

4. Guide to daily life meditation 196

5, Views of Wisdom and Enlightenment Reference 196

6. Several major pitfalls of meditation 209

Second, the Zen practice of parent-child relationship 212

3. The practice of Zen in the relationship between the sexes 213

IV. Practice of Zen Management in Business Management 213

V. The practice of Zen in social management 213

Chapter Twelve: Inheritance and Criticism of Old Zen Buddhism 214

I. Old Zen understanding and summary 214

1. What is religion 214

2. What is philosophy 215

3, what is science 216

What is faith 218

Second, the criticism of the old Zen 221

1. The Critical Reflections on Northern Mahayana Buddhism 221

2. The Critical Reflections on the Southbound Transit Buddhism 225

3. Critical Reflection on Chinese Traditional Culture 231

4. Criticism of the New Age Movement 232

5. Critical reflection of contemporary science 232

6. How to Rationally Choose Your Belief 233

Chapter Thirteen New Zen Characteristics and Promotion Promotion 240

A. New Zen Studies in the Age of Water Bottles 240

Second, the main features of the new Zen 242

III. Impact of New Zen Studies on Traditional Religions 249

Fourth, promote the promotion of the new Zen study 250

Chapter XIV Integration of Eastern and Western Civilizations: Zen Civilization 252

I. Comparison of Eastern and Western Civilizations 252

1, Oriental civilization features 252

2. Features of Western Civilization 252

3. Conflict and Integration of Eastern and Western Civilizations 252

Second, Zen civilization and the world Datong 253

1. Characteristics of Zen civilization 253

2, the world is big 253

Appendix 258

I. Answers to some important questions 258

1. Where is karma storage and past memory stored? 258

2. What are the subjects of reincarnation and liberation? 258

3, The indivisibility of the minimum (whether the name, the color or not) exists 259

4, whether there is a body in the body, how to explain the details of the rotation. 260

5、 Whether the five-Yun birth must be extinguished and Nirvana has a life but no contradiction is contradictory 260

6. Why is the fourth thought of living alone the only way to relief? 261

7. Why do we need to be truly natural and aware? 262

8. Does time and space exist independently? 262

9. Is the Dharma idealism? 262

10. Can the confirmation of the essence of reincarnation and reincarnation not require fate? 262

11. Does the origin and the first cause (first motivator) of the creation of all things exist? 263

12. Is there a Creator and God? 263

13. What is the relationship between mathematics and reality? 264

14. Has God designed the mathematical language? 264

15. Why scientists and meditators can understand eternal truth? 265

16. Science is just a mortal imagination. It is only a study of the world phenomenon. Can it not be applied to Dharma? 265

17. Must learn modern science such as quantum physics to understand the Dharma? 265

18. Why the recognition of wave and grain images, especially the discovery of the zen world, is the key to realizing the rise of civilization 266

19. How to Realize the Discovery of the Zen Community (Nirvana Circle) 266

20. Recognizing the role of wave and grain dualism in the scientific integration of religious philosophy and the integration of Eastern and Western civilizations 266

21. Recognizing the role of wave and grain dualism in rebuilding human values ​​267

Second, the author part of the network finishing 269

1. A very simple picture shows a very deep Dharma 269

2. A wonderful description of impermanence in “In this life” 284

3. Two dark clouds enveloped in Buddhism in the South Transmitory seat

4, ashes and Nirvana rebirth 289

5. Questioning and Critique of Pao meditation must be indiscernible

6. In-depth thinking over the past few years and a summary of the practice of Dharma meditation 294

7. Regarding “Bitter, No Me, Present, Time, Truth, Faith” 299

8. A vivid account of the mutual exclusion of the Five Eminences by Mahāsī Sayādaw

9. The Buddha described important verses of Nirvana in his living testimony.

10. Pursuit of liberation Nirvana is also obsessed with love? 307

11. About “Dharma, Buddhism, and Buddhism Spread” 308

12. Is the Dharma a popular sentient being? 308

13. The Reality of Microscopic Particles - Interview with Stanford University Professor Zhao Wu 309

14. Rewrite Mahayana 260 words <Heart Sutra> to restore the true meaning of Dharma 321

Third, excerpts from scientists 323

Fourth, microblogging quotations 342

V. About the author 369

1, My Life Experience 369

2. My strengths and weaknesses 374

3, about my self-proclaimed enlightenment 374

4. Why did I withdraw from Buddhism 376

5. Why should I establish a new belief 376

Six, on the book 377

1. Why did I write this book? 377

2. Writing Background and Writing Process of "All Things, One Reason" 377

3. The Revolutionary Breakthrough and Historical Significance of “All Things, One Reason” 378

4. The Inadequacies of "All Things One"

5, "All things" charge model 383

6. Reference Books for All Things

7. Recommended Reading Books for All Things

Seventh, noun explanation 388

Eight, version update record 388

【 Postscript 】 390

To pay tribute to the Buddha: "One Piece of Everything" is publicly released in version 395

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