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Quiet night thinking

A tranquil night

By li bai

There was moonlight in front of my bed, and I suspected frost on the ground.

He raised his head to look at the moon and looked down to his hometown.

1, "the moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground." Most likely to be misinterpreted. Right interpretation: the poet placed himself in the autumn night under the moon well edge, looked up at the distance, suddenly homesick feeling.

Bed, is not the meaning of bed, but as "well bar" solution.

"Ci hai" in the clear notes, the bed is "inoue fence". Li bai wrote this poem in the fifteenth year of kaiyuan in tang dynasty (AD 727), and called "where there is well water" his hometown.

Bright moon, mountain moon.

3, tancheng earthquake, the jiangnan appeared frost. Kun gua has shoe frost.

4, dream of red mansions, xiangling judgment has hometown.

5, because bed remembers the strong link.

Quiet night thinking

Author: Li Bai

The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground.

Looking up at the moon, looking down at hometown.

1, "the moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground." The most easily misunderstood. Correct interpretation: The poet is on the edge of the well under the autumn moon, and looks up and looks homesick.

The bed is not the meaning of the couch, but the "well hurdle" solution.

In the "Ci Hai", it is clearly stated that the bed is "in the upper fence." Li Bai's poem was written in the fifteenth year of Tang Kaiyuan (AD 727), and called "the well water area" as his hometown.

2, the moon, the mountain has a month.

3, Tancheng earthquake, south to frost. Kun Yu has a frost.

4, Red Mansion Dream, Xiangling judgment has a hometown.

5, because of the bed think of the above strong association.


床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。


床,不是卧榻的意思,而作“井栏”解。 《辞海》里明确注释,床是“井上围栏”。李白此诗作于唐开元十五年(公元727年),把“有井水处”称为故乡。





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23 févr. 2019

Compassionate on Peasants

One seed is sown into the field

in spring,

In autumn thousands of grains

are being harvested.

There is no idle farmland within the country;

Yet peasants are starved to death as we often see.

At noon peasants are hoeing the fields

when the sun is scorching.

Onto the earth under seedlings

beads of their sweat are dripping.

Who knows every grain of rice in the bowl

is the fruit of their toiling?







23 nov. 2018

Mercy on farmers * two heads

Tang dynasty: li shen

Sow a grain of millet in spring and reap ten thousand seeds in autumn.

All have no idle field, the farmer Jude starve to death.

Hoe grain to be noon for day, began sweating grain soils.

Who knows dish Chinese food, each grain all is laborious?

  • Dream of red mansion, crimson pearl fairy grass.

  • Land, land; land. Male, tian li.

  • Ten thousand seeds, pomegranates.

  • Crimson, cry, crib, crime.

Benjamin Agriculture*Two

Tang Dynasty: Li Wei

Spring planting one grain, the Autumn Harvest million units sub.

Universal no idle land, the farmer still starve to death.

Hoe Wo day when afternoon, sweat Wo soil.

Who knows the Chinese food, the grains are…

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