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We are in all time and space! 我们就在所有时空中!

Updated: Feb 28, 2018


Author: universe university

After watching CCTV 9's "go through wormhole with Morgan freeman," we know that the scientific community has a concept of future and future. Its true, past and future are material grain wave of light and shadow, to complex system, the future is not also don't have to copy, because the future at the beginning of time, is the material form and time to continue to develop after vacuum direction, to develop in the direction of vacuum material, coming after will not pass, because the material is eternal, the so-called the past and future, only has segmented wave before and after the change to the material grain. Is our true self in all the material grains in the form of time and space, between the past and the future of travel, can find the material of self, or to replicate the past and the future again.

刚看完央视9的“与摩根弗里曼一起穿越虫洞”节目3,知道科学界已经有了将来与过去之间和未来的概念。其真,过去和将来是物质粒波化出来的光影罢了,可以复 制的,未来则不可也不必复制,因为未来在时间之始,是物质粒形成和时间之后继续发展的真空方向,向真空方向发展的物质,来了之后就不会过去了,因为物质是 永恒的,所谓过去与将来,只是已来物质粒的前后分段波化而已。即我们真实的自我就在所有时空形成的物质粒中,过去和将来之间的旅行,可以通过找回物质粒中 的自我,重新或重新复制过去与将来的。

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