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An inscription on Li Ning's Retreat

By Jia Dao

The host of the retreat lives in idleness

and lacks neighbour.

A weedy path is leading to

his deserted garden without visitor.

In trees by the pond

birds are lodging overnight.

A monk is knocking at the door

in the moon light.

On the other side of the bridge

is a riot of colour in the wilderness out.

Rocks seem to be moving

under the foot of floating clouds.

I'm leaving for the time being

and will be back here again

To live a seclusive life with you

as I've promised, not in vain.


闲居少邻并,草径入荒园。 鸟宿池边树,僧敲下门。 分野色,移动云根。 暂去还来此,幽期不负言。

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