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pan-proof repair points 泛的修证要点

Updated: Feb 28, 2018

Pan yi philosophy 泛易哲学

The way to reach "God" is "devotion, emptiness", that is, everything that is perceived as being perceived is superficial or illusory and should be sacrificed. The inner reality that remains is God. The way to achieve "Ming" is "without me, self-emptiness", that is, to recognize and experience both individuals and gods is uncertain.

Pan is not like a simple state of God or plain, but intelligence and intelligence God all four as one realm of integration, one can not be missing.

Through can epiphany, but also step by step certification. Step by step, then, according to the situation <Chi << God <Ming's order ("<" symbol indicates the size of control), the first constraint feelings, so that rational control of feelings; and then the feelings and the intellect are calm down, fuzzy things Boundaries, entering the inner world to listen to their inner soft, but objective and true voice, which reached the God; finally realized in front of all dreams like uncertainty, to achieve. Then in the intelligence between God repeatedly switch to understand the implications of a fractal spiral, pan-integration has been mastered, that is, enlightenment pan. Can be freely adjusted between voicing, macro-micro at different levels can be converted, is a sign of pan-Pan.

The controlling power of the four images, the intelligence <God << Ming, does not mean the need to exclude feelings of intelligence, on the contrary, the need is through, in the through which can give full play to all four functions of the image. So a complete sequence of control should be: Love <God << Ming <<< Pan.

Pan is not only the theoretical basis of spiritual evolution, but also the ultimate method of comprehension, as well as the result of ultimate happiness.





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