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I Died for Beauty

(Emily Dickinson)

I died for beauty——but was scarce Adjusted in the Tomb When one who died for Truth,was lain In the adjoining Room——

He questioned softly“Why I failed?” “For beauty,”I replied. “And I——for Truth——Themself are One We B rethren,are,”He said——

And so,as Kinsmen,met a Night—— We talked between the Rooms—— Until the Moss had reached our lips—— And covered up——our names——

我为美丽而死去   Emily Dickinson   翻译 汤安

  我为美丽而死去   但是却难以安息   直到有人殉身真理   来到我的隔壁   他柔声相问, “你为何玉殒?”   我答道,“因为美丽”   “我是为了真理--   真与美一体, 咱们是兄弟”   从此,像亲人们晚间聚会   我们隔墙倾怀相叙   直到苍苔蔓延过唇际   将我们的名字一一抹去      殉 美   余光中 译

  我为美死去,但是还不曾   安息在我的墓里,   又有个为真理而死去的人   来躺在我的隔壁。   他悄悄地问我为何以身殉?   “为了美,”我说。   “而我为真理,两者不分家;   我们是兄弟两个。”   于是像亲戚在夜间相遇,   我们便隔墙谈天,   直到青苔爬到了唇际,   将我们的名字遮掩。

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